First: thanks for the plugin! Been using it for years, super helpful for template-based themes ?? Second, we got the following error when upgrading one of our sites today.
[14-Sep-2023 19:03:31 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_is_block_theme() in /home/customer/www/
The wp_is_block_theme()
function was added to WordPress in v5.9 (source) but there are no enforced version minimums in the plugin… I have a client site stuck on WordPress 4.9, and after upgrading to the latest version of Simple Sitemap Pro, the whole website wound up with the dreaded White Screen of Death. I found the above line in my php_errorlog
file, which let me rename the folder to bring back the website.
Ideally the plugin should have the Requires at least:
definition in the plugin header, and adding the Requires PHP:
definition would probably be a good idea as well. These would allow WordPress to help enforce minimums so that things like usage of core functions that do/don’t exist can be more easily checked, since you can use it to PREVENT people with outdated technology from upgrading to the most recent version if their install will knowingly not support it. Here’s a link to contemporary examples of plugin headers in the developer handbook:
Thanks in advance!
]]>Just FYI, WordPress is now showing the dreaded yellow banner of abandonment and WordFence is complaining about the plugin not being updated in two years.
If this project is still maintained, please bump the version number when you have a minute.
I have always found this a great tool when working with classic themes.
When used with a block theme, no matter what page I view the plugin shows that the page was rendered by the file template-canvas.php, which appears to be a core file that renders pages for block themes.
Am I doing something wrong or is the plugin not able to analyse the theme files used in block themes?
When upgrading from 0.3.4 to 0.4.6 I got list of included files in the footer instead of habitual place.
The website is build with Genesis Framework.
I went back to 0.3.4 to get back to normal behaviour.
I followed the support FAQs (activated Storefront default them, disabled all plugins); tried Chrome and Edge. Logged in as admin. Plugin used to display on Toolbar but now it is not. Running WP 5.7.2
]]>When I have the plugin activated, and am logged in, but I have my profile set to not show the admin bar on the front end, I get the following JS error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
at replaceFileNames (replace.js?ver=0.4.5:3)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (replace.js?ver=0.4.5:8)
at k (jquery.js?ver=2.1.0:24)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=2.1.0:24)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=2.1.0:24)
at HTMLDocument.g (jquery.js?ver=2.1.0:14)
I’ve written a gist which tests for #included-files-list and returns out if it’s null.
Thanks for a great plugin.
]]>First, thanks as always for a very helpful plugin!
I found a similar report from a month ago ( ) but I discovered the problem myself on a client site, and believe this is an issue that affects multisite installations.
Most of the plugin protects functionality with an is_super_admin()
check, such as in the add_current_template_stylesheet()
function…. but the get_included_files_at_footr()
is still doing a current_user_can( 'administrator' )
check. This results in the network admins seeing everything fine, but a single-site Administrator gets no other parts of the plugin loaded EXCEPT the rendering of the <ol id="included-files-fie-on-wp-footer">
list in the footer. Since the css from this plugin is never loaded, it never gets a “display:none” and just shows all the files listed at the bottom of the page in the html.
… Incidentally current_user_can('administrator')
is a known/undocumented glitch and should never be used since the argument is intended to be a capability and not a role. You should either check the current user’s roles to see if they are an administrator, or pass an actual capability (such as “activate_plugins” for regular Administrators, or “create_sites” for Super Admins).
I am using this plugin and the main Template relative path shows correctly e.g. single.php/page.php
However, the additional included template files like header.php, footer.php is not showing in the plugin dropdown even though they are loaded.
Theme boilerplate: Underscores
Show Current Template: 0.4.3
Wordpress : 5.6
PHP: 7.3.5
There must be some weird interaction with the theme Impreza.
When I activate “Show Current Template” it shows the list of included files in the footer. Like this:
<ol id="included-files-fie-on-wp-footer"><li>themes/Impreza-child/functions.php</li><li>themes/Impreza-child/header.php</li><li>themes/Impreza/common/framework.php</li><li>themes/Impreza/common/functions/comments.php</li><li>themes/Impreza/common/functions/menu.php</li><li>themes/Impreza/footer.php</li><li>themes/Impreza/functions.php</li></ol>
The ID of the ol tag even is “…-wp-footer”.
I don’t suppose it is intended to be like that, is it?
My version is 0.4.3.
Thank you for wonderful plugin
Seems that with the current update (0.42) I get the following JS error on all sitesin console
On file /plugins/show-current-template/assets/js/replace.js?ver=6
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
at replaceFileNames (replace.js?ver=6:3)
at replace.js?ver=6:5
I have a complex WP theme where I should tweak some operation and your plugin shows almost 50 template files used,
so it would be great to be able to check only parts of the webpage to identify the templates used.
I mean some similar like Chome Inspector.
Magento also has an option for this:
I think it could be a payed feature, many of us would pay an affordable amount for this feature.
Thank you
ciao tai, thank you for that awesome plugin, i use it all the time. really a big help. i just had a tiny issue, where i set the variable $template inside on of my archive.php files. it overwrote your variable, causing it to display the wrong name in the admin bar. really no issue, i gave my variable a prefix so its fixed on my end, but i’d suggest to rename the plugin variable to something less generic, maybe add a prefix or so, just to make it less confusing. but, no big deal.. thanks again, keep it up!
