Hello! Anyone have a solution to this problem? When I try to change the “Order By” option in the List Posts widget for this plugin, it keeps reverting back to the Date (Published) option whenever I click “Save”.
It does this both on WordPress 5.6.4 and 5.7.2.
]]>Hello Justin,
I was checking your plugins’ list when I put my hands on this nice plugin, It has a great idea as all your other plugins have, but it could be more useful if you think in a dynamic way to gather the selected posts in a series.
You can turn a manually selected series into a dynamic configured topic, the topic here is a dynamic group of related posts that could have:
You can think of 2 widgets here:
The first widget could be more useful if it shows a list of the topic’s posts once you hover the mouse cursor over that topic link.
Just some ideas I appreciate if you listen to; because I really like the clean way you develop your plugins that make it look like a natural part of WordPress.
Wish you all the best in your new job, and best regards,
]]>Godaddy updated me automatically to WP5. I had the Gutenberg plugin and was able to add series values in the post creation page. After WP5 the dialog box does not show. I installed the Classic plugin and it is available there. It is also available via Quick Edit, just not in the post WP5 native version of the Gutenberg.
]]>I have some posts in a series that I want to edit but I can’t seem to access any of the posts in the series. How do I gain access to the posts within a series?
]]>Hi there,
my latest post cannot be added to an existing series of articles. I receive the following error / warning message:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /<path_to_wordpress/wp-content/plugins/organize-series/orgSeries-template-tags.php on line 451
But when I look into the file, there is no non-numeric value in line 451 or I misunderstood something:
<line 446>
foreach ($posts_in_series as $seriespost) {
$custom_next = esc_html(token_replace($settings['series_nextpost_nav_custom_text'], 'other', $seriespost['id'], $series_ID));
$custom_prev = esc_html(token_replace($settings['series_prevpost_nav_custom_text'], 'other', $seriespost['id'], $series_ID)) ;
if ($next) {
if ( ($seriespost['part'] - $cur_part) == 1) {
if ( !empty($custom_next) ) $title = $custom_next;
else $title = get_the_title($seriespost['id']);
$link = get_permalink($seriespost['id']);
$result .= '<a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a>';
<line 456>
Nothing was changed before. The only way to publish an article is to do it without adding it to a series. My latest article will not be part of a series although it should. Can you give any advice what to do?
Cheers, Henning
All I need is to have links to next and prev post in series.
Can you give me an advice how i can do it pls?
Some of my series have more than 30 posts and there is no needs to show big list like this.
Thank you!
]]>Rather then a cloud selection in a post for a series tag I would like a tick box option, is there a way to do this?
]]>I can not assign a series of post if enabled plugin ACF ( https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/ )
]]>Hi, i’ve looked at the info & faq, but can’t seem to find how to show a list of series in the sidebar. I can show the posts in a series, and the posts in the “current” series, but i’m unable to show a list of series, as in the screenshot on the plugins page. Am I overlooking something?
]]>Hi am Ajai , First of all thank you for this wonderful plugin. I am having a small problem in showing all the post under the series.
The problem is I don’t have a archieve.php in my theme hence I used my index.php for the template in taxonomy-series.php page. But am getting 404 error. I even used is_tax(‘series’) to call the post but no luck. So can you help me in creating a template for the taxonomy ?
Thanks in advance .
]]>Widget doesn’t show up at all in widgets potion of the admin panel after activating so I can’t add it to any of my sidebars.
]]>I’ve added a description for my series, and now I’m trying to call it in my theme. I tried these:
term_description( 'series' )
term_description( string $taxonomy = 'series' )
term_description( $taxonomy = 'series' )
I even tried:
function term_description( $term = 0, $taxonomy = 'series' ) {
if ( ! $term && ( is_tax() || is_tag() || is_category() ) ) {
$term = get_queried_object();
if ( $term ) {
$taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
$term = $term->term_id;
$description = get_term_field( 'description', $term, $taxonomy );
return is_wp_error( $description ) ? '' : $description;
with no luck. Any suggestions?
]]>Hello Justin,
Does this plugin allow a single Post to be attached to several series?
For example, let’s say you have series for John Doe, a series for Jane Smith and a series for Bill Brown.
You write a post about all three of these people.
Can that post be assigned to those 3 series so that the post appears in John Doe’s posts, Jane Smith’s posts and Bill Brown’s posts?
Thank you,
Marcus Tibesar
Tibesar Family Archives
Plugin seems to need an older version of WordPress. Justin, can you update the plugin?
]]>Hi Justine, I’m after a ‘series’ plugin which can define the order of the posts. Every ‘series’ plugin I’ve looked at only works with the standard posts ordering system, most commonly by published date.
Unfortunately in some instances I’m going to have the same post in many different ‘series’ and ‘forcing’ the right order by changing the posted date might work for 1 series but is going to become difficult the more a single post is used for many different series.
So, would you consider modifying your plugin to do this? You define a series as Series #1 could you allow the page order to be defined at the same time . . Series #1,3 (for example)
I appreciate that this would probably involve a complete re-write but it would have your plugin as the only one to have this functionality/flexibility.
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Warning: require_once(organize-series/template-tags.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/wp-content/plugins/series/series.php on line 59
With Twenty-Eleven activated, few active plugins.
]]>Hi Justin: will your plugin work with Pages as well as Posts?
]]>(local install, WP_DEBUG true)
Notice: Use of undefined constant SERIES_DIR – assumed ‘SERIES_DIR’ in Root:\\xoxoxo\wp-content\plugins\series\series.php on line 53
]]>I am using the Series plugin by Justin Tadlock and would like to find a way to have the sidebar widget display thumbnails instead of post titles. I am using Yet Anothor Photoblog to generate thumbnails, but I imagine this could also be achieved using WordPress post-thumbnails.
Does anyone familiar with this plugin have a suggestion as to how I can implement this customization. I have a pretty good familiarity with WP and PHP, but not so good that I can figure this out for myself. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!