Is there a setting to noindex all media library items? I can’t find it. Please help me out, my site has thousands of images and they don’t need to be indexed.
]]>Hello. For instance I have the portfolio category with the title “Advertising”. There are a portfolio pages named “Banner”, “Tablo” etc in that category. Now I want to use the title of that category on those pages’ titles: “Advertising Banner”, “Advertising Tablo”… How can I do this? I have tried all of your dynamic variables, but it doesn’t work in that way.
]]>Hi, your page doesn’t explain clearly how to edit the meta description when editing a page using Gutenberg.
There is no SEO Press editor section where we can edit the meta description like there is with Classic editor or WP Bakery editor when using Gutenberg
Help appreciated.
Thanks for such a nice plugin.
Ubersuggest says our date-based archive is blocked from appearing in search results.
How do we enable date-based archives to be indexed by Google in SEO Press?
Does SEOPress add a “WebSite” schema to the homepage?
Refer to please.
We’d prefer to use a TennisComplex schema for the homepage. This works for a test page: but when the TennisComplex is set to be added to the homepage, only the WebSite schema shows.
]]>Hi Folks,
there is a console error:
500 internal server error for
28x the error:
Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
Every other plugin on the website functions fine.
Help appreciated.
I am wanting to move the SEO metaboxes further down the bottom, specifically so they don’t appear above ACF ones.
I’m talking about both the “SEO” and “Content Analysis” boxes.
How can I do this?
]]>My Target Keyword is Loodgieter Landsmeer
The keyword is in H2 on the page but seopress do not recognized it.
Cleaning cache is not working.
I posted this in the wrong plugin now I don’t know how to delete it.
]]>rtMedia is not working properly when seopress enabled.I have disabled seopress…But I want to use this plugin as it is a very nice seo plugin.Would someone please help me to solve this problem…?
]]>I had to turn this off because it’s breaking my rss feed.
I love your plug…
Here is my question.
Is the title for the members profile supposed to be like ( Members ) only or
is it supposed to be ( Members – Kenneth ) using the users name it title?
I’ve installed SeoPress 1.2.4 (and SeoPress Pro 1.1.1) on a Site with a Buddypress-Comunity. But the title, description and keywords doesn’t show up on the homepage.
We’re using the classic index.php als homepage (not a static page) and our header.php contains the wp_title() and wp_head() functions.
Can you help me?
Kind Regards,
I installed the plugin played with the options. But nothing seems to change. I only get titles like | groups or | members even know I put variables like %%page_title%% %%site_name%%
]]>The site title and description both of them disappear when I activate this plugin. And when I deactivate the plugin, my site title and description is restored and shown correctly on the site.
Do I need to change anything in my header.php? I am using a child theme of bp-default theme.
]]>hi all
any update plan for this great plugin?
I have this plugin installed on my buddypress site and the %%category%%, %%site_name%% and %%tag%% calls are not pulling any information. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi, new Buddypress/SeoPress user. I’ve implemented both with my WP installation. Has anyone documentation on using SeoPress concurrently with Google SEO plugin as well as Webmaster Tools? I used both with a previous instance of WP but not with Buddypress and SeoPress. I would like to find some docs on this first before I attempt to install. Any suggestions please?
]]>Hello! This seems like a great SEO plugin for wordpress sites using buddypress. I am using the buddybase theme. This line appears in my header.php:
<title><?php bp_page_title() ?></title>
Will this work for the SEOPress plugin to work or does it need to be changed? Thanks!
]]>When i set Group Forum title as: %%component_name%% forum | %%site_name%%
it shows groups forums | mysitename
the same error is with: Group Members title !
Hello together!
the second beta is online now. You can download it at
The changes sice the last version:
– Renamed update script filename
– Changed version name to beta 3
– Dublicate topic fix
– Fixed Buddpress slug bug (on changed slugs)
– Added function to get real component names
– Changed functions for getting active components on admin pages
– Added german language strings
– Only loading jQuery on SeoPress pages
Happy Testing!
]]>The title tags for Buddypress components aren’t being set by the plugin.
]]>Since quickcache plugin failed to cache the page (white page)
Everything is fine with
]]>I used %%componentdescription%% in meta description in group forum. My description contained quotes which weren’t converted to “. As a result it broke the markup of the page.
It showed something like this:`
<meta name=”description” content=”Whether you are buying a new, never-registered domain name, negotiating to acquire a domain name from another person, or perhaps want to trade domain names, buying a domain name is a critical step. The “buying domain names” discussion forum can help with any questions you may have during the acquisition process.” />`
As you see this breaks the markup… the quotes should be encoded using either htmlentities() or htmlspecialchars().
I’m using wordpress MU and buddypress.
My main language is Portuguese.
I install the Seopress plugin.
In the Main Blog Home option a set a custom blog description.
But the output of the text generate strange characters, like this:
“Comunidade de Poker do Arquip??lago da Madeira. Junta-te a n?3s! Temos artigos de qualidade, as melhores ofertas de rakeback, competi?§?μes, f?3rum de discuss?£o e a possibilidade de criares o teu pr?3prio blogue PokerMadeira.”
E.g. n?3s! -> this is not Portuguese!
How can i solve this problem? i have to use another seo plugin?
Thank you
]]>I saw options to change profile seo urls for activity, blogs, friends etc but there were no options for the messages or settings pages in a user’s profile
]]>I Installed it today on a multisite and activated it for all blogs. But I have trouble:
My feed is suddenly empty and it says
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_current_component() in ..wordpress/wp-content/plugins/seopress/ on line 391
Another issue are the shortened tags. Despite the fact that we made the setting to allow length over 100 chars it cuts off at about 60 chars.
Someone can help? Thanx!
]]>I have an installation which is installed into domain.tld/mywpmu/ and some of your plugins admin links are broken. if I add the mywpmu part into the URL generated by your plugin it all works….
maybe fix that bug with the next version?
I’m a pretty new user of this stuff. My blog is at and I have the following questions.
1. Where you say If you use Buddypress:
“Be sure that the main Blog header template uses bp_page_title() instead of wp_title() function.”….Can you please tell me EXACTLY what file this is, where it’s located and on what line I’m making this change”…..sorry, again I’m a newbie here.
2. Once I install and network activate the new SeoPress product….I then have Deactivated the prior version Seo for Buddypress. Should I just now delete this older plugin, or is it necessary to keep any of the files/db from this app?
]]>I activated SEOPress and everything seemed fine, all was working. But when I went to update a post by adding a picture, my flash uploader opened up in the same window, as in it refreshed the main window of my browser (Firefox 3.6.10 for Mac) instead of popping up. Inserting the pic just brought me to a blank page and when I went back to my post and refreshed, there was no image in it. Since the only thing I’d changed was SEOPress, I deactivated it and reactivated SEO for BuddyPress. Everything works again so I will live with the annoying “Seo for Buddypress is no longer supported. Please use SeoPress from now on.” warning until there’s an update.