Our streaming recently stopped working.
Looks like it’s throwing a 502 and the jwplayer is throwing some javascript errors as well.
Any changes recently that we need to know about that would be causing this error?
]]>We are using version 1.9.3 of SermonAudio Widgets plugin. We’ve always used style #3, but recently, the first 2 sermons that show up in the recent sermons widget don’t have titles for the sermons. If I switch to style #4, I do get all the sermon titles, but for some of the themes we’re using, style #4 is too big for the widget.
]]>For some reason the plug-in does not display anything for widget areas, only shortcode good for posts/pages, but nothing that seems to work in an actual widgetized area, ie sidebars etc. Am I missing something?
]]>A small item picked up recently in trying to display a sermon series: html escape characters need to be converted to ASCII equivalent (ie. & becomes %26, etc).
So the ‘exact match’ requirement is sort of correct, but be aware that characters such as & will break the references.
A full ascii codes is at: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp
]]>First of all, let me say that I am so pleased SermonAudio has released this new WordPress plugin. I am also really happy about the new “modern CSS” SermonAudio has adopted in the past couple of months.
Unfortunately, the upgrade from v1.5 to v1.6 seems to have introduced a significant bug.
The bug relates to the “SermonAudio Widget Settings – Edit” admin page when the “Newest Sermons” widget type is selected.
Here is the problem:
This screen allows the user to choose from four styles (Style #1, Style #2, Style #3, and Style #4).
However, no matter what style I pick on this admin screen, the plugin always renders Style #4 on the front-end.
SermonAudio, please fix this as soon as possible.
Thank you!
]]>I am getting no data. I have tried setting up 2 different widgets, but when I place the short code on a page nothing shows up.