We recently added an SSL to this site for the client and now the FB share/like counts aren’t working. I know this is because of the switch to HTTPS and it is viewed as different domain than the HTTP version… but is there a way to recover the like/share counts?
]]>plugin appears to be broken. share links get 404 pages
]]>Thanks for that great plugin.
I translate it to Arabic language I hope to Include it in a future Updates
Hi guys,
During developing site for client of my company I noticed that all services beside mail sharing use filtered link( I added add_filter(‘sharing_permalink’…) with my logic ).
I saw at sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php and in line 16 u use get_permalink( $data[‘post’]->ID ) w/o apply_filters( ‘sharing_permalink’ …) wrapper.
It will be nice if u can add this in next rev
]]>Hi i love the sharedaddy plugin and i am using for my project for long time. Now i have to modify our page design where we have to show share buttons two times on post page(Before content and after content) but it is printing only once. Any idea how to print it twice?
Below is the snippet of code which i am using.
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
echo sharing_display();
echo sharing_display();
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Will be happy if get any answer from author or any Wp members ??
]]>If anyone else wants to know this is what worked for me.
div.sharedaddy ul,
div.sharedaddy li {
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
text-indent: 0;
I love your share button but how can i get it to add onto my woo commerce products pages?
]]>Hi folks, I wanna know if possible change the text who appears at Twitter sharing.
The default is the page title but I need a custom variable per page.
The plugin uses the original post url with param &share=twitter, when user open this url, automatic redirects to the twitter website.
but I can’t find where this redirect is made and how I can modify any param.
Any helps?
]]>First, Thank you for this great plugin.
I need little help.
When we send an email to share the post link using email option of sharedaddy, the receiver see the sender name as “WordPress” and also in subject line before the post name the text reads [Shared Post]
I would like to change these texts, which file I need to customize and what code to use.
Thank you for any help
]]>I wanto to use a Facebook Send Button instead of just Like Button, so users can post into their facebook timelines. It is possible?
]]>Is there anyway to import blogs from www.ads-software.com to a hosted blog WITH the past shared data from this plugin?
I did this yesterday (the import) and didn’t notice until my client did that everything was at zero. The import got everything else – the blogs and comments. But no social share data.
Is this possible?
I get one error and if i try to got in setting for share it’s the same.
What can be the problem ?
The error persist on WP3.5.0 or WP3.5.1
Fatal error: Class ‘Sharing_Service’ not found in /home/XXX/public_html/XXXX.org/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing.php on line 145
Can anyone help me ?
thank you !
Probably a simple question. I cannot find the code for implementing Publicize into my template. I want to place it in the header.tpl
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi, please help.
It took me ages to get to this point and I don’t know how to solve my problem. I’m trying to add a button to chinese social service called renren. I have finally found a sharing link: https://share.renren.com/share/buttonshare
Then I’ve read what’s the story with the URL variables more or less and now the button with this link works. But if I use it to share an article from someone elses chinese blog using a sharedaddy it shares like fb button – link and thumbnail. Mine shares only a link. Is it one of variables I have to change?
Thank You!
I’d like to be able to simply change the color of the text “Share this:”
Is this possible? Thanks!
]]>Hi guys,
what do I need to change in CSS to align sharing label (SHARE THIS:) and buttons (text only) in one line. I tried almost everything and can not find a solution.
Thanks in advance!
When clicking the share on facebook button, on facebook it shows a random image from my blog with no other choices.
This is clearly a bug.
How can I get it to display any of the images that are on my homepage?
I am using the Sharedaddy plugin in a self hosted site and I like it a lot.
With pages using ssl I do get mixed content security alerts when using the smart buttons.
I am already using the wordpress https plugin but this does not help (not sure if because content is in iframe or what).
Turining off the smart button features keeps me good to go and I have done this.
I actually don’t really want to have the sharing on my SSL pages as they are signup forms / peyment forms etc.
Looking around I can’t seem to find a filter or addon that can exclude a particular page or post (mine are pages) so that sharing is not displayed.
Any ideas on excluding a page would be much appreciated!
]]>Is there a way to use a shortocde to place sharedaddy buttons anywhere on a website?
