Why am I getting this error with this plug-in?
Notice: Undefined index:
form in /home/www/cliniciancorps.org/wp2/wp-content/plugins/simplesecure/simplesecure.php on line 155
Here is the code:
$output .= '<input name="ss_subject" type="hidden" value="Form ' . ($params['form'] == 'B' ? 'B' : 'A') . '" />';]]>
Hi, I’m useing your really simple and greate Plug-In. At the least days, I upgraded my WP from PHP 5.6 to PHP7. Now your Plugin doesn’t runing well.
I can’t fill in a private key. Could you fix it?
]]>mailvelope is a browser plugin for working with PGP/GPG encrypted messages in web based email clients. Your plugin sends mails that are not decryptable by mailvelope. Could this be fixed?
]]>I noticed several Sess_ files in the temp directory. The PHP garbage collector does nothing with them. These are all related to simplesecure_token. I can set up a cron job to handle this, but ideally these files should be removed by simplesecure.
Running latest stable of WP, SS plugin, and php.
]]>Hi, is it possible to have the encrypted data sent as an attachment instead of being embedded in the body of the email?
]]>Hello. Is there a way to add a file upload feature to the secure form? I would like visitors that use the form to be able to upload .docx or .pdf files. Is there a version of this plugin or an edit to the plugin code that will allow for file uploads?
]]>Where would you make the width 100% of the contact forms screen?
]]>After updateing the app, I can’t add new keys. If I klick on the “Add Key” Button, the page is only reloading and display’s the information “Einstellungen gespeichert” (German). I use WP in a multisite installation, it worked fine before updating. Old keys are working fine.
]]>I’ve got this great plugin working on one site. On another however, when I click submit it takes me to the blog page, does not display a ‘success’ message, and does not send an email. Server e-mail logs show nothing.
It is being embedded in the author.php in this case, using <?php echo do_shortcode('[simplesecure email="[email protected]"]'); ?>
If I embed it on a page in the normal way, it works. So it seems the issue is that it is being embedded in author.php
]]>I’ve got the site key and secret key inserted but reCaptcha does not display.
]]>when I decrypt an encrypted email using GPG I receive this warning:
gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected
Is this something that can be addressed in your plugin?
Also, I entered my recaptcha keys but the recaptcha box did not display, however it was active and I could not submit the form because recaptcha wasn’t completed.
]]>Is the form customisation coming?
REF: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/new-types-of-forms?replies=4
I use WordPress to keep my data on my own server. I use PGP to prevent prying eyes to read my mails. But your form uses Google to prevent spammers. So information is leaked to Google as to who visits my site…
Is there a possibility to use a captcha like Contact Form 7 or something that is not dependent on a 3rd party?
]]>I need to use your plug-in with in a PM Front End messenger plug-in and not route through E-mail is that possible?
I would like to change the width of the DIV Container who include reCaptcha, but Firebug said that′s a Inline format. I can′t find “width: 304px” in any file to change it to “max-width: 304px”.
Thanks for your support and
best wishes,
I’ve got a Problem with this beta. I’d installed the SimpleSecure Plug-In. I filled in my Public Key in the Settings. Now I would test it and I get allways this eroor (https://www.teleschirm.info/blog/kontakt/):
An error occured: ‘Unable to parse Public Key’ Please use the back button to return to the previous page.
How can I fix it?
Thanks for this amazing Plug In!
]]>One thing I’ve noticed is that the “From” that’s shown in my email client (Thunderbird) is Wordpredd <[email protected]>. Replace mydomain.com with my actual domain, though.
It would be nice for the From in the headers be what the user actually inputs. Granted, I can understand having the generic From for those that are concerned about security. That is, they would want all of the message to be encrypted until they manually decrypt it their self.
One idea is to have a setting in Secure Contact. The website admin could select either the generic From that already exists or to pull the info from the fields like other form processors do.
That is, the name field would go to the beginning of the From and the email field would go behind that like it’s done in a regular form submission.
]]>Is there a way I can ban domains from sending email through the form? On my website’s registration, I already have yahoo.com and hotmail.com email addresses blocked. I’d like to also block people with those email addresses from sending email through the form.
