On our site the users want to be able to see past events as well as upcoming events in the events calendar. But there is no hook to alter the args array that is sent to WP_Query. So we had to comment in the core file in order to get it as we want it. As you see below. It would be nice if you could add a apply_filter in this function.
This function is found in the file class-simple-event-planner-shortcode-event-calendar.php in \simple-event-planner\includes\shortcodes
public function sep_calendar_output($atts) {
$current_time = strtotime(current_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', $gmt = 0));
$count = 1;
$seprator = ',';
// Default WP_Query Arguments
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => esc_attr($atts['events_limit']),
'post_type' => 'event_listing',
'post_status' => 'publish',
//'meta_key' => 'event_start_date_time',
//'meta_value' => $current_time,
//'meta_compare' => '>=',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC',
// Extending Argument Array for Event Category
if (isset($atts['event_category']) && '' !== $atts['event_category']) {
$atts = explode(",", esc_attr($atts['event_category']));
$args['tax_query'] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'event_listing_category',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => esc_attr($atts['event_category']),
// Search Address Meta Query
$meta_query = array('relation' => 'OR',);
if (isset($atts['address']) && '' !== trim($atts['address'])) {
$search_address = explode(",", $atts['address']);
$meta_query[] = array(
'key' => 'event_address',
'value' => $search_address[0],
'compare' => 'LIKE'
// Extending Argument Array for Event Search
$args['meta_query'] = $meta_query;
$custom_query = new WP_Query($args);
$published_posts = $custom_query->post_count;
Are there any plans to enable custom fields?
Text, Text-area, Files, Checkbox, Select, Radio, Url etc
]]>Documentation? Idiot Question of the day. Segments what are they and how can they be used?
]]>Are there any plans to enable front end event submissions from guests/logged in users?
]]>Hi, is there a shortcode to show finished events in event listing? [event_listing]
]]>Hello, function Back to all events (button) not working.
]]>The thing is that we have just started to use the plugin and immediately we get a report from a user that get the calendar messed up. She get the calendar displayed Sunday to Saturday. But the days are in the title rows are displayed MONDAY to SUNDAY. Resulting in that today (Monday 14th) are displayed as Tuesday the 14th.
See this screenshot from the user:
I have not been able to replicate this issue on any of the two phones I have had available. I have a OnePlus 12 and a iPhone 13. Tried different browsers but it looks correct for me. But apparently not for all users. The user reporting the issue is an Android phone with Chrome browser.
I think this issue previously has been reported but not solved in this thread:
We just found a bug that result in all links within the description text stops working on mobile screen if the description text it placed in the left column in the visual layout. The links work fine if the description is placed in the right column. It is only on mobile screens the links stop working.
]]>I just want to bring your attention to a plugin conflict due to a too generic css class.
This is from the file simple-event-planner-public.css:.hidden {
display: none !important;
That css class will make hidden groups on Buddyboss Platform disappear from the group listings for the users that are members of those groups and therefore should see the hidden group listed among for example “My groups”.
It may also cause conflicts in other plugins due to being so unspecific and commonly named.
We have just added the following to our child theme to solve the problem:
#groups-list .hidden {
display: block !important;
But I advise the developers of this plugin (Simple Event Planner) to make the css class hidden more specific.
]]>Hi there,
I am looking for a simple event listing plugin, that gives me the possibility to link directly to an external event page (ticket purchasing is done through an external website). Would that be possible to add as a feature to this plugin?
So, I would only be using the calendar listing options and no detailed view.
Curious to hear what you think.
]]>Hi guys, nice little plugin, it really helps us.
Today I tried to add 6 events but found out the calendar only show 5.
I am using the short code [event_calendar search=”false”].
I have 7 events correctly done and can see them on their own page.
Only problem is the calendar show only five at the time.
Is this a known limitation, or am I doing something wrong here?
Thank you for your time guys
Thank you for the plugin
For some reason
[event_listing event_category=”msv-zuerich”] works as intended, but [event_calendar event_category=”msv-zuerich”] doesn’t recognize the category and does not show any event at all.
