Hi everyone,
When I am using Elementor to edit my Modal Box, I have no issue to select my content from the Elementor library. In the edition enviromment I can click on my box and the shortcode works perfectly.
Unfortunately, it won’t work in live environment. It was fine in the past.
Any idea how to fix that? I got some JS errors.
Thanks in advance.
]]>étrange, très étrange cette extension?!
Elle fonctionne bien et elle peut être extrêmement utile.
Pourtant, elle semble abandonnée. C’est dommage.
Est-ce que vous voulez faire la preuve?? Testez cette procédure.
Créez et éditez un article (ou une page) avec Elementor. Enregistrez-le.
Avec le menu de gauche de l’administration WordPress, allez voir Tous les articles. Trouvez le id de celui que vous venez de créer.
Allez sur la page ou l’article ou le widget ou vous voulez mettre le shortcode. Mettez-le comme indiqué dans la page de l’extension?: [SHORTCODE_ELEMENTOR id=xxxxx]
Pour moi, cela marche?! Et pour vous??
L’article ou la page seront toujours éditables avec Elementor. ?a suffit de les appeler à partir du répertoire de pages ou d’articles de votre site.
Vous pouvez gérer les articles (ou les pages) affichés avec des shortcodes depuis Tous les articles ou Toutes les pages de WordPress. Vous pouvez mettre ??short?? dans le titress de l’artcicle ou la page pour l’identifier plus facilement.
Il faut garder à l’esprit que All Shortcodes de Shortcode Elementor ne permet éditer que les shortcodes, pas les articles ou les pages.
Strange, very strange this plugin !
It works well and it can be extremely useful.
Yet she seems abandoned. Too bad.
Do you want to prove it? Test this procedure.
Create and edit an post (or page) with Elementor. Save it.
With the WordPress administration left menu, go to All Articles. Find the id of the one you just created.
Go to the page or post or widget where you want to put the shortcode. Put it as indicated in the plugin page: [SHORTCODE_ELEMENTOR id = xxxxx]
For me, it works! And for you ?
The post or page will still be editable with Elementor. Just call them up from your site’s pages or posts directory.
You can manage the posts (or pages) displayed with shortcodes from All Posts or All Pages in WordPress. You can put “short” in the post title or page for easier identification.
Keep in mind that Shortcode Elementor’s All Shortcodes only allow editing of shortcodes, not posts or pages.
]]>when trying to edit a shortcode it throws a 404 error
When I’m trying to edit shortcodes with Elementor I get this message: https://prnt.sc/xno2wj
Please help me to edit shortcodes with Elementor.
]]>I’m getting an error message anytime I try to get back to a generated elementor shortcode to edit the element.
1. I generate a new elementor shortcode editing an elementor element (a button in this case) through the shortcodes for elementor plugin
2. I can use it properly
3. when I go back to the elementor page of the element of the shortcode I get the message that the page cannot be open (so I cannot edit it anymore) as the content area in my page hasn’t been found. It says I have to include the function <<the_content>> in the current template for Elementor to work on that page…
How can I fix it?
]]>Can I use it show post I created?
]]>The fact of the matter is, this plugin is massively gimped by the need to duplicate an entirely new draft whenever you want to edit anything on the page, as I think elementor can’t read the /rs_elements bit because it returns a 404 error when you try to open it outside of elementor.
]]>I have an article that contains custom fields (ACF) that populates an elementor template.
This article is a sidebar.
This article (sidebar) must exit inside the marked page.
Inside the right column of the reported page I have inserted the article’s shortcode inside the elementor shortcode widget. But no sidebar comes out.
Where am I going wrong?