I’m using Jetpack
]]>I have the same issue as described in here (sharing button shown in the excerpt
But I’m using the the_excerpt() inside a loop which as I understand is the right thing to do
This is my code (I cleaned it up for you):
<?php $recent = new WP_Query("showposts=3");?>
<?php while ($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post(); ?>
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
The plugin is throwing a notice when debug mode is on. An easy fix would be to modify line 42 of sharedaddy.php to:
if ( isset( $_POST['post_type'] ) && ( 'post' == $_POST['post_type'] || 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] ) ) {
I can provide a patch if that would help. Since it was just one line this seemed easier.
]]>In the file sharedaddy-de_DE.mo is the following text:
%1$s (%2$s) glaub, dass Dich folgender Beitrag interessieren k?nnte:
The word “glaub” is wrong – correct would be “glaubt”
Can you change this for the next update, please?
]]>Strangely enough I cant find anywhere the code to not display the sharedaddy icons in certain posts/pages. For instance, the icons are now showing in the slider, which is a post, and I dont want. So, wat is the shortcode to hide the icons?
]]>My plugin dir is a symlink and now plugin_dir_url generates a wrong url. It is getting the physical not the logical path so this breaks sharedaddy.
See for details also: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/16199
I changed the following lines in sharing.php to “fix” this. But probably there is a cleaner way.
if ( !defined( 'WP_SHARING_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) {<br />
define( 'WP_SHARING_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url('sharedaddy/dummy.php') );<br />
define( 'WP_SHARING_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );<br />
Also replaced every occurrence of “plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)” in sharing-sources.php to “plugin_dir_url(‘sharedaddy/dummy.php’)”.
]]>A user reported this already a year ago, with no effect:
The “Sharedaddy” module (v. 0.2.12) in Jetpack causes a “sharing_disabled” item to show up in the custom fields menu. This occurs on my WP install even when Sharedaddy is not enabled. Ideally, custom fields added by plugins should start with an underscore, so they remain invisible and don’t clutter the interface.
Btw, are there any better feedback channels for Jetpack than this forum?
]]>Doesn’t work
Add <?php wp_footer(); ?> to footer.php of your theme, before <body>
Mine did not have it, see
<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/obar.php’); ?>
I looked at the output HTML source code. There seems to be a heck of a lot missing from the footer, such as
<div id=”su-footer-links” style=”text-align: center;”></div><script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://blog.megahairelite.com/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing.js?ver=0.1′></script>
<div id=”sharing_email” style=”display: none;”>
etc. All of that is missing, as well as other items from other plugins.
Jetpack installed fresh. “Share+” button not showing. Sharing,js is not loading. Added sharing.js to header, loads, but “Share+” still not showing.
I have an almost identical setup on another site, and the “Share+” button appears fine on that website. Turned off other FB and Twitter plugins, but there was no change. “share-service-visible” is not in the class.
Icons appear individually if placed on the left panel of the Sharing admin area, except Email and Google+. That is, If I place Email and Google buttons so they display outside of the “Share+” button on the blog page, they do not appear. I can see all others: Digg, FB, Twitter, Print, etc.
If I fidget with CSS, and omit line 259
li.share-email, li.share-custom a.sharing-anchor {
display: none !important;
Add StumbleUpon into right panel (for “Share+) button, “Share+” and Email (!) button appear on the blog page, Google+ is still missing, but the hover does not work for the “Share+” button.
Changed theme to Twenty Eleven, “Share+” works fine. I’m using neo-sapien-v06, “Share+” not working … :\
When I try to share a blog post with Jetpack (ShareDaddy), it shares “Post Name: Long URL”. How can I customize the sharing to make readers share “Post Name | Blog Name | Bitly Link via @mytwitterusername”
How do I do that?!
]]>Ho can i add my Twitter id to Sharedaddy? then is this possible to have the comment box on the facebook like button?
]]>Needs GeekDownUnder’s changes made for it to work on a site I did using the Clean Home theme.
Is there an update the authors could make so I don’t have to hack the pluggin and the theme?
Great plugin otherwise, it would be 4 stars!