The following error is being thrown for PHP 7.4.4
Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /var/www/html/wp/public/content/plugins/shortcodes-ui/classes/widget.class.php on line 49
Is there anything that we can do to help resolve this? Is there a git repo anywhere we can push a fix to? Thanks
]]>Function create_function() is deprecated
Is Shortcoes UI ready for WordPress 4.7?
I hope to hear from you.
Best regards,
On line 567 of shortcode_marker.php there is: get_currentuserinfo();
This method has been deprecated by WordPress in favour of wp_get_current_user()
Will this plugin soon be updated to reflect this? At the moment I have errors showing in debug mode.
]]>Can anyone help me on how to add this code
<span class="glf-button" data-glf-cuid="895ac645-ad75-441d-87c7-a9d92670f7db" data-glf-ruid="2e8eb445-bdfb-4647-b920-182bc8e55604" data-glf-auto-open="false"> order </span>
<script src="" defer async ></script>
with the shortcodes-ui plugin
i need a shortcode to use it with a plugin that doesnt recognize scripts it needs only shortcodes.
]]>Bainterest, please don’t let this plugin die!
I just saw the following warning:
get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /home/holger/webapps/xp3test3/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3662
Thank you!
Holger @ https://YourCards.Click
I can’t work out how to pass attributes to the php code.
]]>Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\ssa\wp-includes\functions.php</b> on line <b>3457</b>
can u resolve this error..
iframe not displaying when this plugin is active..
Are any new features planned for this plugin?
Is it still supported?
]]>Hello, the backend is now unusable.
]]>Plugin looks like it has a lot of potential for me. Before I dig into it, is it no longer being supported?
]]>I have 2 shortcodes, 1 inside the other. The first is a shortcode that’s a form with prices for ordering prints. The form is the same on all my prints except for the title of the print. So I use that shortcode on all my print pages to add the form and in that form I am adding another shortcode to get the name of the print like this…
<input name=”itemname” type=”hidden” value=”[page_title] 11×8 inch unmounted print” />
It has been working really well but has suddenly stopped working. I’ve no idea why. can you help?
The form shortcode is a simple snippet type with the form code. The page title comes from a bit of php in the functions file and is also a simple snippet. At the moment [page_title] works everywhere else on the web site but not when it’s nested inside the form shortcode.
This is so weird because it was working perfectly. I wonder if an upgrade to wordpress might have caused something to change?
Any ideas?
do you have a working solution to this one?
csmillac wrote: …”Is their any way possible that I would be able to implement a browse button into the short code editor so that I can get something from my media folder in wordpress and put in the short code content field?
As appose to getting a link to a picture in my media folder, copying it, opening up the short code editor, and then pasting the link in the appropriate field….”
thanks for this great plugin.
I’m having some issues getting the “<>” button to show up within tinymce editor. Do you have any advice or workaround?
Here are the possible conflicts:
– amr shortcode any widget
– Logged in User Shortcode
– Log Out Shortcode
– Search shortcode
– User meta shortcodes
– User Shortcodes
When I use a shortcode, it enters a line break before and after the inserted text.
Please see example below:
e.g. shortcode: [business_name]
[business_name] = Shortcode Ltd
when using shortcode:
Why should I choose [business_name]?
How I’d like it to read:
Why should I choose Shortcode Ltd?
How it is reading:
Why should I choose
Shortcode Ltd
Please could you advise how I fix this.
i just had a challenge with the plugin “shortcode ui”, which i really like (great job), in combination with the also quite cool plugin “qTranslate X”.
While “qTranslate X” is running, attributes will not be resolved. I found the reason in the following lines of code of your “shortcode-maker.php:
U do unserialize($sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0])
, but with qTranslate $sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]
is already a valid Array, so those lines fail.
