Ima? na liniji 265
u fajlu /serbian-latinisation/lib/frontend/frontend-core.php
notice. Trebalo bi odraditi isset
proveru $_GET[‘s’].
It functions as intended on frontend (it shows latin letters), however in backend for the logged in admin user it shows cyrillic letters. How can I force resolve this?
]]>Veliki pozdrav i najpre, puno hvala za odli?an plugin. Odu?evljen sam ?to se integri?e sa WPML plugin-om, samo imam jedan predlog.
Ne bih koristio zastave za odabir jezika i pisma, ve? samo tekst, ali u oba slu?aja je isti problem.
?ini mi se da bi logi?nije bilo da umesto – СРПСКИ(?ИР) СРПСКИ(LAT) pi?e: СРПСКИ(?ИР) SRPSKI(LAT). To je u slu?aju kada je kva?ica u WPML-u Current language ?ekirana.
Kada je od?ekiram, u tom slu?aju pi?e ovako: SRPSKI (?IR) i kada prebacim na ?irilicu, tekst se menja u СРПСКИ (LAT).
Malo mi je nelogi?no… Po meni bi trebalo da pi?e: СРПСКИ(?ИР) i SRPSKI(LAT). Ne znam da li ovim upravlja WMPL ili tvoj plugin, ali ako ima? neko re?enje da se ovo ispravi, bilo bi odli?no.
Unapred zahvalan
Just wondering if this plugin will work with autocomplete suggestions in Algolia search?
Thanks ??
]]>Kako staviti plugin u header sajta, dakle da widget bude u head sekciji sajta, da li ima nekakav shortcode. Hvala
odli?an dodatak, radi savr?eno, ali ima samo jedan mali problem u woocommerce, ta?nije u checkout-u ne preslovljava tekst na?in pla?anja (payment gateways).
WordPress 4.9.4
PHP 7.2.2
]]>Hi @seebeen,
(tested in WP 4.9.2 and PHP 5.6.31 on MAMP 4 PRO for Windows)
I got a request for support from one user that used my WP Translit before, so I finally got a chance to try and implement Serbian Latinisation. Here is a list of some tips to improve your plugin.
#1 As this is replacement for WP Translit, make sure that when someone search in plugins repository for “WP Translit” also find your plugin. That is not a case at the moment (but SrbTransLatin is listed there).
#2 In file serbian-latinisation/lib/backend/admin-core.php you have deprecated 3rd atttribute for add_option (you missed to add empty 3rd value):
#3 Undefined notices for search param:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: s in serbian-latinisation/lib/backend/admin-utils.php on line 54
PHP Notice: Undefined index: s in serbian-latinisation/lib/frontend/frontend-core.php on line 185
#4 Cyrillic default label “?ирилица” get transliterated to latin script when “latinica” is selected. Will be good to not do that and keep it in cyrilic script (convert text to UTF8 HTML entities like ћирилица
#5 As a feature request – will be good to provide option for Google Translate link to English and/or other languages (German, French, etc). In WP Translit I had ‘Bad English’ item as optional, so some users get used to it.
I think that is all for now ??