so, i have an app set up in FB, my Access Token messages are highlighted green and “OK”, but in the post edit screen i still see this message:
To create Facebook events you must:
where is this magic button? certainly not in my user profile page..
does it matter that the WP install im using is in a sub-directory of my domain? (the front-end is also at the sub-folder, not an install with redirect to domain root)
]]>I’ve installed SFC and it appears to be functioning as intended. However, event creation is not functioning. In the configuration page I get these errors:
Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 0 not passed to function in /home/fct_admin/ on line 640
Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 0 not passed to function in /home/fct_admin/ on line 683
Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 0 not passed to function in /home/fct_admin/ on line 687
Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 1 not passed to function in /home/fct_admin/ on line 687
When I attempt to create a new event, I get this:
Error: (#100) Invalid parameter
100If this is an OAuth error, go to SFCe settings page and re-save settings to grant this plugin the correct Facebook permissions. Otherwise, use your browser’s Back button to go back to your post and correct the problem then try again.
Please help?
]]>Great idea for a plugin, but it would be better if it had a bit more polish. It makes use of a lot of custom fields, but doesn’t prepend them with an underscore, so they wind up filling up the custom fields box which can look pretty confusing to users. I hope the developer fixes this soon.
]]>I’m trying to use SFCe – Graph API Create Event but it doesn’t work.
Although everything seems to be ok [‘Access token ok’, Facebook is open in another tab], it only comes up with this error message:
Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1333292400. The current unix time is 1333295162.
If this is an OAuth error, go to SFCe settings page and re-save settings to grant this plugin the correct Facebook permissions. Otherwise, use your browser’s Back button to go back to your post and correct the problem then try again.
The Facebook permissions should be ok, it says: ‘Acces token ok’. I don’t know what I should do with my post to correct the problem.
Hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance.
]]>First of all, thanks for updating this plugin! Too bad i cant get it to work quite yet. On the settings page of your plugin (Tools>Create Facebook Events) i keep getting “No access token, try re-saving this page.” marked in red.
Als a couple of “Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 0 not passed to function in …./functions.php”.
In Otto’s SFC plugin als my access tokens are marked green, including my page. Am i doing something wrong here ?
At the moment i can create posts and i see the option panel where to fill in facebook events details. But the event is not created on facebook.
]]>with Ottos SFC plugin v. 1.2
]]>I installed the plugin and everything looks like it is working.. but…
I create a new post and enter the event details.
Use Fan Page?: is set to TRUE
I check “Create Public Facebook Event”.
I make sure everything is OK and click “Publish.”
This takes me to a blank page. Nothing. No refresh.
On my FB Page, the link is posted as per SFC but no event.
So I dig a little and see that the FB app has the following permissions:
create_note, email, manage_pages, offline_access, photo_upload, publish_stream, share_item, status_update, video_upload
No “create_event”.
There seems to be no way on Facebook to fix that. I’m presuming that is the cause of the problem.
Any clue?
]]>hi. when i tried to update post and create event i had an error:
Error message: Invalid parameter Error code:100
Invite people failed because of missing paramter(s).
Group Id:93993****
Access token:310****************************
Event id:
FB User:1030******
Whats wrong?
]]>I have just installed and activated SFCe. I have SFC installed and working properly. I have disabled all other plugins and only have activated the SFC & SFCe.
When I add a post the create fb event section is not displayed.
From the plugin screen 2 versions are listed but only 1 is active. (And I only see one version installed in wp-content/plugins).
Any ideas what is happening?
1. There’s actually two plugins available after downloading this plugin. One with version number and one without. Should I activate both?
2. If I don’t tick “Create Public Facebook Event”, plugin does nothing. And if I tick the box, it gives me a error “You must provide an access token on the SFCe Create Event Settings page.” So where do I get access token?
I’m using SFC plugin without any problems. I’ve linked my FB account to my WordPress account. I’ve tried to connect the plugins with new developer app and had no luck in posting new event to FB. And of course tried to activate an de-activate plugins.
I’m doing something wrong but what. Any ideas?
]]>Seems like there’s a file missing. Will post more details when I get a chance to play with it again. (Warnings all over the front page so I had to disable it quick.)
Just a warning to anyone else who may want to blindly upgrade without testing first.
]]>What ever it is it’s obviously not working very well at the moment.