I am trying to customize the order number, including the user role in it. ID, year appear but not the user role. And I really would like to know who to use the plugin, don’t find the info nowhere. Is their a tutorial somewhere?
]]>Hi there,
We have been very content about using your plugin. We currently have an issue on our website and I want to deactivate your plugin to see how that influences the issue. Therefore, I am wondering whether the order numbers created by your plugin will remain for past orders after I deactivate the plugin.
Thank you in advance.
]]>When I updated the plugin, the order dashboard in woocommerce has this error above it https://prnt.sc/Caa4-ocCxnD-
How can I remove this?
I have a problem with numbering order.
I set number of ordering in : “number begging of 1 / 24”
and it looks like is ok only for orders coming from different plugin (allegro ecomerce) and it looks like “#20756” so those setting is not applied.
How can I solve it? Is it possible?
Thank you,
I need to migrate my orders to a new site and I’ve been using your plugin for the order numbers. How can I migrate the orders and keep the same order numbers please?
Kind regards,
We recently switched our sites to High-performance order storage. When we did that, on Dec 19, it seems like the order numbers have reverted back to the WooCommerce default order numbering system.
Is there some special setting we have to enable for this?
Every now and then (about every 2-3 months) we have the problem that order numbers are assigned twice by Sequential Order Numbers. The orders have different unique IDs and can be called up separately; only the order number assigned by the plugin is the same.
This is not only unattractive in terms of differentiation, but also causes us problems with the tax authorities in particular, because the invoice number is assigned twice based on this – which should not be the case.
Is there a solution for this?
]]>Hi there, we use the Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin and have it set to start at 200000. It has been working well though recently noticed that some orders are coming through using the original WooCommerce order number sequence, as an example we have seen the following with a good 10 orders. Do we know what might cause this or what to look at to try resolve?
1459 < this is the WooCommerce original order number that gets missed.
The problem we’re facing with is that the order numbers are not in order after products import.
Let me give you an example:
The problem happens because the products that have been imported have the IDs 123137, 123138 etc. But this should not happened, the orders numbers should be in order no matter what.
These are my settings for the plugin:
I have everything (plugins, themese, wp) up to date.
Looking forward for your answer!
Best regards,
]]>Settings page does not appear at the menu.
URL https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=br-BeRocket_Order_Numbers is broken.
Using Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce version
]]>Hi there,
I noticed how this plugin is tested with the current version of WordPress and that the last update was 5 months ago. Is this plugin still being updated and can I still expect an update for WordPress’s current version?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have this simple sequential numbering:
Input “523E” and then “ID” with start number “00001”.
When i reset numbering, first order number is as intended: “523E00001”, but all the following numbers become “523E2”, “523E3″… etc.
It looses all the Zeros “0000” in between. What could cause it and how can i fix it?
Hi guys!
Can you tell me about possibility to create prefix for order numbering depenging from order language?
E.g. I have 3 languages – DE, FR, IT and all products have a translation in Woocommerce with Polylang.
When ordering DE products I want to use order numbering with mask
For FR – 2xxxx
For IT – 3xxxx
All order numbers will start from unuque digit depending from language code (maybe ID of language)
]]>Hello there and thanks for this great plugin.
Is there any method to skip cancelled orders (because of failed transaction)?
I just want only succesfully paid orders to count and get sequential number.
How the subsection “Order Numbers” on the left tab of wordpress panel works? I see that it accepts conditions, but there is no explanation or a guide.
Thank you.
Awesome plugin, really useful! Thank you so much for your hard work in creating such a useful plugin for anyone who needs to separate order numbers!
Please, help, is there any chance to have custom order numbers for Product Categories, not just Products?
Is it possible to do it anyhow? If possible with?Custom Meta, please give me some advice on how I can do it, please, I really need it!
]]>I want to set custom order numbers for all existing orders, and then change the order number for any new/future orders. Can I do this?
For example, I want to set all the old orders with a prefix of “2022-xxxx” and then all the new orders would be “2023-xxxx”.
I don’t see any option to generate order numbers for previous orders.
I had a problem in my site and about 15 orders were placed having the same order number. Do you offer any means of editing the order number/ID after the order was placed please?
Kind regards,
I’ve installed the plugin to use with Linnworks system – it needs different order ref. numbers everytime, otheriwse orders won’t download – and they can get repeated with multiple Wordrpess shops, which happened to us. My problem is, Linnworks downloads the new number only as “external reference” (in the screenshot with added RRB), the “channel reference” and “reference” remain unchanged – https://ibb.co/0mTfPSn. Any ideas? Thank you!
eg. order id is 12345
but show as 54321
because when client make payment by bank, sometime the payment reference (order number) will be cut off, only few digits in front will be shown. Since few digits in front of all order numbers are similar, so if we can reverse the order, then it will be much better to identity who’s who.
Btw if we changed order number format now, will it effect all orders before the change?
]]>I’ve been using this plugin for several years pretty much without issue but in the last 12 hours orders have just starting appearing out of sync. Not sure what’s going on. The only thing I’ve been working on is pixel tracking through zaraz on cloudflare.
Is there some way I can restart this plugin to see if that fixes it without messing up order numbers?
My order numbers currently look like this..
Hi, I am using an external system for processing my orders. I would like to pass my custom order numbers to this system. What is your replacement of PostID & order_number_meta?
Best regards,
With the sequential orders number plugin installed and configured, it seems to be preventing Cartflows Pro from executing an upsell on my site. I’ve looked at my logs and there don’t seem to be any errors.
We have a staging site setup for this.
Let me know the best way to proceed.
]]>Is there any way to get variable/meta name/ID of new order numbers generated by plugin? I want to use it to compare with number of payment variable symbol to find out, which order is already paid. Just that finale variable name maybe…
]]>Hello, my website using woocommerce and Dokan for multiple store vendor.
tis plugin support Dokan?
I want to add order number with store name.
Example: Order number is “24517” and Store name is “Toko Sepeda”.
and then order number become to “24517-Toko Sepeda”.
can be do that?
What hook should I use to get the order number generated by the plugin?
How can I choose start number? My idea is that order number will be year and ID from 1001 (1002, 1003, …). When I mark off the check box of “start number” with 1001, nothing happens. When I press “Save Changes”, ID is from WooCommerce and checkbox isn’t mark off. Where is the problem?
Thank you.
Picture: https://ibb.co/vwNLtMc
Any chance the Sequential order number can be returned via Rest API?
We are using Dropshipping company Ordoro, which connects to our website via the REST API and automatically fetches the orders.
Would be helpful if this feature can be implemented.
I’m using woocommerce_new_order action (with priority 10) to send my custom e-mail to the user. Unfortunately at this point the get_order_number() returns the original order number (i.e the order ID) instead of the number set by your plugin.
Is there any simple way to resolve it or do I just need to look for another hook?
Does this plugin work for subscriptions?
]]>When i tried this plugin i change number in orders and shows to costumer on the completed page but in the email send to costumer and admin it shows “the old” numberorder.
Is there anyway to fix this?