Can you help me with this problem?
On another note, is it possible to modify the /events page using a plugin Page Builder by SiteOrigin?
Kind Regards
When using the event_limit attribute, it always only shows one event per pagination. Can’t figure out the problem.
[event_listing search=false events_limit=“2″]
Found some errors in the FAQ: It seems like search=false and levents_layout=grid needs to be without quotation mark (instead of the written search=”false” & events_layout=“grid“)
Thank you for your Plugin and help
Kind Regards
Hi! ??
Really simple and nice plugin, we love it so much!
Is it possible to add time in a grid view under date or next to the date?
Thank you so much! ??
]]>After performing several tests, I noticed that the links in the pagination block work correctly when the shortcode is used in a page. On the other hand, pagination no longer works when the shortcode is used in a post or a custom-post. Do you have an idea to solve this little problem?
Thanks in advance
Here is an example page in which it works :
AND here is an example of an article in which it does not work
Hello is there a way to date the order my events are displayed? eg in date order?
]]>Duplicating event would be a great feature in event managment admin panel. As a single event action at least !
I am using Polylang on my website. I noticed I cannot save the Event Planner settings and when editing an event I cannot add a event picture – if I deactivate polylang it’s working!
event_category=”” not working with event_calendar
Can you help me ?
how to activate iCal Calendar and Google Calendar links ?
]]>i figured the events are custom posts with slug ‘event’ or ‘events’.
if i go to <website>/events i get:
Event Archives
There has been a critical error on this website.
]]>What is the character or word limit for the single event page? The Single Event Page is not showing the whole description.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/9qWmfrW
]]>Hello – The single event page shows a transparent background. I’ve done everything I can think of to fix this within the theme, in the page settings, and on the “add event” page. Cleared cache, resaved permalinks. But the only way I’ve found to get it to not be transparent is with css. Any thoughts are appreciated.
WP 6.2.2, Blocksy theme 1.8.96
Thank you and sorry for all the questions.
]]>Hello – How does one change the search bar to search for any term and/or slug? Would like people to be able to search the categories (like “music”, “class”, etc.) in addition to the Title.
I’ve tried and tried to add category search to the event listing grid view search, but I’m missing something and failing. Thank you.
]]>Hello – Feature Requests:
1.) Shortcode (or setting) to include the start time of events on the event listing/grid.
For Event Listing and Grid the date shows twice, but the time does not show.
2.) Shortcode to show the “excerpt” or event description, and character limit, on Event Listing/Grid. I found where a function is defined to get the excerpt and to even display a “read more” link, but I don’t find a shortcode added.
Thank you!
]]>Hello – Is there a shortcode available that will show the description, or the excerpt, on the event grid view, please?
I have figured out how to do this with php, but I am wondering if you have a shortcode (because they are easier to document what has been done for our own records). Thank you.
]]>Hello – WP 6.2.2, Theme Blocksy 1.8.94
1.) When using the shortcode [event_listing events_layout=”grid”] on a non-events page, it shows an empty page with just the events search bar at the top.
2.) If I specify “grid” for the Archive Event View, the page defined in the settings as the event page does show as a grid, but the “Archive” page shows upcoming events, instead of past/archived events.
Is there a different shortcode I should use, and is there a setting I’m missing for the Archived events?
]]>Hey guys,
If you visit the following page on a mobile phone: https://parochiezaalhorendonk.be/beschikbaarheid/ the dates in the calendar don’t match with the right day. There seems to be an issue. desktop version works fine however even if you resize the page.
Would you mind taking a look at this problem? I can add a screenshot if necessary if you guys don’t see the issue.
Kind regards,
]]>The events are not displaying properly when using the shortcodes – it says that there are no events to show (no upcoming and not past events):
Also, the single event page does not load. Example:
Hi, is there a way to display only one (upcoming event) through a shortcode?
I am using [event_listing] but I only need 1 event. Thanks.