Hi there,
I’ve just set up SSL on one of my sites which uses your plugin and noticed a mixed content warning. The issue lies with the $plugin_folder
-Variable and can be fixed via
$plugin_folder = plugins_url('/simple-social-bookmarks/');
]]>Thanks for your nice Plugin !
I have a small compatibility issue. I’m using wpForo (forum plugin). It’s using a page as wrapper. You plugin takes the page url.
Is there a way to take the browser’s full url instead of the page id ?
Thank you again,
Have a nice day !
Hi David,
Thank you very much for this plugin. I like the light-weight concept, without bloated admin section. One of my favourite features is the possibility to use my own images as buttons. Your plugin seems to be exactly what I am looking for.
Unfortunately the target-option doesn’t work for me. When I set it to _blank
the new content doesn’t open in a new window. I am using WP 4.6.1 and have put this code into The Loop.
<?php echo social_bookmarks( 'target=_blank' ); ?>
Also tried
Tested with Firefox and Safari.
p.s. I hope you are still developing this plugin. Having the option to use a modal window would be great. I see this is already part of your task list.
]]>Hi ??
As with all my plugins, I present this to you for free. There no ads, nags or premium options. Support is free too.
As for everyone, my time is limited. It’s just me and NOT a team of people. If you post here I should get an email straight away and I’m quite good as responding quickly. But, yeah, I may not always due to numerous reasons, including holiday (aka vacation). And, no, I won’t tell you when I’m going to be away. At the end of the day, I’ll do my best. I can’t do anything more, surely?
If you’re interested you can see current planned enhancements and reported bugs (as well as roadmaps for planned work) here…
Have fun, enjoy the plugin and, if you don’t, let me know – support queries and reviews are always welcome!
]]>Hi, custom title not working : could you please check line 34 in file asb-generate-bookmarks.php
I suspect you have
if ( ( $url == ” ) or ( $title = ” ) ) { $title = get_the_title( $post -> ID ); }
where it should read
if ( ( $url == ” ) or ( $title == ” ) ) { $title = get_the_title( $post -> ID ); }
]]>Recently updated to version 3.2.7 and noticed that my icons disappeared. Looking in the SVN repository it seems that the images folder is missing from this version, restoring it from the previous version (3.2.6) restore the icons on my site.
]]>Using the following short code on a page:
[bookmarks options=”priority=2&default=off&facebook=on&pinterest=on”]
I get a referral to the page URL not the image URL:
Also, note that the “priority” parameter did not appear to work.
(Using a Chrome browser Pinterest extension connected to Pinterest as expected.)
(Artiss Social Bookmarks 3.2.4; WordPress 2013 theme; no plugins)
Is it possible to add the social bookmarks to a comment section and share a particular comment?
]]>I have the plugin installed in a multisite version of WordPress. Moving the custom icons to the content folder doesn’t work because the path is different for each subsite. Can you tell me how to change the icon path in the plugin?
]]>i just moved my wp install from the root html folder to a sub-folder and since doing so the bookmark images are not displaying.
everything else seems to be working fine.
the code i’m using is…
if (function_exists('simple_social_bookmarks')) :
echo simple_social_bookmarks('','','padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px','default=off&iconfolder=ssb-icons&delicious=on&[code removed for readability]&target=_blank&id='.get_the_ID());
the "ssb-icons" folder is a sub-folder of 'wp-content'
i am wondering if this is a symptom of a database problem since the same code worked prior to the move?
]]>My database has suddenly become huge, with a 30MB options table.
Most of the entries have one of two option_name ‘s, including either:
or _transient_timeout_asb_
I have edited my index.php to include:
<?php echo social_bookmarks( 'default=off&facebook=on&twitter=on&googleplus=on&pinterest=on&email=on&iconfolder=xmyfoldernamex&target=_new' ); ?>
What is going on? Should I be concerned, other than the length of time taken for my routine dB backups?
Artiss Social Bookmarks version 3.2.4
I like this plugin even if I had to code a little to use it, I love it especially because it’s the only one that I found which is xhtml compliant (if you know any other let me know!).
But I have some problem.
I would like to know how to get rid of AddThis, Shareaholic and AddtoAny and instead have clean links.
For exemple:
Instead of:
And the same for other websites.
By the way “add to favorites” (or bookmarks) fonction doesn’t work.
And here are my Top 5 features requests:
1) Get rid of addtoany, etc. or on the contrary being able to track with our own addtoany stat code.
