Hi there! I’m setting up a page that uses the icons, but it’s missing the Bluesky icon. I went to the GitHub repository and found that the icon is included there, but the WordPress plugin seems to be behind that development. Unfortunately, I’m not capable of doing any updates myself. Are there any plans to update the plugin?
]]>From the next major release of simple-icons
(v11, releasing on May 26, 2024), We will begin removing third-party extensions from our README list that are not up to date with at least the previous major release.
For example, when v11 is released, we will remove any extensions that don’t support v10.0.0 or higher. How do I keep my package up to date?
There are two methods that prove most popular among other maintainers. It is up to you which you implement. Using @latest
from a CDN
Projects that use the CDN version of the project (jsDelivr/unpkg) can keep up to date simply by changing the version number in their code to @latest. That way – you’re always using the most up to date version of the icon package. Running a weekly CRON
Many of our third party contributors make use of GitHub actions, and a weekly CRON job to query that the version number of the main package has changed, and then update and build their own package. A great example of this is the DrawIO package by mondeja. The main package is released consistently on a Sunday – so we recommend running your CRON job on a Monday or Tuesday.
When you’ve got your extension running one of the above methods, drop us a Pull Request to update your version number on the README.
If you’re in need of any support in implementing one of the above – please feel free to start a discussion or ask us on Discord.
]]>After Pay and Zip pay icon missing. (Australia)
Inspite of accepting these payment method, i am unable to display them on my website, would really appreciate if you can include these.
]]>when i add #windows# in menu and save it only showing icon i want to display the icon name also after the icon. How i can achieve this please help.
]]>Love this plugin as my 5star rating reflects!
Dev(s), kindly consider proving us with an X (new Twitter) Icon,
Thanks for listening!
]]>Hello @tjtaylor can you please add Threads icon?
When I run a PageSpeed test it complains about DOM Size, and specifically at the number of child elements with the code:
<symbol id="icon-behance" viewBox="0 0 37 32">
<path class="path1" d="M33 6.054h-9.125v2.214h9.125v-2.214zM28.5 13.661q-1.607 0-2.607 0.938t-1.107 2.545h7.286q-0.321-3.482-3.571-3.482zM28.786 24.107q1.125 0 2.179-0.571t1.357-1.554h3.946q-1.786 5.482-7.625 5.482-3.821 0-6.080-2.357t-2.259-6.196q0-3.714 2.33-6.17t6.009-2.455q2.464 0 4.295 1.214t2.732 3.196 0.902 4.429q0 0.304-0.036 0.839h-11.75q0 1.982 1.027 3.063t2.973 1.080zM4.946 23.214h5.286q3.661 0 3.661-2.982 0-3.214-3.554-3.214h-5.393v6.196zM4.946 13.625h5.018q1.393 0 2.205-0.652t0.813-2.027q0-2.571-3.393-2.571h-4.643v5.25zM0 4.536h10.607q1.554 0 2.768 0.25t2.259 0.848 1.607 1.723 0.563 2.75q0 3.232-3.071 4.696 2.036 0.571 3.071 2.054t1.036 3.643q0 1.339-0.438 2.438t-1.179 1.848-1.759 1.268-2.161 0.75-2.393 0.232h-10.911v-22.5z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-deviantart" viewBox="0 0 18 32">
<path class="path1" d="M18.286 5.411l-5.411 10.393 0.429 0.554h4.982v7.411h-9.054l-0.786 0.536-2.536 4.875-0.536 0.536h-5.375v-5.411l5.411-10.411-0.429-0.536h-4.982v-7.411h9.054l0.786-0.536 2.536-4.875 0.536-0.536h5.375v5.411z"></path>
<symbol id="icon-medium" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path class="path1" d="M10.661 7.518v20.946q0 0.446-0.223 0.759t-0.652 0.313q-0.304 0-0.589-0.143l-8.304-4.161q-0.375-0.179-0.634-0.598t-0.259-0.83v-20.357q0-0.357 0.179-0.607t0.518-0.25q0.25 0 0.786 0.268l9.125 4.571q0.054 0.054 0.054 0.089zM11.804 9.321l9.536 15.464-9.536-4.75v-10.714zM32 9.643v18.821q0 0.446-0.25 0.723t-0.679 0.277-0.839-0.232l-7.875-3.929zM31.946 7.5q0 0.054-4.58 7.491t-5.366 8.705l-6.964-11.321 5.786-9.411q0.304-0.5 0.929-0.5 0.25 0 0.464 0.107l9.661 4.821q0.071 0.036 0.071 0.107z"></path>
We’re not using many of those icons, so I’m wondering if there’s a way to only load the icons we’re actually using.
