Is it possible to display the origin server IP and information on frontend? Thanks
]]>Memory is 2MB? i think it’s impossibile we have 26GB only for this host
]]>We use “Better Plugin Compatibility Control” to allert us on plugins that are no longer maintained. That uses the info in the readme file.
The current plugin seems to be valid up to WP 4.9. But that info is wrong. According to the plugin info it should say 5.9.3.
Please update this file.
Memory: 79 of 256 MB (31%) | WP LIMIT: 51 B | IP 123.456.789.101 (host.myserver.com) | PHP 7.4.28 @64BitOSVersion 5.9.3
According to my Theme Status Page, all my WordPress and Server Environment settings are optimal, so I do not have a problem per-say just a question about the output of this Plugin…
Can you please explain the WP LIMIT: 51 B? I do not know to what this refers, it’s significance and whether or how to adjust it if need be… I would like some clarification as to what this information is providing me.
Thank you.
]]>I use aws ligthsail and my server has 8g of ram, I use Whm Cpanel to manage my wordpress.
I’m not sure how many momoria wp and php should I allocate for my site to be fast?
I use it for my food delivery store and I get 50 simultaneous hits.
I want to use all my server, can someone help me to configure the wp memory and PHP`
]]>I have seen this happen on multiple sites on different hosts in the last month or so:
is an update of this plugin coming up for WordPress 5.8.1?
It seams this plugin does not work anymore with WP 5.6.2. Could you please check this? As it is so useful plugin!
Thank you a lot!
]]>I’ve used this plugin for years (thank you!) and until a recent server migration I am getting incorrect results in my footer:
Memory: 20 of 2 MB (1000%) | WP LIMIT: 1 GB
– WP Limit is indeed set to 1GB
– WP Max limit is set to 2GB
– PHP V 7.3
– PHP memory_limit 2GB
When I execute:
echo “Used memory: ” . (memory_get_peak_usage(false) /1024) . “Kb <br>”;
echo “Total memory: ” . (memory_get_peak_usage(true) /1024) . “Kb <br>”;
It reports:
Used memory: 419.125 Kb
Total memory: 2048 Kb
It should be:
Used memory: 419.125 Mb
Total memory: 2048 Mb
I realize this is likely at the host but they are saying it is the plugin and I’m just looking for something I can definitively show them it is on the server side, maybe even just referencing them to this post with your response on the matter. Thank you.
is an update of this plugin coming up for WordPress 5.5.1?
I noticed if your theme uses the ‘admin_footer_text’ filter to write a custom message to replace ‘Thank you for creating with WordPress’ with something else like ‘WordPress theme developed by So&So Web Development’, it will also replace the plugin’s display in the admin footer, making the plugin useless because you can’t see it anymore. Any ideas on a fix for this?
]]>I recently downloaded, installed and activated the “Server IP & Memory Usage Display” plugin. I see that it is properly installed and activated, but, I don’t see the display anywhere.
Where is the display located? Is it somewhere on the dashboard?
]]>This is not really support issue
What does this data means?
Memory: 10 of 2048 MB (0%) | WP LIMIT: 40 MB
What does the 2048 stands for? Server memory?
If VPS has 8GB RAM ande has one heavy Woocommerce site which data should I want to see here?
If site consumes 10MB according to plugin, That means it does not really needs 8GB server memory?
Is an update of this plugin coming up for WordPress 5.4?
I searched memory limit and I found this plugin! I have memory limit issue in my website. Is it possible to increase the limit using this plugin or it is only for monitoring?
]]>Hi all
I am experience something strange: I have a -1 MB memory limit, but next to it it says “256 M”.
80.5 of -1 MB (-8050%) | WP-LIMIT: 256 MB |
But my php ini says everything is positive, you can view php ini here: https://www.cisema.com/phpinfo.php our Webhosting provider doesn’t help.
Maybe you can have a look, this would be awesome, thank you so much
]]>This plugin does not work if Event Espresso is active, which is annoying because those are the sites I need it working on. Event Espresso is quite a memory hog and I need to manage that.
]]>There seems to be a mistake for a website that is hosted at One.com.
I get the following display:
Memory: 14 of 2147483648 MB (0%)
Evidently this is not possible.
]]>Memory limit is correct at 1024M but WP limit only shows 64M
Why is this as I have define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘1024M’ ); in my wp_config file
]]>Once I activated this plugin I got a server 500 error. What all does it touch so I can clean it out.
I deleted plugin folder. Still getting 500 error.
]]>Take a look. I did use UsageDD with your plugin. And there is a difference.
Your plugin: 8mb
UsageDD: 40.24mb
something is weird.
Seen with WP4.8.2 running on a PHP7.2.0RC5 server:
PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in \…\wp-content\plugins\server-ip-memory-usage\server-ip-memory-usage.php on line 101
List of the announced deprecaded functions in PHP7.2.0 here.
Sorry for this question, but really i dont know where I can find this plugin. Is wrtitten in Admin footer ok, but where? Somewhere in dashboard?
Thanks for some screens … please ??
]]>It would be nice to have this too.
]]>Since updating to some version of PHP 7.1.x (I’m not sure, I think it was after PHP 7.1.8, but I’m not completely sure), reported memory usage is very low (between 2 and 4 MB), which cannot be correct.
On PHP 7.1.7 (?), memory usage had increased dramatically, sometimes causing OOM errors when running over the allocated 256 MB. Memory usage may have gone back, but the full WordPress core & lots of plugins won’t ever use less than 10 MB …
]]>I am in a Godaddy shared hosting and the plugin returns the following:
Memory: 67 of 64 MB (105%) | WP LIMIT: 40 MB | IP . . . PHP 5.4.45
How the memory use could be above 100%? Is there something I am missing? Regards
Hi There!
My web host says that we’re on a dedicated server with 2GB of RAM.
I installed this plugin on a multisite install, but only on the main part of the site (not the other network sites)… This is what it says, Memory: 153.25 of 512 MB (30%)
Does that mean that the RAM on the server is only 512 and NOT 2GB as I was told?
Please advise,
I installed this plugin in my site and saw in admin footer
Memory: 6 of 128 MB (5%) | WP LIMIT: 40 MB
The number changes everytime refreshing the page, but all less than 10. Meantime, I was monitoring apache memory usage and saw httpd cost average 80m, the minimal one is 20m.
I am confused, thought the plugin would show memory usage of this site or server, wouldn’t it? Did I miss something simple?
PS: my server hosts only this one site
]]>?Buen día a mi amada Espa?a!
Gracias por este plugin.
Memory: 25.61 of 512 MB (5%) | WP LIMIT: 1 B |
I edited wp-config.php directly: define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’,’50M’);
Php settings are correctly at 512MB
I cannot see how I can further edit the “WP limit” settings — so tiny, 1 Byte???
Any ideas?
Los mejores deseos de California.
]]>I get this in my logs
[22-Apr-2017 13:47:51 UTC] PHP Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /home/wp-content/plugins/server-ip-memory-usage/server-ip-memory-usage.php on line 73