[timed ontime=”0645″ offtime=”0650″ onday=”6″ offday=”7″ ]8:00 AM[/timed]
That is what I was using to display 8:00 AM. It will turn on at the correct time, however, the text will not turn off.
Maybe I have it set incorrectly?
Hello! I would like to create a single page that has content that is “dedicated” to each day of the week. Content for Monday only shows on Monday, same for Tuesday, etc. What would be the best way to accomplish that with this plugin? Would it just be a series of “ondate” shortcodes on the page?
]]>is it posible to let the code be repeated annually?
i have a new text for each day of the year.
so is a lot to change next year ??
im using the plugin together with the plugin “post for page” and it works fine- but..
even if the post is marked as private it shows the post.
the code underneath will show the post id 862 until 2017.31.06 but if it is private then the post shuld not be shown – how to make that work?
[timed offdate=”20173106″][posts-for-page post_id=’862′ read_more=’L?s mere’][/timed]
The plugin de-activated itself when I updated it to the latest version. This is apparently because the main plugin file has been renamed, and hence the old name which is in WP’s list of active plugins, can no longer be found.
Of course, if the next release reverses this change it’ll then hurt people who re-activated the changed version. You might want to carry both files, with one being a simple require() of the other.
]]>Hi ??
As with all my plugins, I present this to you for free. There no ads, nags or premium options. Support is free too.
As for everyone, my time is limited. It’s just me and NOT a team of people. If you post here I should get an email straight away and I’m quite good as responding quickly. But, yeah, I may not always due to numerous reasons, including holiday (aka vacation). And, no, I won’t tell you when I’m going to be away. At the end of the day, I’ll do my best. I can’t do anything more, surely?
If you’re interested you can see current planned enhancements and reported bugs (as well as roadmaps for planned work) here…
Have fun, enjoy the plugin and, if you don’t, let me know – support queries and reviews are always welcome!
]]>Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I’m intending to retire this plugin. For now, it simply won’t receive any updates but in the coming months I’ll have it removed from the repository.
If you’d like to find an alternative, I can recommend the identically named Timed Content – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/timed-content/
If, however, you’re a developer and would like to take this plugin over then, please, get in contact via this forum.
Thank you ??
I was worried how to set it for eg:
I need my users to access a page at particular timings take
eg: from Evening 4.30pm to 10.00pm on weekdays ie from monday to thursday on friday slot to be 4.30 till sunday 10pm.
Slot(Access Timings):
Monday – 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Tuesday – 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Wednesday – 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Thursday – 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Friday – 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Saturday – Anytime
Sunday – Anytime
and again routine to happen
and one morething is that this should be across timezone
eg: US,India,Japan,China – the timezone will vary anyhow the user to access from the slot based on their timezone.
I need a phone number to show on a site Monday thru Friday from 7 am to 5 pm and then I need another phone number to show Monday thru Sunday from 5 pm to 7 am Monday thru Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. Here’s the code I’m using. The second one is not showing the phone number although it’s not showing the first phone number either. It is Wednesday after 5 pm so it should be showing just the phone number in the second code but it’s not.
[timed onday=“1” offday=“5” ontime=“0700” offtime=“1700”]
<p style=”text-align: center;”>
<img src=”https://ewertplumbing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/phone-plumber-davenport.png”>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>
After Hours and Weekends Call:
<p style=”text-align: center;”>
[timed onday=“1” offday=“7” ontime=“1700” offtime=“0700”]<p style=”text-align: center; font-size:24px; color:#000000;”>
Thank you for the plugin!
I was wondering is it supposed to auto refresh the page at the given datetime or not?
If yes what might be wrong with my installation since it doesn’t auto refresh/reload page at the date times (neither “on” nor “off”)
Best regards!
