Extension working fine in my local machine.
Its not working properly when We moved to production.
Followings are bugs we are facing after moving production website:
Can you please help on this?
Thanks in advance!!!
]]>still using deprecated mysql_query
I’ve recently taken over a site that contains your plugin and am attempting to integrate it into a multisite instance containing other sites running as subfolders.
I’ve tried the same with this site but unfortunately your plugin doesn’t seem to support multisite at all. This isn’t a huge deal with the table names BUT the admin doesn’t work at all, the pagination is hardcoded and the actions just white screen. Do you have any advice on how to get it to work or is there an update coming to make this multisite compatible?
]]>Im using the free version and I’m wondering how its integrated with an email provider as I cant seem to the see the settings. It was installed by someone else so perhaps I’m missing something but all I want to do is use the list (via Mailchimp) that is being collected.
]]>First and foremost, Thanks for the plugin! I am new to WordPress and find the various plugins rather helpful. Everything works great; however, I would like to keep the newsletter box open after submitting the form and simply display the thank you message at the bottom of the box. Right now it simply closes and displays the thank you text in the same place as the newsletter box. What code could I add to do that? What file would it go in? By trade I am a Java Developer and know little about PHP (although I am thinking this may be an Ajax function?)
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve purchased the PRO version, but I can’t export the subscriptions.
When I click on “Export List” I get asked for FTP login info, and then after entering it ok and submitting, it just does nothing.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Is the file being stored somewhere?
]]>I would like to give my editor access to the subscriptions.
Is there an easy way to do so, or can it be an option that is implemented into the next release please?
]]>Error on back end
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘snsf_export.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/netcou7/php’) in ……………/wp-content/plugins/simple-newsletter-signup/simple-newsletter-signup.php on line 179
The error shows 3 times and when try to export error changes to line 220
I like the plugin, thanks. Great if it can be updated.
]]>Hello, can you offer any help as to how I can have the table display in a straight line when I have it hardcoded in theme page.
I found this:
if (@fopen(WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/simple-newsletter-signup/snsf_export.php’, “r”)){
$snsf_allow_export = true;
$snsf_allow_export = false;
within the simple newsletter signup file and I can’t really find the actual snsf_export or the definition of the function. Am I missing something ? I find the plugin perfect to what I need it for, but the export is kinda crucial. Gimme an update on this one.
]]>I didn’t see it as a feature so I made the following modification to allow the form to ask the user to imput their email twice and reject if they don’t match:
[code block around lines 402-419 in simple-newsletter-signup/simple-newsletter-signup.php, replace with:]
$list = '<div id="snsf-wrapper"><form method="post" name="simple-newsletter-signup-form" id="snsf-form" onsubmit="return checkemail(this);"><table><thead><tr><th colspan="2">'.$form_title.'</th></tr></thead><tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="'.$button_title.'"';
if($terms_url != false){
$list .= ' disabled ';
$list.=' id="snsf-submit-button" /></td></tr></tfoot>';
$list .= '<tr><td align="right"><label for="snsf-subscriber-name">Name:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="snsf-subscriber-name" /></td></tr>';
// Email input
$list .= '<tr><td align="right"><label for="snsf-subscriber-email">Email:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="snsf-subscriber-email" /></td></tr>';
$list .= '<tr><td align="right"><label for="snsf-subscriber-email-confirm">Confirm:</label></td><td><input type="text" name="snsf-subscriber-email-confirm" /></td></tr>';
if(isset($terms_url) and $terms_url != false){
$list .= '<tr><td class="checkid"><input type="checkbox" name="snsf-subscriber-terms" id="snsf-checkbox" /></td><td class="termstd"><label for="snsf-subscriber-terms"><small><a href="'.$terms_url.'" target="_blank">'.$terms_text.'</a></small></label></td></tr>';
$list .= '</table><script language="JavaScript1.2">function checkemail(theForm){if ((theForm[\'snsf-subscriber-email\'].value != theForm[\'snsf-subscriber-email-confirm\'].value)){alert(\'Both e-mail address entries must match.\');return false;} else {return true;}}</script></form></div>';
]]>Hello, I thought the “agree to terms” dialogue only came up if I asked for it through shortcode. I typed in [simple_newsletter], but the terms are showing up, can I get rid of them?
]]>Je n’ai pas réussi à comprendre les opérations pour installer la newsletter.