Hi, I can not find Thumbs Rating under settings?
]]>Is there any shortcode that lets me place it when I want on. Single Post Template or an Elementor Loop Grid?
]]>as the title asks how do we move it to the TOP of a post instead of displaying at the bottom?
]]>How can use the shortcode in this plugin?
Can I Show Simple Vote in the post on the homepage, not the post showing on the detail page?
How can I get the database table of the plugin to export it , so that i can import it to the staging site.
]]>Notice: Undefined variable: vote_content in …/public/wp-content/plugins/simple-vote/public/class-simple-vote-public.php on line 195
]]>hi, good ideea, but there will be any option (in the near future) to use with a shortcode, because then can be used in multiple instances, for exmple if i want to use for a phrase, for some like Question/Answer.