I changed it to $externals = (is_array($sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]))?$sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]:unserialize($sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]);
and $shortcode_attributes = (is_array($sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]))?$sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]:unserialize($sc_meta['_bascsh_attr'][0]);
so it works for me for now. Dunno, if it can cause other problems later. Maybe this can be fixed in a future release ?? (THX in advance)
Lines 449 – 451 are now throwing a notice due to unset variables, but this doesnt break the plugin.
Best regards
]]>I don’t have enough shortcodes in Shortcode UI to bother with categories, yet when I click the Editor button to invoke the UI, I still have to first select “Select All Shortcodes” in the first dropdown before I can choose a shortcode from the second.
I think the first dropdown should be set to “Select All Shortcodes” by default with the second populated by all upon invocation. Then that first dropdown selector would serve to narrow the selection in the second dropdown by specific category for those who have enough shortcodes that categories are useful.
Is there any way to alter this function so that either the above is the case, OR just eliminate the first dropdown entirely and show all shortcodes in the second? Of course, I don’t want to edit the plugin files…so hopefully there is a way to filter it?
]]>This is the error I am getting when I am trying to replace the_content with content in a 2nd WP editor box that include a shortcode created by shortcode-ui
[05-Jun-2015 18:49:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant businessname – assumed ‘businessname’ in /wp-content/plugins/shortcodes-ui/shortcode-maker.php(766) : eval()’d code on line 2
The shortcode we added to the 2nd wp editor doesn’t actually have anything to do with the shortcode businessname. The shortcode is just a simple snippet with text.
Any suggestions for getting this awesome plugin to work with extra wp editor boxes that make changes to the_content?
Hi, we’re using the plugin Press Permit ( to control user access to plugins and tools on the admin interface. Using Press Permit, we’ve created custom roles (based on the core WP roles) and are using these to limit access to certain plugins. Ideally, we’d like users in a certain role to have access to certain plugins but not be able to view the Shortcodes plugin from the Dashboard. However, we haven’t been able to make this work successfully, and I believe it’s because both plugins base user permissions on core WP roles / Post capabilities. I just wondered if anyone has tried to restrict access to Shortcodes using Press Permit custom roles (or a similar model), or if you have any suggestions? Thank you.
]]>Found a small bug, that is easy to get around but can cause grief.
If you use a ‘-‘ in the name of an attribute, it will break the plugin. It basically won’t fill in the value entered for the attribute.
To get around it, don’t use ‘-‘ in an attribute name.
]]>I’ve developed a shortcode that will log a user in (as “anonymous” subscriber) – it works great in most circumstances (all the time on my production server) – but on my sandbox server, it occasionally and seemingly randomly breaks with a “headers already sent” message, caused by a changing source.
is there any way to assure that a shortcode runs earlier in the page load process?
]]>First, your plugin is great, I cant say enough good things about it. However I do have a suggestion.
Your icons, including the one in the admin menu, are loaded from imgur through the standard protocal. I would suggest including these in the plugin to limit DNS queries. At a minimum you should remove the http: from the front so they will load securely if someone uses a SSL connection in the admin area.
shortcode-maker.php lines 322 and 524.
with //
Other than that its great!
All of a sudden the front end of the site has gone blank. The logs show:-
[15-Apr-2015 20:48:40 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_field() in /home/mydomain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/shortcodes-ui/shortcode-maker.php(765) : eval()’d code on line 10
Can you please suggest a fix?
