I will withhold giving this a rating until I know more about this, as it is right now I could only give it a somewhat less than stellar or even a good rating:
In reading about this, I understand that [moderated] can make my site vulnerable to attacks, so why is this required (I have to choose between: stolen images or a hacked site), it continues to say to refer to the example on settings page to use a relative url as a workaround, so… where is the example to use a relative path as a workaround?
Excerpt from description:
Error message says that I need to enable the allow_url_fopen option
Contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable allow_url_fopen, most likely in your php.ini
It may be necessary to create a php.ini file inside of the wp-admin directory to enable the allow_url_fopen option.
You can also use a relative url path as a workaround, an example is provided on the settings page.