i try to get my Homepage tu run, but i become an error Message from a debug Tool like this:
Error Reporting on :-
[2017-02-23 03:03:40]
Error Number :-
Error String :-
call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method WP_Feed_Cache::create() should not be called statically
Error File :-
Error Line :-
Error Context :-
type Cachemethod get_handlerparameters 0 ./cache1 b9388c83948825c1edaef0d856b7b1092 spc
class WP_Feed_Cache
Now…Do you know what this Message mean?
It gives no line 215 in the Registry.php
I don’t know what i have to do. Please can you help me?.
Thanks a lot
Best regards
A website I host just got exploted apparently using this plugin.
Lot’s of refferences to /wp-includes/SimplePie/Decode/sql.php
I’m not sure it belongs for real to this plugin but I couldn’t find any report of similar issues.
]]>This plugins has .inc file which is injected and can theft your Information. Today I lost my website as per WebsiteDefender. File: /wp-content/plugins/simplepie-core/simplepie.inc
]]>I have a second instance of simplepie elsewhere on a page and wanted to use a different template for it – is this possible?
echo SimplePieWP('https://website.com', array(
'items' => 5,
'cache_duration' => 1800,
'template' => 'website.tmpl',
'date_format' => 'j M Y, g:i a'
But I get the error:
The SimplePie template file is not readable by WordPress. Check the WordPress Control Panel for more information.
]]>First off, this is a wonderful plugin and I appreciate how it works. For the deployment I’m working on currently, however, I have a minor issue. I’ve checked the plugin out of WP.org Subversion to make upgrading as simple as switching branches. The side effect is that SimplePie for WordPress doesn’t ignore the Subversion files which broke this for a few minutes while I figured out what was up. Might be nice to ignore Subversion files in a future release.