In /lib/wpMandrill.class.php this plugin changes the expected “message” arg to “html” thus breaking other plugins that look for “message” like Mail logging – WP Mail Catcher which can no longer log the message properly. To note, the apply_filters is set correctly in in /legacy/function.wp_mail.php.
Please consider reverting to the WordPress core variable “message” so your plugin doesn’t have to be altered (breaking the upgrade path). Thank you!
]]>HI There,
Great Plugin ??
Checking if this plugin is still being supported?
I am seeing the following warning when viewing in the plugins download view.
“Warning:?This plugin?has not been tested?with your current version of WordPress.”
Many Thanks
]]>We are currently experiencing a warning related to the Mandrill plugin, which is impacting the site’s response time. The warning details are as follows:
Warning Message:
File class-smtp.php
is deprecated since version 5.5.0! Use wp-includes/PHPMailer/SMTP.php
instead. The SMTP
class has been moved to the wp-includes/PHPMailer
subdirectory and now uses the PHPMailer\PHPMailer
File Involved:wp-includes/class-smtp.php
on line 30
Below is the Error Trace:
Error Message:
File class-smtp.php is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 5.5.0! Use wp-includes/PHPMailer/SMTP.php instead. The SMTP class has been moved to the wp-includes/PHPMailer subdirectory and now uses the PHPMailer\PHPMailer namespace.
in trigger_error called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/functions.php (6085)
in wp_trigger_error called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/functions.php (5799)
in _deprecated_file called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-smtp.php (6)
in require_once called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/send-emails-with-mandrill/legacy/function.wp_mail.php (13)
in require called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/send-emails-with-mandrill/lib/wpMandrill.class.php (1750)
in wpMandrill::wp_mail_native called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (324)
in WP_Hook::apply_filters called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (348)
in WP_Hook::do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/plugin.php (517)
in do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/send-emails-with-mandrill/lib/wpMandrill.class.php (44)
in wp_mail called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/emails/class-wc-email.php (741)
in WC_Email::send called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-subscriptions/vendor/woocommerce/subscriptions-core/includes/emails/class-wcs-email-processing-renewal-order.php (101)
in WCS_Email_Processing_Renewal_Order::trigger called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (324)
in WP_Hook::apply_filters called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (348)
in WP_Hook::do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/plugin.php (517)
in do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-subscriptions/vendor/woocommerce/subscriptions-core/includes/class-wc-subscriptions-email.php (151)
in WC_Subscriptions_Email::send_renewal_order_email called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (326)
in WP_Hook::apply_filters called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php (348)
in WP_Hook::do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-includes/plugin.php (517)
in do_action called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-order.php (420)
in WC_Order::status_transition called at /nas/content/live/megafit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-order.php (253)
can you help?
]]>Is there a way to set the FROM email as the end user’s email? I have installed this plugin on a newly launched client site (as I always do) and my client is not very happy with having to copy/paste the user’s email to respond to their form submission. If there is not a way to do this with this plugin (and I assume there is not), are there any other mail delivery plugins that have this functionality?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi. the plugin was working fine for me until a few weeks ago but suddenly it stopped sending Woocommerce emails for both my customers and my admins.
When debugging I get this message:
Could not instantiate mail function.
This email failed to send. Install WP Mail SMTP to solve your deliverability issues.
When I send the test email if I get without any problem and is reflected in my Mandrill dashboard, the problem is only with Woocommerce mails
]]>Wp-admin is not working.
I have tried to deactivate all plugins and then active one by one I found that the mandrill plugin is the reason broke my website, it’s continuously loading.
The older version doesn’t have this issue.
What port is the plugin using when sending?
]]>Cant login to wp-admin on my site on Siteground with the plugin active. If I deactivate the plugin I can login, then I activate the plugin and can fiddle asound in admin as usual.
But then, if I log out again, I cant log in again.
Versjon 1.4.1?doesnt have this issue.
]]>Looks like this plugin was closed by WordPress on 7/31/24. Is the developer still active?
I notice no updates for the last 2 years.
Anyone have a suggested replacement?
]]>Hello there! We’re using this plugin to send email confirmations after the submission of a Gravity Form. We were getting an error when submitting the form, specifically:
Extract expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in?/wp-content/plugins/send-emails-with-mandrill/lib/wpMandrill.class.php?on line?1717
I’ve temporarily fixed this by casting the return from the apply_filters call as an array. So, basically:
extract( (array)apply_filters( ‘wp_mail’….
And that has resolved the issue
I’m getting this message in the dashboard:
() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in?/home/customer/www/ line?99
Any steps to take to correct this?
]]>PLugin stoped working an WPadmin access not accesible. Issue is:
WP_Ho…PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in?/var/www/vhost
I have installed your plugin but after settings i am not able to get the email from the plugin neither from the woocommerce order updates email not from the test email that has this plugin settings.
Kindly have a look at my issue and let me know.
]]>Saw this error in our logs:
2021-11-26T09:36:03+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Mandrill_Exception: wpMandrill Error: -100: An unknown error occurred processing your request. Please try again later.
Anybody else seen such like?
Wonder if Black Friday related – but with no retry mechanism in the code – the site never sent the email.
Whenever I visit the ‘Mandrill Reports’ page in the admin, I get the below php error:
wpMandrill::getCurrentStats (Empty Transient. Getting persistent copy)
and the data shown is the data I had on the first day of installation many months ago. It simply won’t ever update.
