Hi. I’m looking for the function of users comments being auto geotagged or the ability to self tag their comment so other users can then filter comments by location. I see that you have visitor submit location marker but would like to know more about this feature.
Thanks, Craig.
All I get is [sightings-map]
When I drop the code onto a page or post
I am using another plugin with a ‘quicktag’ that works fine, just not [sightings-map]
How can I display the map at the end of the post? I’ve seen this option in the screenshots but I can’t find it in the administration panel
There’s a couple of issue with the use of the shortcode rendering of the map.
The settings page does not change the default location of the shortcode map and it also does not change the default zoom levels.
I’ve done some hardcoding fixes for the issues but the plugin database i8nteractions may need to be looked into.
If anyone is not worried about hacking the plugin code to personalise the shortcode map then I’ve done a step by step mod blog post at https://ypraise.com/2012/08/shortcode-issues-with-the-sightings-wordpress-plugin/
]]>I have inserted the [sightings-map] code into a page and i don’t see a map. Is there anything else I need to do?
]]>is there a possibility to integrate a sightings-code á la [sightings 47.2352345,11.3425425 zoom=14] to define a map centered to a special location in a predefined zoom-level?
]]>Hi, I have installed your plugin and tagged my posts. All is working fine. But when I want to show the possition in one map here comes the problem. I placed code [sightings-map] into blank page and when I publish the page I can see white space instead of map and at the bottom there is just grey box with “[+] Contribute with a location” text.
Do I need to set up anything else?
btw I am using default Twenty Eleven theme.
Thanks for help
]]>I love this plugin, but my theme is broken in IE after loading. Is anyone else having a conflict with IE and if so what is the source of the problem?
]]>Warning: include(__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/designed/public_html/popperception/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 15
Warning: include(__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/designed/public_html/popperception/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 15
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/designed/public_html/popperception/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 15
]]>I’ve tested the plug-in by creating more than 20 markers/posts. With that many identical markers on the interactive map you need help to find the data you are looking for – and clicking on each individual marker and reading the text is a no go.
So in order to help readers/contributors filter the data I have assigned the posts to different categories and given them descriptive tags. This enables the reader to easily access the data belonging i.e. to a specific category.
But when you click on a category and go to the page listing all posts belonging to the category (category archive) the posts contain no location-data/map. This also applies to the tags archive page. This unfortunately makes the lists pretty useless.
In regard to filtering data it is also problematic that the text entered in the field “Title” on the form a contributor fills out in order to place a new marker on the map, automatically creates a new category. Contributors will create individual titles and most likely write a headline. So you could end up with an endless number of categories each containing only one post.
I believe contributors should be able to write a headline of their own choice when posting/adding a marker. But the headline should not generate a category. A valueable addition to the form contributors fill out would be a field with a menu that lets contributors choose between a limited number of admin-generated categories. That would enable a filtering of data and improve the usability and scalability of Sightings.
]]>Thanks for creating Sightings. I believe it has a great potential. I have been testing it and ran into the following:
The feature that is most important for my readers/contributors is the interactive map that displays all the markers and allows you to add new markers. The map’s default zoomlevel is 4 which is far from ideal for my use. So before publishing I have changed the zoomlevel to 6.
However when the map is published it is always displayed in zoomlevel 4. On my map this causes all the markers to sit more or less on top of each other as they relate to a small region.
When I create a new post adding an individual map marker the setting of the zoomlevel works fine.
If you could fix this it would really be appreciated.
]]>I’m getting errors after installing the plugin. See below:
Warning: include(__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /#RemovedForPrivacy#/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 15
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’/#RemovedForPrivacy#/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-backup-to-dropbox/PEAR_Includes:.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php’) in /#RemovedForPrivacy#/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 15
I wonder if it would be possible to upload GPX and visualize the tracks (with elevation profile) within the sightings maps in the posts?
Would be great to implement this!?
]]>Doing a bit of diggging for an issue I had earlier today, it seems that PHP versions less than 5.3.0 will break the plugin. The __DIR__ constant is only available in version 5.3.0 or higher.
I fixed this by replacing __DIR__ with dirname(__FILE__) in the /sightings/theme-files/filters.php file. One could use a conditional based on PHP version to handle it, in case dirname(__FILE__) is deprecated.
Here is the error message I got before modifying the plugin:
Warning: include(__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 14
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '__DIR__/shortcode-sightings-map.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/www/users/xxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/sightings/theme-files/filters.php on line 14
Hope this helps! I will just have to remember to edit the plugin whenever it receives an update.
]]>hi, I try to use and develop on sightings in Xampp – unfortunately I get this error message when activating the plugin it on my local server:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ray\Eigene Dateien\Websites\www.example.dev\wp-content\plugins\sightings\theme-files\shortcode-sightings-map.php on line 295
can you pls. help!
]]>Getting the following error message when trying to activate the plugin
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /mnt/webg/XXXX/htdocs/blog/wp-content/plugins/sightings/sightings.php on line 97
I’m using OSX Lion, Firefox 10.0 and/or Safari 5.1.2 with WP 3.3.1 with the Sightings 1.3.2.
Sightings installed fine as a plugin. When I open a post, I can enter a location and pin it to the map using [+]add marker. I can then click “use” to save this point to the post. I then update my post and go to the front end. On the front end, the map has pinned somewhere in the ocean and is definitely not the location I pinned for the post. When I go back to the post in the wp-admin area, the map hasn’t saved the location I picked and the google map pane seems corrupt. It just shows the blue see and even if I zoom right out I can’t find any land to pin again.
I can supply screen shots if need be. Just let me know where to send. This site isn’t live, it’s currently in development so unfortunately I can’t link you too it.
Let me know if there is anything else you need to fix this.
]]>I can’t get the maps to show up with any recent theme (Twenty Eleven or other ones that I’ve bought). If I switch it to Twenty Ten the maps per post work, but not the shortcode. Any hints as to what’s going on?