2) Being able to really chose order icons and not have alphabetically one (even if I figured how to code with my own order)
3) Detecting automatically where to place code in the loop
4) Display number of “likes”, “tweets”, Google+ share etc.
A bit like this:
5)Some WYSIWYG admin in order to use this plugin without coding: sort icons order, change icons just by browsing even for image when mouse is hover, place separators easily
]]>I could not find a settings interface anywhere and no buttons displayed anywhere.
]]>Is there some way to get share statistics via Artiss Social Bookmarks? Or if not, is that a planned feature?
]]>I keep getting this error message when I click on the GooglePlus button:
You supplied an invalid value for the parameter ‘dest’.
]]>I have stated on this forum that a number of the larger features that people are requesting will make it into the next release – sequencing the bookmarks into your own order, for instance.
However, after looking at the changes that I intend to make it’s rather a large project. Rather than “go quiet” for a long time whilst I work on this, I thought it best to do it in stages. Therefore the next release will NOT bring the big changes. Instead, I will be making some of the more minor changes but, more importantly, modifying the code in preparation for the later additions. This in itself will be a big change and will allow us to “shake out the bugs” before the bigger changes later.
Meantime, if there are any changes that you wish to see, let me know.
]]>I was wondering whether anyone has got this plugin to work with the bbPress forum plugin, at all?
]]>Can we get little more closer explanation about install?
i read about plugin and there is some explanation but for example adding in CSS code doesnt write in which CSS becouse im using buddypress with child theme(is it child theme css or must be in buddypress or in WP CSS)same with functions which file need to be edited.Im sorry im new at this ?? by the way i think it is great plugin.I can suggest to make menu in dashboard to be easier for selecting what services you want to show on page/post.Thanks ??
]]>I have lastest version of Shareaholic installed and configured (in Menu Placemnet) for BELOW CONTENT mode and enabled only for POSTS.
However, I would like to be able to also add the share bar for certain PAGES – is it possible to manually add the shareaholic code directly to a post, or does this require switching to “Manual Mode” under Menu Placement?
I know that I can enable both POSTS and PAGES, but that’d mean I’d have to edit each PAGE on which I don’t want the bar to appear to disable the bar, and I’d rather avoid if possible; figured it’d be easier/cleaner to have a way to manually add the bar to a given page.
if it’s possible in the next release could be great to include the Pinterest service.
Have a nice time
I want to first state, I have tested at least 25 or 30 social media connection plugins, and I by far like this one best! For me, it is very simple to put into use and I can easily customize it. I read in another support inquiry that you will add a feature to choose the order of the icons in a future update. I think that is great because I too would like to order the icons as I see appropriate.
I’m having one problem though. When I click on the Google+ link it doesn’t actually +1 my post on my Google+ account. When I log into my Google+ account it never appears in my +1 list. Am I being oblivious to something?
I would appreciate any support.
Thanks again and great work!
]]>Hello David, thanks for putting together a simplified sharing plugin for WordPress. I appreciate it.
At the risk of sounding silly, is there a way to get this to open in a modal window instead the opening up the sharing service in the current window/tab?
Thanks again!
]]>I specified the following set:
However the icons are NOT displayed in the order I provided. Furthermore, I have no way to say WHERE separators shoud go, and the separator image is too large and has no transparency.
May I suggest some improvements?
1. an unsorted=yes parameter to keep the provided sequence
2. a _sep=on parameter to place more than a separator
3. a sep_char=| parameter to set a not graphical separator
found a mini-bug in the output.
your codes goes
here is the fix for line 136
$echoout.="<a href=\"".$service_url."\" class=\"ssb\"".$target.$nofollow." target=\"_blank\"";
thanks and keep it up ??
]]>i think the default path to a custom directory should be changed so it’s under wp-content instead of the theme directory, which ensures it will disappear every time the theme is upgraded
other than that annoyance, i very much like this plug
]]>This error message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function home_url() in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/simple-social-bookmarks/simple-social-bookmarks.php on line 54
suggest you need WordPress 3.0.0 or higher.
Your readme says
]]>Requires at least: 2.0.0
Tested up to: 3.0.5
Stable tag: 3.1
i am truly stumped at how this becomes a ‘simple’ plugin. i am going in circles trying to figure what i’m supposed to do with it. i give up!
]]>Would you like to help contribute to version 3?
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