How can this be fixed?
Thank you!
Is there documentation or hook on how to use a specific template from website and replace the tags like (*|FNAME|*) when i have an action ?
Hello friends!
Im aware this is not a plugin problem, but I would appreciate any help. Im quite sure other non-techies like me might be helped by this topic too.
I’m trying to make a template in Mailchimp, then sending it to Mandrill to use with the wpMandrill.
I’m aware that the template has to have the mc:edit=“main” placeholder, but Im not sure how I can insert it within the Mailchimp template. I’ve tried using the “code block” tool and putting the following code: <div mc:edit=“main”> </div>
However, for some reason, it does not work. Im not a code person, so Im avoiding putting this manually in the mandrill template after I export it from mailchimp, otherwise I wont be able to make future changes to it.
Can anyone help me understand the best way to do this?
]]>When I enable WPBruiser plugin, our Mandrill open rate (which we use for Woocommerce transactional emails) significantly drops.
I couldn’t understand what can be the reason and how these two can be related.
Any ideas?
]]>while using the default settings and clicking the “send password reset” link from the users grid list in admin.
It inserts an extra ; in the reset email url breaking the link
but it should be just
any idea?
]]>First of all, thank you for maintaining this highly useful plugin.
I have an issue that sometimes occurs on different client websites: randomly, emails are sent twice. This has happened with emails sent via WooCommerce (order confirmations) or Contact Form 7 plugin.
The emails are sent within seconds from each other, and I can pretty much rule out the possibility that the CF7 was submitted twice because I generate a unique ID with each contact request, and the ID in the duplicate emails was the same.
Is it possible that the plugin sends emails twice in some cases, or does the issue maybe lie with Mandrill itself?
Thanks for your support.
I need to have HTML enabled to format WordPress emails, but when I activate it.
When I activate both settings (HTML and Woo Fix) it fixes WordPress emails while breaking WooCommerce emails, the setting to fix Woo emails doesn’t work. Woo emails have additional breaks when HTML and Woo Fix options are enabled.
Please help!
WordPress: 5.7
WooCommerce: 5.1.0
Send E-mails with Mandrill: 1.2.13
We use your plugin for more than a year, and everything was working fine until we received emails back with this message
421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from (our IP) temporarily deferred due to unexpected volume or user complaints –; see (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
This only happens for customers with a yahoo address. But in the past, emails were sent to yahoo addresses without any problems.
I have checked the email address of the impacted customers on mandrill and I have no record of these rejected emails being sent on the dashboard.
We are using woocommerce last version and your plugin. Do we agree that all emails sent from our site must go through Mandrill and that it is Mandrill that ensures the deliverability of all emails?
]]>Hi there,
I use this fantastic plugin for a long time. I’ve a big problem:
I would like to disable stats for performance reason and I use filters for this:
add_filter(‘wpmandrill_enable_reports’, ‘__return_false’);
add_filter(‘wpmandrill_enable_widgets’, ‘__return_false’);
This filters however disable report and widget but not the real call to mandrill API (getRawStatistics method).
My site gets slow when the system tries to update the stats and I get a db error WordPress database error Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’
I’d put the same filter wpmandrill_enable_reports inside getRawStatistics method and if return false, response is: return array();
static function getRawStatistics() {
if(apply_filters( ‘wpmandrill_enable_reports’, true )){
return $final;
This avoid mandrill API call and consequently the site freezing.
What do you think?
Is there an alternative way to avoid this?
Hey there,
I don’t know if this has just started with the plugin update to 1.2.12 but at the moment, when click tracking is active, woocommerce download emails are not behaving correctly: When user clicks on download link, it tries to open a new tab (which will start the download) but after 1 second it stops abruptly and gets back to email.
When I turn off click tracking, this works normal (user clicks the link and downloads the file)
Any ideas?
I am having issues with line breaks. (when someone leaves a review for a Woocommerce product)
Is there any way to convert all WordPress text-only emails to HTML?
1) Something like this:
I tried this but didnt help
2) Or does it help playing with these?
3) If not how to write a custom function to target only review messages? I could not find which part to change in your example:
Thanks in advance
There is some issue with Mandrill Plugin as below.
Mandrill Sending 3 Times Emails & SMS notification
What step should need to do to resolve it ?
]]>After activating the plugin on the website, I see this error
fopen(/nas/content/live/wordpress-one/.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied
on every page request. I tried to change permission for .htaccess 644 to 666. I also tried to purge all the cache, but the error still shows.
All works fine except that whenever I set the ‘attachments’ array, the email is not sent.
Using the official example to test:
‘attachments’ => array(
‘type’ => ‘text/plain’,
‘name’ => ‘myfile.txt’,
‘content’ => ‘ZXhhbXBsZSBmaWxl’
Thanks for any suggestions!
Hi guys:
I successfully installed your plugin, however, Woocommerce emails are not being sent through the Mandrill servers. Woocommerce defaults seem to be overriding Mandrill, not the other way around. This has made us come close to our daily limit on emails set by our hosting provider. Anything I need to do so woocommerce takes the plugin configuration?
Is there any alternative method to add content to a mandrill template than
<div mc:edit="main" id="mainContent"></div>
When using Mailchimp to create a template this section (mc:edit=”main”) gets stripped out when pushing the template to Mandrill.
<div mc:edit="main" id="mainContent"></div>
<div id="mainContent"></div>