I try to use the plugin with a remote Java library and get an error: Code: -32700 redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcFault: parse error. not well formed. I modifiyed the send methode like this:
StringBuffer buffer = ((StringWriter) writer).getBuffer();
String data = buffer.toString();
String privateHash = StringUtils.sha256(privateKey + StringUtils.sha256(privateKey + data));
String dataSHA = publicKey + “||” + privateHash;
byte[] dataArray = dataSHA.getBytes(XmlRpcMessages.getString(“XmlRpcClient.Encoding”));
connection.setRequestProperty(“Content-Length”, String.valueOf(dataArray.length));
OutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
Hi there , I want to add the blogpress app using your plugin , I have installed it and all is fine
Except I can not see the page as per your screenshot or link which allows me to add the app ?
Newbie … and would appreciate the help
Thanks for making this plugin available. It will help many to get protected from hackers.
I installed the plugin and went to profile and see the
Remote Publishing Permissions
but no applications are listed below
but I use the jetpack I think it uses the xml-rpc
use wptouch mobile converter plugin I think using the xml-rpc
but I cannot see any of them listed under the
Remote Publishing Permissions
I only see link: Add a new application Generate application keys
Do I have to manually generate keys from above link and then assign the application names for them accordingly
I never use any other method to post or edit my content like mobile or live writer I’m only using jetpack and wptouch plugin and allinone security plugin. Please can you explain me how to configure the plugin
Thank you Take care
]]>The donate link for this plugin is broken, most likely a minus sign is missing, as secure-xmlrpc
should read secure-xml-rpc
First off, thanks for the making this plugin! I am trying to extend the python wordpress-xmlrpc library to work with your plugin. I think all I need to do is compute and encode the header and pass it along to the server, but when I do so, I get an error that says username and password are invalid.
wordpress_xmlrpc.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsError: Incorrect username or password.
This is the bit of python code that sends out the header:
23 def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
24 pk_hash = ba.hexlify(b64.b64encode(hl.sha256(self.private_key+request_body).hexdigest()))
25 auth_header = self.public_key+'||'+pk_hash
26 if (self.accept_gzip_encoding and gzip):
27 connection.putrequest("POST", handler, skip_accept_encoding=True)
28 connection.putheader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
29 connection.putheader("Authorization",auth_header)
30 else:
31 connection.putrequest("POST", handler)
32 connection.putheader("Authorization",auth_header)
I am not 100% sure I am computing the header correctly – I notice in the example you provide the Authorization header is entirely in hex – the second half is not in the base64 alphabet (as it is in my code)
The header I compute for your example:
req_body= \
req_body= '<?xml version="1.0?>' + ''.join(req_body.split())
private_key = '7647a19f5bf3e9fd001419900ad48a54'
public_key = 'b730db0864b0d4453ba6a26ad6613cd4'
hdr = public_key + '||' + b64.standard_b64encode(hl.sha256(private_key + req_body).hexdigest())
print hdr
gives me
in constrast to your example which is
Thanks for any help!