]]>On my restaurant website I want to hide the checkout button so orders cannot be submitted during the hours we are closed. Your plugin seems perfect, however I can’t figure out how to apply your code with different and varying dates and times for opening and closing. Can you please advise? Here is the shortcodecode/button I want to control when it appears:
Below are the restaurant opening to closing hours. Obviously I want the checkout button [wp_eStore_cart] to appear only during our opening hours listed below:
Monday – Thursday: 11:00am to 10:00pm
Friday: 10:00am to 11:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 11:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am to 9:00pm
Thanks for the great plugin, what’s the best way to schedule content monthly? Would it be best to use the offdate / ondate or a combination of the both?
I noticed that when I publish posts to Facebook it includes the wording I use for when the post has expired also. Is there a way round this apart from having to manually change the embedded post each time on FB.
Many thanks.
]]>On the Description for this plugin, there’s a small error in the first example, the countdown to Christmas. The date has the month and day mixed up. Fantastic plugin – just installed but will certainly review once I’ve put it it into practice :O)
]]>Using this plugin, I have 52 weeks separated into different timed content shortcodes. Only 1 week shows on the page at once, however, the other 51 weeks of timed content that is hidden, creates white space on the page.
So, when you get to Week 52, for example, the user needs to scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to it since there is 51 weeks worth of timed content shortcodes above it.
How do I get rid of all the white space for hidden timed content on the page?
Example Code used on my site:
[timed ondate=”20150912” offdate=”20150919” ontime=”0500″ offtime=”0500″]
<h2>Week 1</h2>
[button link=”s3.amazonaws.com-link.zip” size=”large”]Monday Download[/button]
[button link=”s3.amazonaws.com-link.zip” size=”large”]Tuesday Download[/button]
[button link=”s3.amazonaws.com-link.zip” size=”large”]Wednesday Download[/button]
[button link=”s3.amazonaws.com-link.zip” size=”large”]Thursday Download[/button]
[button link=”s3.amazonaws.com-link.zip” size=”large”]Friday Download[/button]
Can I use Artiss Timed Content to reveal the content based on the member registration date and level of membership as the trigger for the content to reveal?
]]>Hi! I think this simple code is the answer to my problems. I wasn’t able to get the info I need in the other posts so here goes:
I want my timed content to appear from 6pm Wednesday Pacific US time and disappear at 6pm Thursday Pacific US time. What would that short code look like?
Is this right? [timed onday=”3″ offday=”4″ ontime=”1800″ offtime=”1800″]content[/timed]
]]>I am trying to display content form 7am until 11pm everyday. I am using this but it does not work.
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”1″ offday=”1″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”2″ offday=”2″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”3″ offday=”3″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”4″ offday=”4″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”5″ offday=”5″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”6″ offday=”6″]content[/timed]
[timed ontime=”0730″ offtime=”2300″ onday=”7″ offday=”7″]content[/timed]
I am not sure the best way to accomplish this but the above does not work. Any help would be appreciated!
I’m using your plugin and I was just wondering if there’s a way to show content for the current date and hide the content after 2 days are over without specifying the date and time? What I’m trying to do is have a subscriber see content from the day they subscribe to my website and after 2 days, the content would hide automatically. Thanks.
]]>Hi there,
We have a tv show with 13 episodes, one episode a week.
We would like our website to automatically publish the promo for the upcoming show for the whole week (a banner and video)…then get replaced the next week..and so on..
The problem arises when we want the 13 weeks to repeat…
Is it possible to use ondate and offdate twice in the shortcode?
example: [timed ondate=”20130331″ offdate=”20130406″ ondate=”20130501″ offdate=”20130507″]
Also, does the browser actually load the ‘expired’ code still, then hide it? Is hiding 12 (of the 13) episode promos a good idea in terms of bandwidth/load time?
Thank you.
]]>I am trying to use the script to only show content per day (business hours for that date).
I have tried placing the same day at ON and OFF times which causes it to just not work at all. When I tried the following sequence I get both today and tomorrow’s content. Any help would be appreciated.
I simply want it to run today from midnight to 2359 then switch to the next day. Thanks for any feedback.
