Is the plugin abandoned or you may update it anytime soon?
All incoming visitors have the same IP address and it is my OVH VPS server…
As a result i can’t block any specific IP address.
Have you ever experienced this issue and is there anything a computer novice can do?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
The Admin page says “or add an IP RANGE, ex:”
but I guess it should be “or add an IP RANGE, ex:” (i.e. .177 not -177 at the end).
Hi! I installed your plugin. How can I test to see if it’s really blocking the IP address I want it to block
]]>This plugin is slow and if you add IP range for a few countries it does not even load on php 7 server.
Please update the plugin to delete database of IPs when removed. Now it does not.
]]>Plugin does nothing.
]]>I’m having a problem with this plugin for safari and firefox users on mac. Chrome and opera working fine. The symptom appears to be a redirect to the about page (my default) such that none of the menus appear to work, also had it going externally and had similar complaints. The users are not on the ip block list.
Had to disable – after which the site works fine
wordpress 4.8.2
I’m trying to block a Comcast IPv6 address, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Should it work with IPv6?
]]>It appears this plugin does not support blocking forwarded IP addresses. This means that sites that reside on machines behind load balancers (like some of ours) will only block the IP address of the load balancer, not the originating IP address. This can be cured by looking for the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR server variable and including that in the list of ips to test for a banning match.
]]>I installed this plugin through ftp, enabled it and haven’t specified any IPs to block. On second day, I started getting complains that some users were unable to load my website returning blank page. I could reproduce same behaviour on one of my friend’s PC but at the same time it works for me! We both were on same network.
Can you please suggest if there is something which I missed here.
]]>Hi, does Simple IP Ban works correctly whith Wp Super Cache? Thanks for the answer.
I would like to ask if it is possible to ban a whole country ( Greece)with your plugin but to allow only 2 IPs from this country?
Thank you,
My simple ip ban does not work
I am receiving spam from somebody answering to all ads, through each ad contact form:
‘ Someone is interested in your ad listing: (ad url)
“OwcBIY (url).FyLitCl7Pf7kjQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.(extension)”
Name: Mark
E-mail: [email protected]
This message was sent from Free Classifieds Ads
( my domain)
Sent from IP Address: ‘
I set that ipmin plugin but emails keeping comming.
Any solution to stop this?
]]>how do I ban a range? Say I want to ban all ips that begin with 71. How do I do that?
]]>Gret plugin.
Why banning a user agent btw?
]]>I have a guy leaving 900+ line comments and added his IP, with * at the end. Did not work. I added his exact IP, but he might have changed it. So, I added a range. It still doesn’t work and he’s leaving these gigantic comments every couple hours or so.
Is there a particular syntax I need to use. Is there a wildcard like % that I’m unaware of? Also, is there a way for me to test the redirect, but then delete the IP I’m using so I can still get to the site? ??
Thanks for any help or advice!
thank you for this plugin, I found it extremely helpful!
I regularly upload long lists of IP addresses known for spamming. Copy-pasting now produces an error “413 request entity too large”. Is there a way to upload large IP lists via FTP?
Thanks for your suggestions!
I have banning List for .htaccess it Syntax looks like this
As you see I ban some annoying B class . is this work with your Plugin Syntax
Since it said
Edit looks this not working after I test it on my IP range
this plugin not support subnet CIDR Ip Range
Hi Guys
Can i see what IP’s have beed blocked?
See if they have tried to login.
Make reports from the above info.
Jason M
Previous version was fine, but now after updating to version 1.2.4, I now always get this message after clicking the “Save” button:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_kses(), called in /home/fruity/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-ip-ban/ip-ban.php on line 39 and defined in /home/x/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php on line 486
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_kses(), called in /home/fruity/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-ip-ban/ip-ban.php on line 40 and defined in /home/x/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php on line 486
First of all, great spam killer, even with other spam software there is leakage due to the massive flood of spam, IP ban keeps the leakage under control.
It seems that ALL redirects are being sent to a selected redirect URL not just those attempting to register from banned IP addresses. I’ve had some readers complaining of not being able to load the site, much less attempt to register:
Currently, I’m redirecting back to the home page, I was previously redirecting toward ‘’. Is this by design? I would like to have the best of both worlds, obviously: ordinary redirects toward the site and selected spam to hell.
thanks, steve
]]>Thanks for making this plugin, exactly what I needed! ??
Question, in the user agent list can I put in AhrefsBot to ban the ?
I don’t want it to scan my website.
Thank you for your time!
If you are in your WordPress admin and ban your own IP address by mistake you will be locked out of ADMIN and can’t correct the problem.
Here is a solution:
1. Download the file ip-ban.php to your local computer from the server
2. Find code that looks like this in file ip-ban.php on your local computer
header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);
3. Change to this on you local computer
/**header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);
die(); */
4. Upload ip-ban.php from your local computer to the server
5. Open comments in WordPress admin site. It should allow access.
6. Find a comment made by you and Allow your IP
7. Open file ip-ban.php on local computer again
8. Change code in ip-ban.php back to
header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);
9. Upload local file ip-ban.php to server one more time
You should now have access to all pages again.
first of all many thanks for this very useful plugin.
What I spotted is not actually a bug, I just get a notice on the plugin option page:
Notice: Undefined index: submit in path\to\ip-ban.php on line 37
server’s PHP Version 5.3.13
To fix it I replaced line 37:
if ($_POST['submit']) {
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
No notice anymore and the plugin works just fine ??
Is there any Simple IP Ban repo to work on?
]]>Does this work with the new WordPress or not?
Nice plugin.
I just tried it and when I set the redirect url to https://[ mysite url ]/404.php, the browser could not load the page with the error, too many redirects…
I briefly looked into the code and changed:
function simple_ip_ban() {
// Do nothing for admin user
if ((is_user_logged_in() && is_admin()) ||
(intval(get_option('s_not_for_logged_in_user')) == 1 && is_user_logged_in())) return '';
$remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$remote_ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (s_check_ip_address($remote_ip, get_option('s_ip_list')) ||
s_check_user_agent($remote_ua,get_option('s_ua_list'))) {
$redirect_url = get_option('s_redirect_url');
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
function simple_ip_ban() {
// Do nothing for admin user
if ((is_user_logged_in() && is_admin()) ||
(intval(get_option('s_not_for_logged_in_user')) == 1 && is_user_logged_in())) return '';
$remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$remote_ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (s_check_ip_address($remote_ip, get_option('s_ip_list')) ||
s_check_user_agent($remote_ua,get_option('s_ua_list'))) {
$redirect_url = get_option('s_redirect_url');
if ( simple_ip_ban_get_current_url() == $redirect_url ) return '';
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
function simple_ip_ban_get_current_url() {
$pageURL = (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "https://" : "https://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80")
return $pageURL;
Then it solved the issue. I hope this helps for somebody who gets the same issue.
]]>So, what does the user at a computer with a banned IP address see when they try to access my WordPress site and IP Ban is enabled?
]]>I was wondering whether it was necessary to add an IP address to every site within a multi-site setup or whether it was ok to just add it to the main site.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I put a single IP address into the ban list and the app kept redirecting me to the ban page. Since my IP was being “banned” without being on the list, I assume every visitor to the site was also being redirected to the ban page. I wasn’t even able to get into the admin page to disable the plugin. Fortunately, the site is part of a multisite installation, so I was able to use my network administration access to edit the plugin source code and force it to allow all IPs long enough for me to disable and remove the plugin.
At the very least, the plugin should not ban logged-in administrators under any circumstances.