]]>The new PayPal icon is out please update it.
Reference here:
@tjtaylor Can you please bump simple-icons to WP version 6.1.1 – Everything just works fine.
I have just installed the plugin but unfortunately the icons are not available to add.
here the screenshot
I hope you could fix this issue
The plugin is great, thanks for creating it!
But I’m having a trouble with adding gmail icon. The plugin has been set up for URLsstart with https, but gmail doesn’t have a URL type of link, it is just an email address [email protected]. Can you guide me please on how can I add my email address by using gmail icon in this plugin?
Thanks, have a nice day
The icon is not showing despite it being in the HTML to the right of the Facebook icon (in the footer).
]]>How can I use these in my theme design? I have some genericons embedded in a footer via WordPress theme templates, and would like to do the same with these.
Thank you!
I see an old threat on
it is marked as resolved, but I still see the icon text when I do a mouse over.
I’ve tried an Alt= code on the URL, but that doesn’t work.
What can I do?
[simple_icon name=”letsencrypt”]
is not showing on live website.
I was trying to add a Letterboxd icon to my page, but the one in the plugin is very outdated. I’ve seen they have SVG files on their site of the updated ones, but I can’t use them as custom icons. So could you kindly update them to the dots one ? Thanks in advance
]]>trying to find a way without alot of trial and error to change the space between icons and distance icons on the menu bar from menu page links.
]]>@tjtaylor Please add the mewe.com icon
]]>Here Can’t find the missing search button within the header bar while working on the website.
]]>Any way to do this?
]]>I’m just wondering if you can icons for some of the newer social media sites. I’m specifically looking for Bitchute and Minds. Thanks
]]>I really LOVE this plugin, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!
The online feature I’m missing is how to change the text on mouse hover (tooltip)? Now it’s the name of the icon, but I’d like to change that.
I see a topic from a year ago with the same question, and the reply it would be implemented.
Has that already been done?
Thank you!
]]>Please look at this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/op8sbv
Is there any method to remove Label from this icon “Twitter Icon” when mouse hover it?
how we can do this? Please help.
Is there any way to add an aria-label to the generated svg, for accessibility reasons? I get an error in my accessibility checker that the svg doesn’t have a title that can be read by screen readers.
For example:
<svg role=”img” aria-label=”Facebook” viewBox=”0 0 24 24″ xmlns=”https://www.w3.org/2000/svg” style=”z-index: 2147483646; position: relative;”><title style=”transition: none 0s ease 0s;”>Facebook icon</title><path d=”M22.676 0H1.324C.593 0 0 .593 0 1.324v21.352C0 23.408.593 24 1.324 24h11.494v-9.294H9.689v-3.621h3.129V8.41c0-3.099 1.894-4.785 4.659-4.785 1.325 0 2.464.097 2.796.141v3.24h-1.921c-1.5 0-1.792.721-1.792 1.771v2.311h3.584l-.465 3.63H16.56V24h6.115c.733 0 1.325-.592 1.325-1.324V1.324C24 .593 23.408 0 22.676 0″ style=””></path></svg>
I’m trying to use the shortcodes for the icons in an custom html widget. What is funny is that it does work ONLY when another plugin (Social Stickers) is activated. But the exact same HTML code with the shortcodes do work well when put into the content of the page itself (custom HTML gutenberg block).
please see screenshots:
interestingly enough, it happens that Social Stickers plugin has Simple Icons as the default icon pack — but in png format
How can this be solved? I’m not needing social stickers if I’m going to be using your plugin. But then if deactivated it won’t work
I can’t provide an URL for my site since it’s offline still
Thank you very much! ??
Very nice app! Thank you very much ??
I’m trying to set a link with an icon AND with my custom tooltip title (ie. title=”Instagram”) but the shortcode is bypassing it and it sets it to “instagram icon” (or any other name)
like this:
(<)a href=”https://instagram.com/username” target=”_blank” title=”Instagram”(>)[simple_icon name=”instagram”](<)/a(>)
Sincerely I really don’t see the point in having the tooltip title to “name icon”. It would make much more sense to just have it to the name of the icon (without “icon”)
How can this be changed? Maybe even adding another option of shortcode to “title=” could be?
Thank you again!
Warning: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /wp-content/plugins/simple-icons/simple-icons.php on line 99
Warning: file_get_contents(https://...@latest/_data/simple-icons.json): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /wp-content/plugins/simple-icons/simple-icons.php on line 99
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /wp-content/plugins/simple-icons/simple-icons.php on line 123
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/simple-icons/simple-icons.php on line 123
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/simple-icons/simple-icons.php:99) in /wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1126