Hi. Is it possible to add Instagram share button?
]]>Fb and VK buttons grab random text from the post instead of showing the except. Any solution?
]]>I just translate the plugin to es_ES. If anyone need the translation, just answer to this.
]]>i have bbpress installed in wp. it would be great if this plugin could have an option to add share buttons on first post in forum topics.
any idea how to integrate this? thanks.
How to show Share and Like buttons in one horizontal line?
]]>Не работает перетаскивание кнопок. Во всех браузерах. Каким еще способом можно их переставить?
]]>Как можно интегрировать Social Share Buttons и WooCommerce?
Сейчас они не отображаются в товаре, хотя api ключи введены.
I’m using this gallery plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/gallery-plugin/
to have a few galleries in one post.
And social buttons showing up on the top of every gallery entry of the page.
Example: https://www.alexfedoseev.com/231/indo-2011/
How can I exclude this galleries without manually putting each gallery ID on settings page?
]]>Генерация метаданных галочку снял, All in One SEO Pack отключил. Но на страницах сайта кнопка фейсбука поделится, генерит крякозябры в метаданных. заметил по виджету (плагину от фейсбук) в боковой панели ?Рекомендации?, там в рекомендациях тоже появились крякозябры, этих постов которыми поделились, его тоже отключил. Пересмотрел все основные файлы думал може кодировка, все перепробовал пересмотрел вроде кодировка гуд. Куда дальше смотреть, в чем может быть проблема?
Самое интересное на некоторых страницах генерит нормально, но на многих крякозябры включая созданные прям сейчас.
I like the plugin. Note for loading java in header. Some admin blocked odnoklasniki or Vkontakte then site is not available for a long time.
And I propose add some code to function “add_head” in share-buttons-scripts.php.
Change are
Line 115: if(in_array(‘googleplus’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘googleplus’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 120: if(in_array(‘vkontakte’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘vkontakte’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 124: if(in_array(‘vkontakte’,$this->like_btnsort)&&(in_array(‘vkontakte’,$this->like_btnshow))) {
Line 129: if(in_array(‘odnoklassniki’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘odnoklassniki’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 137: if(in_array(‘mailru’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘mailru’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 142: if(in_array(‘facebook’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘facebook’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 147: if(in_array(‘twitter’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘twitter’,$this->buttons_show))) {
Line 151: if(in_array(‘googlebuzz’,$this->btnsort)&&(in_array(‘googlebuzz’,$this->buttons_show))) {
I think if the skip button, you need to optimize the loading of scripts. Sorry, for my English.
in current version it’s possible to position share-buttons relative the entry body.
where (in which file) can I change like-buttons location?
in my case it’s preferrable to place it to the top (before entry).
og:image displays default logo image instead of thumbnail
I replaced
$thumb = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘Thumbnail’, $single = true);
$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id() );
$thumb = (string)$thumb[0];
and it works proper in my case
]]>Google+ button share just opens mobile version of a google+, and did nothing.
]]>How to close access to a plug-in all except the manager? for today everything who has access to placement of record see this plug-in.
I see the same topic has been closed with no answers for the issue resolving. Could anyone please answer is this feature not supported yet?
]]>Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Array sizes are inconsistent in /wp-content/plugins/share-buttons/share-buttons-options.php on line 224
]]>Other buttons is work, but VK – not.
]]>Do we have a code like <?php if(function_exists(‘xxx’)) { the_yyyy(); } ?>
which call share buttons to a any page or post .
Like i want to call share buttons on all single-post so do we have a code which can be placed in the single.php .
Actually i want to display the share buttons at a specific location which may not be possible with the default settings .
Pls help me with the code ..