I have a website that’s quite image heavy.
Since WordPress generated thumbnail, medium, large, small etc file versions of alle images (and then the other Shortpixel plugin created webp and avif versions of each file size version) it’s taking up a lot of space on my server.
Will the Shortpixel adaptive image plugin be able to resize based on only the original image and create all of the smaller versions in the CDN? My aim is to be able to remove all of the various files size versions from my server and only host one original version locally on my end.
I am currently using this plugin to load my images from CDN and convert them to webp.
In this case, do I still need the other plugin – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/shortpixel-image-optimiser/ ?
Appreciate your suggestions, thank you!
]]>The annoying banner gets displayed every time any page reloads by a logged in user. Even after dismissing it by clicking ‘x’ button, it remain at the top in WP user area. After clicking ‘x’ +, it get dismissed for one time but appears again the page is reloaded.
This is tremendously annoying. Kindly change its behaviour so that it display quota notice for once in week for reminder. Not everytime.
Notice; “ShortPixel Adaptive Images notice
Your ShortPixel Adaptive Images quota has been exceeded.”
Any this annoyance continues, it will downgrade your reputation.
]]>I’ve received numerous errors on my site after installing ShortPixel. I’ve attached the screenshot links for reference. I purchased the plugin three days ago and am seeking a refund. When I follow the instructions to switch to the “Free” Monthly plan, it displays, “Your remaining 6,913 image credits will still be available until Mar 10, 2024.” Does this mean I won’t receive a refund since it shows I can still use the credits? How can I obtain a complete refund? I purchased a year plan and am eligible for a refund as I am requesting it within a few days of the purchase.
]]>I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to bring to your attention an issue I’ve encountered with the ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin regarding lazy loading functionality.
After thorough testing and analysis, I’ve identified the following problem:
Issue Description: When the ShortPixel AI Settings > Behavior > Replace method is set to BOTH, lazy loading does not work as expected. However, if the Replace method is set to SRC, lazy loading functions properly. Unfortunately, when the Replace method is set to SRC, the srcset attribute for images does not get printed.
Expected Behavior: Ideally, lazy loading should work regardless of the Replace method setting, and the srcset attribute for images should be printed correctly when lazy loading is enabled.
Steps to Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Request: I kindly request your assistance in investigating and resolving this issue. It would greatly benefit users of the ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin to have lazy loading functionality working seamlessly with all Replace method settings and ensuring that the srcset attribute is correctly printed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you and any updates on resolving this issue.
]]>Добрый день. Фото на сайт находили из поисковиков, разных форматов Web, PNG и тд. Смотрится криво теперь все в итоге. Понятно, что редактировать каждое это много времени бы ушло. Можно с помощью вашего плагина сделать их одного размера теперь по высоте и ширине чтобы смотрелись ровно? Вот ссылка как сейчас смотрится https://bytepix.ru/ib/fgMpTSF97J
I have had ShortPixel AI installed on my blog for several years. I found that I have images in my Media Library that are not optimized. What do I do to optimize these images?
]]>When ShortPixel CDN loads an image for the first time, it uses a redirect to the origin web server image to account for image processing (resize, compress) of device size: https://shortpixel.com/knowledge-base/article/148-why-are-my-images-redirected-from-cdn-shortpixel-ai.
ShortPixel CDN does not store images until a device accesses them. So there is no guarantee that origin web server image won’t be loaded for a user. This behavior is problematic if the origin server image is large and uncompressed and because of the latency cost to request from the origin server.
I have a few questions based on the above context.
Do they also compress the iPhone’s heif or heic image format? I read that in the image optimizer it does, but this one doesn’t?
]]>Hi there,
When we install the plugin, all images in the woocommerce /wp-json/wc/v3/products endpoint are showing the placeholder base64 instead of the main image source:
Is there any way of making it so woocommerce shows the correct image url in the rest api?
How are you doing?
How do I add Shortpixel AI, for subdomains of an UNLIMITED domain?
How to proceed?
Thank you very much!
Images are not loading anymore on the frontend of my site using SPAI.
I get an error ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID when opening the image in a new tab. I tested this on my pc and my phone and I am getting the same problem.
It says SPAI CDN certificate expired a few hours ago:?https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/
You can see here:
I deactivated the plugin in order to load images again.
]]>ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin has messed up my websites. When active, the various parts of my site are scrambled up! The effects of the problem started at about 4 PM PST on February 17, 2023.
I have deactivated all plugins but ShortPixel AI and the problem remains.
When I activate all plugins but ShortPixel AI, my sites work fine.
I have deacivated ShortPixel AI on all my sites but the one linked above.
Help, please …
It looks like SPAI CDN certificate expired a few hours ago: https://cdn.shortpixel.ai/
No image is rendered anymore on the frontend of my sites using SPAI.
Hi, I saw some slowdown when using this plugin. It seemed to load way too many images. I saw the following behaviour in Firefox Development Tools under Network.
I visit a product page. It has a product image gallery, it shows one big image and 8 thumbnails. If you click on a thumbnail it changes the big image.
Without ShortPixel Adaptive images with replace method SRC, the browser loads 9 images (big one and 8 thumnails). With SAI it loads 16 images (8 big images and 8 thumbnails).
It shouldn’t do that with the 7 big images which are not visible by default. If you just replace the src of the placeholder image, hidden or not, the browser will load the image.
There was something weird going on as well with a responsive image where a variant was loaded which was not used by the browser.
