Rating: 1 star
attacks continued after installing it… totally useless
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Very simple idea well executed.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have a profound love-hate relationship with most “monsters” security plugins a la wordfence & co… and this plugin is exactly the opposite : it does ONE thing but does it WELL !!!
A big thanks to the developer.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I tried numerous other plugins without result. After I installed Security-protection, the continuous attacks stopped. Thank you for developing and sharing such a great plugin, great work!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin fights against brute force attacks using a very inteligent solution. It is like a Martial Arts Master. Congratulations to Webvitaly!
(I recommend Anti-Spam too, it works by the same principle)
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I cannot tell how happy I am!
My site was under a bruteforce attack for over 28 hours. I used limited login attemps plugin and I have Wordfence installed, but none of these where able to stop the brute force attacker from trying to hack my site. I got several login attempts per minute.
Luckily I found this plugin and guess what, right after I installed it, no more brute force hacking. Great work developer thank you so much!!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Probably the easiest and non-commercial plugin to stop the botnet attack. Unfortunately, it might eat up the server resources. Great support on the developer side.
]]>Rating: 1 star
I’m on WordPress multisite with mapped domains. I have WordFence running and set to alert on failed logins and block additional attempts after a small number of failures from the same IP.
I set this plugin on two sites. This morning, emails from WordFence confirm those sites were hit by successive attempts from a bot network along with the other sites in the network.
The theory sounds good, but in fact, if it works like it is supposed to, I believe it should have kept the bots from attempting to login at all. It did not.
Hopefully there will be a better version or someone else who finds a fix for botnets. So far, this doesn’t seem to be it.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The plugin is working very well. It completely stopped all the fake registrations and spam attempts on one of my websites.
Thank you! ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I started using the WP plugin “Stream” and monitored my sites via RSS.
Then I looked into the plugin “WordFence”. And also tried “Rename wp-login.php”.
I haven’t yet tried “Security-protection” but the idea is very good for right now.
What a waste of energy, and creativity, all this hacking, trying to break into accounts. People spent days, weeks, months behind their computers to invent more nonsense.
Thank you for his plugin ??
I think you should set the default to sending emails; this way admins get an idea that the plugin is working; then they can turn the emails off.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Simple and effective.