]]>Your plugin doesn’t work for me. I am not seeing anything different.
I installed your plug-in into my theme, which is a custom theme developed for the company several years ago (not a standard theme you can buy or search for). The documentation says very little on the purpose of what the plugin should or shouldn’t be doing and there is no configuration of where the plugin’s display of information should be rendered.
Does the plugin show the sequence of template files as they are being included? or are they shown alphabetically as the screenshot implies.
Based on the reviews of people I am guessing the plugin should at least output some information somewhere. The documentation says it displays on the toolbar. Could you elaborate on that? Google toolbar extension? Chrome browser doesn’t have a toolbar these days.
Thank you for mentioning the inspiration: I did try Reveal Current Template. That plugin only shows a single template, but a nice thing about that plugin is that you can configure where to place the information.
Hoping you can help, but no worries if you don’t.
I use WAMP installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 as my development environment. I have the plugin installed there and display my theme using localhost/wptheme by way of using chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)
]]>I have installed Show Current template. The screenshots show that the template information is displayed after the ‘New’ item. I cannot see this.
I an using latest versions of everything, significant components are:
I can create an admin for you on the staging site if necessary.
Thank you
I’ve installed the plugin, activated, but I cannot see it on top, even though I’m logged in as administrator. Any thoughts?
]]>As in topic. I have problem with my 404 error page, I cant do custom one. I wanted to know what template this page is using but there is nothing. Even dashboard bar.
]]>using Sage 8.5.1 as my starter theme, the custom post type template defined in my plugin is not shown (I get ‘base.php’ as the template when it should show ‘single-featured_entree.php’. [full Template relative path: plugins/featured-entrees/single-featured_entree.php] )
The correct template file (as defined by my plugin, which allows for the theme to override it with an equivalently named file) IS still used to display the extra fields from the custom post type, however.
]]>When I use this plugin on my local development environment, it will correctly detect that I am using index.php, single.php, etc. but it will not show the additional files included such as header.php, footer.php, and sidebar.php.
I am using a fresh copy of the Underscores theme from Automattic and WordPress v4.7.3.
]]>Hi great plugin i use it on all my sites.
On some sites the list of files is so large that i can’t see the bottom of the list as it goes beyond my browser window. Is there a way around this? Can you come up with a fix so the list can scroll so I can see what is at the bottom?
]]>After installing the plug-in I clicked activate and it brought me to a blank white page that had this written on it
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WP_Import has a deprecated constructor in /Users/amyaewing/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php on line 38
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /Users/amyaewing/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:38) in /Users/amyaewing/Documents/Sites/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1171
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /Users/amyaewing/Documents/Sites/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php:38) in /Users/amyaewing/Documents/Sites/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1171
and this was the address in the browser’s address bar:
What did I do wrong?
]]>Hi, just wanted to mention two issues I’m seeing on WP4.2.2 with Show Current Template plugin version 0.2.2 and the popular Enfold theme.
– The template name doesn’t show up in the header bar, just the words, “Template:”
– The dropdown showing all the included templates runs off the page and can’t be scrolled if there are a lot of templates included.
]]>Well, this seems to give the best information from others plugins.
(like reveal-template or current-template-file, except of hookr ).
But I would enjoy to get possibility to extend the $include_list with :
– <a href="..../wp-admin/theme-editor.php?file= ">
– or at least just list/show source of file when clicking on
Of course it means you may have capabilities ….
]]>First of all – AWESOME plugin! It’s helping me to track down what’s being loaded on the page even when the main template is blank.
That said, I do have one slight problem: the includes list is being cut off because there are so many results. The dropdown only loads to the height of the page and all results past that point are cut off/lost.
To get around this I’ve been inspecting the element, expanding the included-files-list and reading the results directly in HTML, which is awesome to be able to do, but does get a bit time-consuming.
Is there any way to add some kind of scroll to the dropdown list so that all results are viewable?
thanks for this awesome tool, helps a lot, while developing. i have a very small issue, no big deal, but i thought i’d report it.
if i switch the template via functions.php, the “template name” field is empty. i tried to change the add_action prority, but that did not help. absolutly no big deal, the list works just fine.
thank you for this tool
here is the code, i use in functions.php to change the template, based on the parent page ID:
function is_child( $pid ) {
global $post;
$ancestors = get_post_ancestors( $post->$pid );
$root = count( $ancestors ) - 1;
$parent = $ancestors[$root];
if( is_page() && ( is_page( $pid ) || $post->post_parent === $pid || in_array( $pid, $ancestors ) ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function switch_template( $tpl ) {
$template = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/" . $tpl;
if ( file_exists( $template ) ) {
load_template( $template );
function wpse140605_template_redirect() {
if ( is_child( 20 ) || is_child( 22 ) ) { // lookbook
switch_template( 'single-lookbook.php' );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse140605_template_redirect', 10, 0 );
I installed and activated Show Current Template in a multisite. Instead of network activating, I only activated for one site and the plugin didn’t show the current template in the Admin banner menu.
After deactivating the plugin for the site and network activating it, the current template in the Admin banner menu and worked great.