My issue is not with spam. It’s with crappy service providers. I blocked Yahoo! a few years ago after noticing that Yahoo! has determined my website is a spammer and refuses to send any emails I, personally, or my website (e.g. registration) sends out. What pissed me off is that I have a Yahoo! Mail account. I get TONS of spam in my Inbox AND my Spam folder. So, Yahoo will allow spammers through just fine. Legitimate emails they block and don’t even give the end user the opportunity to see it and decide whether it’s spam or not.
Tonight, a website visitor sent me an email through my regular contact form (which I’m about to disable in lieu of using SimpleSecure full time). I replied and Hotmail returned an email stating my website’s IP address is on their ban list. The fact of the matter is that I don’t send out spam or even have any mailing list. I refuse to cater to corporate banning of innocent IP addresses.
To solve it, I simply ban the domains.
]]>Hi Jason,
I’ve noticed a character substitution bug in SimpleSecure. Please refer the screenshot given in the below link.
Robin Mathew Rajan
There’s only one thing I noticed that I really needed in it but it didn’t have. When it would send an email it wouldn’t show the IP address of the sender. I looked at the PHP code and it was relatively simple to add in.
If you open up the file simplesecure.php and scroll down to around line 238 you should see something like this:
$body .= "Message: " . $message . "\n";
At the end of that line press enter to create a new line and add this to that new line:
$body .= "Sender IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";
When you get emails it will now have something like:
IP Address:
I am using this plugin and have added more fields into the form, however it appears that after a certain amount of data in the body of the email it appears not to encrypt properly as when receiving the email it cannot decrypt it.
Are there any changes I can make to increase the size it can accept?
Many thanks,
For most PGP programs to automatically detect PGP messages, the format needs to be like this:
Version: VerySimple PHP-GPG v1.4.7
[Insert long encrypted message here]
Currently the form sends like this:
—–BEGIN PGP MESSAGE—– Version: VerySimple PHP-GPG v1.4.7 [Insert long encrypted message here] —–END PGP MESSAGE—–
Could you please edit the plugin to send emails with the proper format?
]]>SimpleSecure is claiming that my contact page is insecure, but it’s being delivered entirely over HTTPS:
Is there a way to add more than one email address in the shortcode and for multiple keys to be accepted?
]]>Hello and thank you for your great App!
It works fine! ??
Is it possible to include a captcha to protoect spam Messages?
Thanks a lot and best wishes form Germany,
Any thought given to allowing PGP to be applied to user created forms?
]]>Why does it send a message to the person filling out the form instead of sending it to the website owner who has the form on the page? I keep testing it and it sends the message that the person is writing to themselves.
This can’t be intended this way. When the user leaves the Email field empty it says “Please enter your email”. Yet the plugin ends up sending the encrypted message to the user itself (who can’t decrypt that message in the first place) instead of the email address configured in SimpleSecure’s settings.
I am sorry about creating a second thread about the exact same thing. This unconventional way of doing things is apparently mandated by the WordPress forum rules.
]]>Why does it send a message to the person filling out the form instead of sending it to the website owner who has the form on the page? I keep testing it and it sends the message that the person is writing to themselves.
]]>Hello, I like your plugin but I’m having trouble getting it to work. I have:
– installed the WordPress plugin,
– installed the GPG plugin for Apple Mail, and
– generated the public GPG key and linked it to the email address used on my SimpleSecure form.
But after populating the form and pressing the Submit button, I receive the following error messages:
string too short, not a MPIstring too short, not a MPIstring too short, not a MPI
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/content/22/10468122/html/staging/wp-content/plugins/simplesecure/libs/GPG/globals.php on line 118
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/content/22/10468122/html/staging/wp-content/plugins/simplesecure/libs/GPG/globals.php on line 257
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/22/10468122/html/staging/wp-content/plugins/simplesecure/libs/GPG/globals.php on line 323
I’d appreciate any insights you may have on resolving this. Thanks.
]]>Wouldn’t it be better to encrypt the message on the visitor’s machine with JavaScript so that no unencrypted data is transmitted if the server doesn’t use https?