]]>For each project (on this page?https://www.carolinebarray.com/art-sculpture/?) I have a created a desktop and mobile version slider. They appear normally on desktop and tablet devices, and resized desktop version, but none of the mobile-version sliders appear on the iPhone using Chrome or Safari.
When I deactivate ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin everything works normally on the iPhone.
This is a problem that has popped up recently, originally both versions displayed correctly.
Any insight greatly appreciated!
]]>ShortPixel Adaptive Images seems to be incompatible with Cloudflare, StachPath and Self hosted CDN in the case when the default wp-content/uploads
isn’t used. For instance, wp-content/upload
is hosted and served on/from a subdomain e.g. icdn.example.com
PageSpeed Insights parsed an error: https://snipboard.io/BtlRcW.jpg
]]>I’m using Short Pixel Adaptive Image plugin, and my images are being served via the ShortPixel CDN, but as JPG, not as WepP or Avif.
Another peculiar thing is that when I use ‘Check images’ I see them as being served by the CDN (but as JPG), and resized, and as much smaller than the original versions; however, Pagespeed insights tells me that I should be serving next gen images, and more curiously, the image’s specified filesize is that of the one on my server, not what the SPAI image checker says it is. Each time I refresh Pagespeed Insights it will complain about a different image.
]]>My host – site ground has had too many issues recently, spammy emails, bot attacks, site downtime,,, and have been very rude to me recently when I have sought to have some simple direction on server side set up WP-Rocket that I am planning to move on from SG. In the meantime I need to transfer my images over to SPAI or other plugin and want to know while I am with SG and use their SG Optimizer; will it conflict with SPAI? SG as a host has too much inconsistencies in speed metrics and lacks server side performance, so I need to move to another host; I am not sure in the meantime if the dynamic cache will conflict with SPAI.
I have configured the settings for the ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin using the visual illustrations in “3. Settings” on your “Step-by-step guide to install and use ShortPixel Adaptive Images (SPAI).”
After clearing all caches (including Cloudflare), everything works fine until I activate the New AI engine. Then all of the images disappeared. I then deactivated New AI and the images returned.
What should I do?
PS: The link to the page I need help with above (https://www.theendlesssixties.com) currently has the New AI engine activated.
]]>Since the latest update the clear cache option is gone.
How do I get to clear the cache now?
On your Shortpixel Knowledge Base, most of the links do not work. When I attempt to use a link, I get one of two messages:
1. The page you were looking for doesn’t exist. / You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. / If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.
2. SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
]]>Hello SPAI,
On https://kiawahislandgetaways.com/vacation-rentals/the-ocean-blue-at-seascape/ , notice the background image behind the “play” button is super blurry. We have been looking to exclude that image from SPAI without success
We added the folliwing selector under Excluded selectors > Leave out completely :
.ldx-property-slide.video-slide .ldx-carousel-image
But SPAI still resizes the image. We then tried to exclude the individual pages by adding the following path under Excluded URLs :
This doesn’t work either.
Are we missing something here?
]]>I’ve replaced some images on my site via SFTP, but Shortpixel continues to load the original images. I’ve cleared my caches site and broswer caches and regenerated thumbnails; I’ve deactivated the plugin and cleared its data, but nothing so far has worked. Any ideas on how to force shortpixel to generate new images?
You can view on tributaryidaho.com/lifestyle—scroll down to the second section. In bottom right, an image of a man making a drink will appear; that’s the currently in my wordpress media library. Slowly, an image of a waiter serving mussels will replace it. That’s the old image fading in as shortpixel loads it.
]]>Hello, I’ve just installed your plugin. I recieve a notice to disable js compress in Light Speed Cache. But if disabled, my site speed score decreases. I wonder if it’s ok to keep enabling it. As for now with this option enabled together with your plugin activated, my site runs normally, nothing wrong.
my images are not loading anymore, and I get the mentioned error in my browser console.
ai-2.0.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'width')
at SPAI.updateInlineStyle (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at SPAI.updateDivUrl (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2)
at s.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2)
at SPAI.handleUpdatedImageUrls (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at SPAI.handleBody (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at SPAI.setupIntersectionObserverAndParse (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at SPAI.init (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
at shortPixelAIonDOMLoaded (ai-2.0.min.js:1)
Honestly I love everything this plugin can do, so far no complaints with the new 3.0 engine.
My only request would be the ability to set the quality of the LQIP images. Right now they default to “indistinguishable as an image”, whereas I’d be very willing to add a few more kb to the file size to have something that closer resembles the loading image.
I’m not sure how you handle this on your end, but both Imgix and Cloudinary offer LQIP customization, so fingers crossed you can look into it as well ??
]]>I absolutely LOVE everything SPAI does, such as serving the images from your CDN and them being served as WebP for browsers that support it, but is there any way to disable, site-wide, the images being served resized? I have the images displaying just right in the front-end, but when I activate SPAI, they are served resized and appear much too small, and I can’t find anywhere in the settings to where I can turn off resizing yet keep everything else active. Is there some code I can possibly put in the functions.php file to disable this particular resizing feature?
Thank you so much.
]]>LOL Just was about to request clarification on the whopping 15GB log file in me uploads folder. Then I saw the update alert on the plugins page that you guys already caught it. Spent 2 hours clearing log files before I discovered it. Brought me box to a complete halt. ??
BTW Great plugin and even greater service!!