Hello i m using simple photos contest . on front page is showing gallery with slider but i want 4 grid on page… please help me
urgent ….!!!!
Thanks Advance ??
]]>bonsoir à tous !
J’ai installé le plug-in à l’adresse suivante :
J’ai l’impression que les photos ne veulent pas se charger, même si il n’y a pas de message d’erreur.
par contre, dans les réglages, un truc me para?t bizarre,, le répertoire des photos donne directement : ?simple-photos-contest ?.
Est-ce normal ?
Je n’ai ni miniature ni les grandes photos.
Si vous pouviez me guider, ce serait bien sympathique.
Merci par avance
bon week-end à tous
When i’m trying to add a photo via administrator console, I’ve got a blank page with url: …/admin.php?page=spc_photo-edit&id=1
My voting date is created and open. The data “photographer name, email, …” are stored into the database but can’t store image file.
What can I do to make it work?
]]>How can find and get the facebook client id and the secret key? Thank you!
]]>Would love to try this out, but get this when activating:
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home/digitals/public_html/xxxxxxxxxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 34
]]>Fatal error: Class ‘finfo’ not found in /home/jkdogawa/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/controlers/SimplePhotosContestAdmin.php on line 974
]]>I received this error message when activating the plugin using WP 3.6.
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home/amanda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 34
I have tried to activate this plugin and have got this error message.
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home3/mummymec/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 34
]]>hi, I’m trying to configure your plugin but I have some problems, i cannot see the vote button and the vote counter and i also get a spinning icon if i open the contest test-page I created (someone had the same problem as i saw in other posts).
could you please help me? thank you
my test page is here
]]>Looking to install this on a clients WordPress website – everything seems perfect for what we’re after however can it be set that users submitting images for the competition and users voting on submissions be required to login first (or register if they don’t have an account yet)?
]]>when I try to activate this plugin I get the following fatal error:
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home/content/91/7094991/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 34
I’m using the latest version available through the wordpress plugin site.
]]>Is it possible to change the gallery size so it fits on my wordpress page ?
]]>When exporting votes data this error occures :
Warning: require_once(…/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/models/../libs/PHPExcel_1.7.8/PHPExcel.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/models/SPCExport.php on line 6
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘…/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/models/../libs/PHPExcel_1.7.8/PHPExcel.php‘ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in …/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/models/SPCExport.php on line 6
It seems that the PHPExcel library if not packaged with the plugin.
]]>Tout d’abord bravo pour ce plugin et son partage!
Je rencontre un problème lors de l’upload des photos dans le menu “ajouter une photo”, après avoir indiqué le chemin de la photo sur mon ordinateur lorsque je clic sur “enregistrer les modifications” la nouvelle page est vide est rien ne se passe. Lorsque je vais dans le menu “Photos” les caractéristiques de la photo sont renseignées mais l’aper?u est vide.
Ma config:
WordPress 3.5.1
Navigateur: Chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m
WampServer 2.2e-php5.4.3-httpd-2.4.2-mysql5.5.24-x64
Merci de m’indiquer si quelqu’un a déjà eu ce problème.
]]>I downloaded and installed the plugin only to realize that options in WordPress are in French and the information displayed for the contest is also in French.
This is very deceiving since all of the information on the plugin page is in English and no where does it say that the plugin is strictly in French.
Maybe I missed something? If I did please advise, otherwise the plugin page should be in French as well or at the very least list what languages are supported.
]]>I am getting the following when activating the plugin:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home1/travisp2/public_html/slashernation/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 34
I think I need extra work on your plugin to host a contest on https://www.fotogalleria.eu (WP 3.4.2)
because it’s a contest you can partecipate after paying and applying online and the process must be quick and easy.
If you have suggestions or you can do the job can you please estimate the work and timing please?
Here is what I’d need it to do:
-People non necessarily will have to register, actually I prefer they do not register
-They will fill the partecipation form, disclaimers and terms, filling it on the page, just like agreeing with a box to flag.
-Then they will be driven to the page for Paypal payment
-Then to the upload
Please contact me at [email protected]
Thank you very much
]]>The plugin will not be activated because of a fatal error noted below.
What can I do??
Warning: require_once(__DIR__/controlers/SimplePhotosContest.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/g/w/i/gwinnettpark/html/sportsgwinnett/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 31
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘__DIR__/controlers/SimplePhotosContest.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/home/content/g/w/i/gwinnettpark/html/sportsgwinnett/wp-content/plugins/advanced-widget-pack/lib’) in /home/content/g/w/i/gwinnettpark/html/sportsgwinnett/wp-content/plugins/simple-photos-contest/simple-photos-contest.php on line 31