Hello, is it possible to only have the main content of a post print one a single page instead the entire post?
]]>Dear sirs,
I just tried your plugin so far, I like it but there’s a few minor issues :
Thank you.
]]>WordPress Version: 6.5.5
ShareThis Share Buttons Plugin Version: 2.3.2
When trying to check or uncheck either of the options:
Include at top of page content
Include at bottom of page content
None of the above settings will hold for an individual page. The aim is not to have ShareThis buttons appear on this particular page.
The global Inline Share Button plugin settings do hold, setting or unsetting where the buttons appear at the top or bottom of a page or post, but they are added or removed globally and do not allow for page-by-page exceptions.
I’ve noticed that on the post section of my website, share’s buttons are not appearing at all. I’ve tried several methods such as reinstalling the plugin, clearing cache, refreshing the browser, trying new browsers and its still not working.
One thing i’ve notice is that the plugin is getting auto disabled by itself time to time. And even if its enabled, its not showing in the page. Can you guys have a look at it once?
The site url is:?https://kasinmedia.com/
Thank you
It is preventing “sets” in this store to be added to the cart. We had to disable
A few days ago, I noticed that the sticky shares buttons on my website posts and pages didn’t appear. Please can you help me solve the problem?
Th is one of my post url:?https://globisreview.com/2191-2/
Thank you
Running WP 6.5 on PHP 8.2 (also tested on PHP 8.1). When I try to go to the settings page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=sharethis-inline-sticky-share-buttons
I get this message: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
If I enabled WP_DEBUG, I get the following in PHP 8.2, but not in PHP 8.1:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ShareThisShareButtons\Share_Buttons::$inline_setting_fields is deprecated in /www/nationalcarboncapturecentercom_328/public/wp-content/plugins/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-buttons.php on line 172
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ShareThisShareButtons\Share_Buttons::$sticky_setting_fields is deprecated in /www/nationalcarboncapturecentercom_328/public/wp-content/plugins/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-buttons.php on line 231
No errors in server logs either. Hosting at Kinsta. Any ideas?
]]>Hi Support
I do share my content in bbPress forum to Facebook, but we cannot get picture in Facebook. You can try in my site at here
Could you help me to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
]]>After update plugin with latest version 2.1.9. There is error below:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Ccall to undefined function ShareThisShareButtons\add_settings_sercion() in /nas/……
Error file is below:
/plugin/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-button.php on line 493
Please check after updat this plugin there is critical error on the site.
Call to undefined function ShareThisShareButtons\add_settings_section()
when calling url /wp-json/wp-statistics/v2/hit
Perhaps this broke in recent release?
]]>I want to show the Inline Share Buttons for both top and bottom on individual articles (single pages) then set margins for top/bottom BUT, whenever I click on the UPDATE BUTTON, my edits does not save.
Also, the “Consent Management Platform” option will just activate itself without me enabling the tool.
Thirdly, this plugin has not been updated to soothe the current version of WordPress. Please check.
Please assist.
]]>When I try to share my blog post on various social like Twitter Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and so on, the featured image does not show up. This issue was not happening till yesterday. Happens to all the posts I publish and I do not understand
]]>When I attempt to change the display settings for the inline share buttons, the settings are not saved. For example, I need to disable the “Top of post body” setting to off, as I am using a shortcode w/in a custom layout to place the buttons. When I toggle to “Off” and save, the setting is not persisted.
I have evaluated server logs to ensure that there is no ModSecurity trip or other similar issue
I was also able to duplicate the issue when turning the bottom of post option “On.” After hitting update, it is not persisted.
]]>When i update setting color not change in current version 6.3
When you provide next update?
]]>I have installed the share buttons. I have shared 2 times and I can properly see “2 Shares” -> https://wordpress-1087358-3804014.cloudwaysapps.com/welcome-to-cloudways/
Request is: Can this counter, count facebook likes and commends on the shared post?
Ideally we would like to have 1 for share + 1 for each like + 1 for each commend.
Is this possible and how?
Thanks in advance
When is the new X Twitter icon going to be added? Thanks
]]>Hi, The Share Buttons suddenly dissaappeared from my posts and not showing.
I have de activated Plugin, and did set-up again, still dissaappeared
]]>Hello thanks for this plugin.
I installed my blog. my system: php 8.1 on ubuntu 22.04.2 linux
I am getting the following error in admin panel.
Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in ../wp-content/plugins/sharethis-share-buttons/php/class-share-buttons.php on line 1148
]]>Hello, we have activated the wordpress plugin and all is working, but i cant see where to set the property ID so it syncs to my shareThis account and I can view analytics. Where are those settings located on the plugin settings?
]]>Hello, im working on my local instance of wordpress and i select the Sticky Share Buttons and try enable, but I cant, it doesnt stay enabled once i adjust and select them. It goes back to Disabled. How do I Enable it on local? Thank you
]]>ShareThis plugin is slowing down my website. Is there any news on adding ‘async’ and ‘defer’ tags to the loading of sharethis.js?
See this previous request 9 months ago which has unfortunately been closed. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/async-defer-js-files/
I just migrated a blog from OldDomain.com to NewDomain.com.
Is there a way ShareThis can migrate also share counts from OldDomain, including Facebook? I mean Fb made it impossible for a few years already.
]]>The share this buttons suddenly disappear since yesterday. And no update was done.
]]>Hi, Good day to you
I have used your plugin with my first website. It works very well. But when I used with my second website, it does not show. I have tried to solve it many ways but it is still not working. Please kindly help and advise.
We are looking forward to seeing from you.
Thanks in advance for your kindest attention.
]]>Hi guys, how are you?
Happy New Year.
I installed Share This because of this option to appear in the post inviting you to follow the social networks.
But for some reason the social media icons don’t appear, only the colors.
Can someone help me?
Image: https://prnt.sc/Q1d1sbVeh4_A
Need to be able to disable Consent manager platform as we already have a seperate platform that offers that abililty, the share this one is popping up when we do not need it.
Please fix ASAP, already reported as a bug previously and thought the latest version would fix this issue, but it’s only for the buttons…
]]>Hi there!
At ShareThis, user feedback is a top priority, as such, we’ve listened to your requests and are happy to share that with our newest update, we have removed the need for registration on the ShareThis plugin. Now you can install the plugin and start using the ShareThis tools right away!
We have also added more customization options for the color of the buttons, along with other improvements.
We hope you all like it, keep sharing!
I want to ask that Does This Plugin Support Ios Devices? iOS iPhone, iPad
Do these Sharing Buttons Shows on iPad? or Not?
]]>In an effort to improve Google Pagespeed Insights metrics, adding the async and/or defer properties to sharethis.js file.
In many cases, these buttons are below the fold and thus loading them delayed won’t cause a negative user impact.
Is this something the developers have considered adding? It could be a configurable option as well in the WordPress admin so as to not create a breaking / undesired experience for current users.
I appreciate the consideration of this suggestion being added to the plugin.
]]>We are using the plugin since last 4 years without complaint. Current version using is Version 7.8
While using the Sharethis button to share to Facebook, the plugin cant send the the OG data properly that’s why the Facebook cant fetch the preview image.
It has been started from the last couple of weeks and client is complaining.
Please check with the link provided and do something urgently.