I am getting an error after creating an advanced php shortcode in shortcodes UI. Here is what I am working with. I want to convert this PHP/HTML section into a shortcode:
<section class="home-center">
<div class="subscribe-top">
<div class="subscription-features">
<?php cn_include_content(1044); ?>
<?php cn_include_content(49); ?>
<div class="row-full subscription-columns">
<div class="small-12 large-12 columns subscriptions" role="main">
<div class="subscribe-columns">
<div class="small-3 columns subscribe-col subscribe-col-1">
<div class="special">
<div class="skew">
<div class="subscription-special">
<?php cn_include_content(42); ?>
<div class="arrow">
<div class="cta-arrow"></div>
<div class="subscription-call-to-action">
<?php cn_include_content(1034); ?>
<div class="small-3 columns subscribe-col subscribe-col-2 subscribe-col-price">
<?php cn_include_content(1002); ?><?php echo do_shortcode("[product id="1002"]") ?>
<div class="small-3 columns subscribe-col subscribe-col-3 subscribe-col-price">
<?php cn_include_content(1003); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode("[product id="1003"]") ?>
<div class="small-3 columns subscribe-col subscribe-col-4 subscribe-col-price">
<?php cn_include_content(1004); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode("[product id="1004"]") ?>
<div class="sample-paleo-pack">
<?php cn_include_content(1048); ?>
I am placing it in the PHP section of Shortcodes UI and selecting Advanced Shortcode.
I get the following error…
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘/’ in /Users/robertrhu/Documents/Websites/locavore/wp-content/plugins/shortcodes-ui/shortcode-maker.php(765) : eval()’d code on line 55
Thanks a ton!
]]>If I use the shortcodes.ui plug-in and insert one of the generated shortcodes into a post, then the “Share this” information below a post doesn’t appear.
Tested with my usual theme, and with Twenty Fifteen just to be sure.
]]>First, thank you for the wonderfull plugin. I have been using it left and right for custom html implementation. This time I’m doing something a bit more difficult so I decided to use the support to get some help.
I’m trying to implement the classic example of the loop:
<!-- Start the Loop. -->
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<!-- Test if the current post is in category 3. -->
<!-- If it is, the div box is given the CSS class "post-cat-three". -->
<!-- Otherwise, the div box is given the CSS class "post". -->
<?php if ( in_category( '3' ) ) : ?>
<div class="post-cat-three">
<?php else : ?>
<div class="post">
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Display the Title as a link to the Post's permalink. -->
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<!-- Display the date (November 16th, 2009 format) and a link to other posts by this posts author. -->
<small><?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?> by <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></small>
<!-- Display the Post's content in a div box. -->
<div class="entry">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<!-- Display a comma separated list of the Post's Categories. -->
<p class="postmetadata"><?php _e( 'Posted in' ); ?> <?php the_category( ', ' ); ?></p>
</div> <!-- closes the first div box -->
<!-- Stop The Loop (but note the "else:" - see next line). -->
<?php endwhile; else : ?>
<!-- The very first "if" tested to see if there were any Posts to -->
<!-- display. This "else" part tells what do if there weren't any. -->
<p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.' ); ?></p>
<!-- REALLY stop The Loop. -->
<?php endif; ?>
I tried copying and pasting the above code in the PHP section and the ShortCode Template section but both failed to yield any results.
Would you be kind enough to give me some tips as to how I could go about implementing the above loop using this plugin?
]]>It’s possible to create two shortcodes with the same name. As far as I can tell, the one created first is the one used. But it would be nice if the program checked for a duplicate name and either stopped you or, perhaps, offered the option of over-writing.
]]>Sorry if this appears twice – I posted it but it’s not shown up in the list.
I’m going to use a *lot* of shortcodes, so I’ve created multiple categories (A-Z) so that it’s easy to find them in the drop-down using the pop-up activated from the toolbar. However, I’ve noticed that within the category lists, the shortcodes are being displayed in the order they were created. Is it possible – or could you consider it as a feature addition – to sort them into alphabetical order in the category lists?
]]>Clashes with other plug-ins. The ones in particular that I’ve had a problem with are Creative Commons Configurator and Adsense Explosion. Both of these plugins place items in certain locations on the screen – beginning and end of articles, for instance. However, if I use a shortcode then both these plug-ins get confused and place their content around the extended shortcode – even if that means putting their content on-screen multiple times instead of once. I can show you code/examples if you wish ??
]]>It’s possible to create two shortcodes with the same name. As far as I can tell, the one created first is the one used. But it would be nice if the program checked for a duplicate name and either stopped you or, perhaps, offered the option of over-writing.