Hi Bloafer,
I am trying to use the Share Rail plugin on my website but the rail will not appear. The rail gets rendered in the source of the page, but no amount of coaxing from CSS will make it display.
Ironically, I installed the sociable plugin as an alternative to Share Rail as well as a few other plugins I had installed and it actually caused the Rail to show.
Any ides as to why the share rail would render in the source but then not display unless another social plugin that performs a similar function is installed?
]]>If someone resizes their browser ie makes it smaller, the share rail jumps right into the middle of the content.
]]>There is only a very small grey box appears next to the post content without any sharing icons in it.
]]>This would be more intriguing if the author could better describe what a ‘floating share’ is or does. It is not apparent from visiting mashable.com, the referenced comparison, what a floating share is.