Hi Team, We are using “STN Video Player Selector Plugin” in our Project and now we switch our project in another server environment. There condition is we can’t created wpmvc folder (which created by STN Video Player Selector Plugin dynamically in wp-content folder.) in root for wp-content folder. so there is any work around to change wpmvc path in another directory and yes so where we need to be change(in Plugin and DB) if future we upgrade version so what need to be set in our mind for this.
We are developing an ad-free premium subscription and would like to disable SendtoNews for these visitors. When a certain criteria is met (they exhibit a specific ‘household subscription level’) we would like to stop any oEmbed code from being parsed server-side and thus stop SendtoNews from being delivered.
Could you recommend how to dynamically send code to our server to mimic the functionality of the ‘Disable SendtoNews’ button in our CMS for these users?