Everything was fine with 4.5.2
Since 4.5.3 shortcode don’t work especially accordion
]]>Hi all,
Further to the issue around closing the accordion, I’ve adjusted the jQuery on my own site by adding the following adjusted JavaScript to my child theme’s global js file.
It unbinds the click function loaded by the plugin, before binding the new adjusted function which allows the accordion to close on a second click.
Works with plugin v1.8.
Hope it helps someone!
jQuery('.simnor-shortcode-toggle .simnor-shortcode-toggle-heading').unbind('click');
jQuery('.simnor-shortcode-toggle .simnor-shortcode-toggle-heading').click(function() {
var toggle = jQuery(this).parent('.simnor-shortcode-toggle');
if(jQuery(this).parent('.simnor-shortcode-toggle').parent('div').hasClass('simnor-shortcode-accordion')) {
} else {
} else {
is it possible to add some next -previous buttons in tabs?
How can I do it?
Thank you!
]]>Hello. I have a Simnor Shortcode accordian in a website I’m developing (https://dev2.kappyworks.com/resources/). I’m trying to figure out how and where to add css/html code to stylize the accordion. I would like color in the tab and be able to add color or an image to the accordion sheet as a background. Where do you add the code to control the look of the accordian? Or can you? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Dear sir or madam,
as developer of an premium wp based theme, we are interested in using your plugin as an integrated part. Is it possible to take your data into ours to bundle it for getting a high-quality theme for sell?
Kind regards
]]>Hi I have simonor social icons added (for now) to the top of the body of my site:
<div id="et-social-icons-top">
[simnor_social][simnor_social_link service="facebook" link=<my FB link>] [simnor_social_link service="instagram" link=<my instagram link>] [simnor_social_link service="pinterest" link=<my pinterest link>] [/simnor_social]
</div> <!-- #social-icons-top -->
I would like to add them to the header somewhere around my navigation
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="main-nav-wrap"><?php
'theme_location' => 'primary',
'container' => 'nav',
'container_class' => 'main-navigation',
'container_id' => 'site-navigation',
'menu_class' => 'sf-menu',
'fallback_cb' => 'photolab_page_menu'
?></div><!-- #site-navigation -->
…yet somehow I am not amble to make it work.
Any suggestions?
]]>Hi, trying to insert posts within a new page that has been created. But nothing seems to work. Just displays the code on the page.
Any advice?
I am developing a plugin to sale .can i use part of your code?
ofcourse i will be link to plugin page.
I am using a Simnor accordion and it is not functioning in Firefox, but working well in IE. Any suggestions?
]]>Is it possible to specify in the simnor_map shortcode to force satellite view?
The google maps API uses:
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
in “var mapOptions” to specify the map type. You would need to change google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP to google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE (other options include HYBRID and TERRAIN)
]]>I am using the simnor accordion and would like to change the background color for the title and probably the text body. Can I do this within the page html? If so, how what would I insert into the existing html?
]]>Hi, I’m getting this javascript error in the shortcodes.js file:
jQuery(document).on(‘click’, ‘.simnor-shortcode-tab-buttons a’, function() {
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
How can this be fixed?
]]>Hello dear, I like me put links in the accordions but break the accordions shortcodes
I just installed this.
I am not sure why, but the plugin only works for me when I put it into a PAGE or POST that allows it to be full width. Problem is, I need it to be short in width. I want to insert it to the right of a product. See example here: https://east39.se/product/bang-bang/
I want to insert it above the ADD TO CART. When I add the plugin (trying to add a toggle or accordion) it wont show up. it just shows the actual CODE on the published page. But if I create a new PAGE (without any product image) the plugin works fine but stretches from the full width of my page.
Is there a way to create the accordian or toggle to be short in width so it can be inserted in short spaces?
you can contact direct if you wish at [email protected]
]]>This is in my top 5 fav. plugins, which says a lot, considering there are almost 30,000 plugins, and tons of similar (shortcut) plugins.
I just want to notify you that the button in the editor does not show up in TinyMce 4.0, which will be part of WP 3.9 due next month.
I hate to see this awesome plugin become obsolete with WP 3.9.
Keep up the good work – at least from me, thanks a million, you are a rockstar in my book, and the latest update (v.1.7) fixed the tabs problem.
]]>Hey guys,
Great plugin, the thing I’m wondering and really need is to insert HTML & shortcodes in the accordion tabs. Is that possible? Thanks!
]]>Really? No 3/4 – 1/4 split in the columns?
]]>I can set the accordion to start off closed. I can open an item OK, and then if I open another item the first item closes. This is fine.
The problem comes when I try to close an item. It does close but then immediately opens itself. Is there anyway I can make it close properly?
The site is on my WAMP so not accessible to others.
I had to downgrade to 1.5, because with 1.6 the tabs are not working. They are displayed, but you can’t switch from one tab to the other.
]]>How can I nest the button shortcode inside the Accordion (Toggle).
Also, how can I insert links/urls/images in the content for Tabs or Accordion.
]]>Does this plugin work on multisite installations?