[timed onday=”1″ offday=”2″]MON[/timed]
[timed onday=”2″ offday=”3″]TUE[/timed]
[timed onday=”3″ offday=”4″]WED[/timed]
[timed onday=”4″ offday=”5″]THU[/timed]
[timed onday=”5″ offday=”6″]FRI[/timed]
[timed onday=”6″ offday=”7″]SAT[/timed]
[timed onday=”7″ offday=”1″]SUN[/timed]
]]>Just glanced through the code fairly quickly, and I don’t believe this plugin is using WordPress’s timezone settings. Is that correct? And if so, any plans to modify that?
I’d like to use this to dynamically change links on my site to blog posts that are scheduled to be posted. But obviously I need them both to both use WordPress’s timezone settings.
]]>Is it possible to have content appear on a daily schedule for example 10:00 – 12:00 on weekdays?
I’d like to display a text only 7 days after post pubblication.
Can I set this?
I can’t find shortcode syntaxis.
]]>The content expires but the line remains. That is: if you have six lines that expire, there are six empty lines left behind.
]]>Im using the function to dissapear expired posts:
<?php if (function_exists(‘simple_timed_content’)) : ?>
<?php if (simple_timed_content(“offdate=20120309 offtime=230058”)) : ?> Some content goes here <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>
I want to use as dates from custom fields like this:
(simple_timed_content("offdate='$end_date' offtime='$end_time'")) : ?>
where : `
$end_date=date( ‘Ymd’, strtotime( get_post_meta( $Post->ID, “_EventStartDate”, true), time()));`
$end_time=date( ‘HM’, strtotime( get_post_meta( $Post->ID, “_EventStartDate”, true), time()));`
Assuming allways that _EventStartDate value is : Ymd HM (20120309 230058)
How would be the complete code for this to work? Im new to php
Thank you
]]>I have the execphp plugin installed and am able to run php in a post. I have installed the simple timed conetent plugin and am attempting to insert a variable into the plugin so that I will not have to calculate the show date of content in a multitude of similar posts.
For example, I have season content that will be released on a different day each month during the month after the post is published. One post in January, another post in February, and so forth throughout the year.
The following code calculates the date, but the shortcode does not hide the content during the period between publication and the desired show date.
<?php $showdate_10 = get_the_date('U') + (60 * 60 * 24 * 10); $ondate_10 = date('Y-m-d', $showdate_10); ?>
[timed ondate="<?php $ondate_10; ?>"]This link should appear ten days after publication, on <?php echo $ondate_10; ?>. If you can see it before then, something is not working.[/timed]
I have tried using both double quotes, and single quotes to wrap the variable in within the shortcode, but neither worked. Any suggestions?
]]>Im designing a site for a friend who has a radio slot every Tuesday 1-3am.
Would the following be correct?
[timed ontime="0100" offtime="0300" onday="2" offday="2"]Content here[/timed]
I want it to appear just as his radio slot starts and to disappear once it ends.
This seems like a great plugin but for some reason it keeps automatically refreshing the page that it’s on.
Here’s the code I’ve been using to change content at specific times regarding the start of a contest on my website…
[timed ondate=”20110628″ offdate=”20110629″ ontime=”1200″ offtime=”0000″]Tomorrow 6/29 @ 12pm[/timed] [timed ondate=”20110629″ offdate=”20110629″ ontime=”0001″ offtime=”1159″]Today 6/29 @ 12pm[/timed] [timed ondate=”20110629″ offdate=”20110630″ ontime=”1200″ offtime=”0000″]Tomorrow 6/30 @ 12pm[/timed] [timed ondate=”20110630″ offdate=”20110630″ ontime=”0001″ offtime=”1159″]Today 6/30 @ 12pm[/timed]
It works but the page keeps automatically refreshing? How can that be fixed?
Installed as instructed, created test post, it shows the title info, not content. Changed on and offdate to past, post still shows, but not text in between [timed] items,