Rating: 1 star
Installs scripts that remain even when uninstalled.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
As a plugin developer, I create hidden post meta all the time and sometimes I need to see it to debug it. This does what it says it does, and well. Its simple and hasn’t been updated for a while, but I’m glad it exists!
PS: If you need someone to take this one over, let me know. I’ll keep it tested and updated if you’re unable to.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
As I’ve used various plugins to augment my woocommerce site over the years, users/customers and other items gather meta data that occasionally needs to be modified. This is the ONLY easy way to do it that i’ve found. Bravo!!!
Simple and works.
Rating: 5 stars
Simple and does the job. You see hidden custom fields just as you can see regular custom fields. Great tool if you want to delete hidden meta fields.
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One of those things. You install it, and then it works.
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I used it to display hidden custom fields for a custom post type in WP 3.9.1. Just what I needed!