i realise this is probably abandoned.
]]>Great plugin. I am confused about 1 thing. If I publish my notes and set visibility to public where could they be viewed? Isn’t it only for logged on admin to see? Is there a way public can view the notes?
]]>It would be great if there were some way to send the contents of a note to someone by email. I’m using this as a project management tool.
]]>Installing this plugin (which I had great hope for, I really want this feature and may just have to build the behavior directly into my theme now!) caused the custom fields block to disappear from the edit pages.
Rather funny moment when an editor who was using the site made an error in HIS procedure and I activated this a moment before joining his desktop to walk through his procedure. What he had missed was part of a custom field set, and while he had just forgotten, I couldn’t show him because it wasn’t there! I sent him to grab a cup of coffee, and I quickly deactivated your plugin and the fields returned. With a sigh of relief I pointed out what he had missed and moved on.
So the long and short of it is, don’t use it with 3.7. The instructions said it wouldn’t look pretty, and they sure were right!
]]>Once again this is a great plugin and it’s very useful and will be using it no matter what.
However, the following issues/suggestions could improve this plugin if addressed properly by the developer.
1. When clicked on Notes to expand the sub menu, My Notes item isn’t made bold automatically just like any other main menu item does when clicked on them.
2. When the contents of a page is very long wordpress footer overlap with content. I guess that’s an issue with the styles. I fixed it myself by removing height: 30px from #note-tabs .ui-widget-header in style sheet. and then made background color white.
3. Perhaps this could use the default WordPress tab styles (nav-tab-wrapper and nav-tab) instead of jQuery tabs UI just like explained here so it’s consistent with WordPress admin look and feel.
Thank you and looking forward to an update real soon.
This is a great plugin you’ve put together. I find it really useful.
I’m just wondering, how difficult to get the metabox to take post type instead of post IDs and display notes above or below text editor for an entire post type?
Thanks in advance.
Really nice plugin. And… I would really like to use it, but…
I am using the plugin in two websites, both WP 3.3.1, with the Atahualpa theme. If I add the second note it does not make a second tab, but the contents is displayed in the first tab. And that goes for the third and so on notes as well.
Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround or a solution? Or will this be resolved in a next version? Please look into it, as this is a really usefull plugin.
]]>Thanks for publishing this plugin, seems like a neat way of storing notes in the admin.
We’re running WP 3.2.1 and latest version of the multi-language plugin qTranslate. When activing the Simple Admin Notes plugin, we’re getting a lot of these error messages:
Notice: Undefined index: language in [absolute_site_path]/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/qtranslate_hooks.php on line 114
It’s also saying headers are already sent out. Not quite sure what could be clashing? Line #114 is the following:
return qtrans_use($q_config['language'], $content, false);
Which is part of the following function:
function qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($content) {
global $q_config;
return qtrans_use($q_config['language'], $content, false);