I wanted to know about the adsense-ads-manager plugin
How can I restrict/show the specific ad to the specific user?
For example, if I have users and they have some particular tags
I have 3 ads
I wanted to show the ad #1 to the user who has the tag A.
I wanted to show the ad #2 to the user who has the tag B.
I wanted to show the ad #3 to the user who has the tag C.
Also, how can I restrict/show the Ad based on the user tags as I have explained above?
Waiting for your quick response.
CSS Float Property:
Warning: Use of undefined constant google_adsense_optimized_before_content_align – assumed ‘google_adsense_optimized_before_content_align’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 102
Warning: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_before_myoption – assumed ‘ga_strikable_before_myoption’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 110
Warning: Use of undefined constant google_adsense_optimized_mid_content_align – assumed ‘google_adsense_optimized_mid_content_align’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 129
Warning: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_mid_myoption – assumed ‘ga_strikable_mid_myoption’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 137
CSS Float Property:
Warning: Use of undefined constant google_adsense_optimized_after_content_align – assumed ‘google_adsense_optimized_after_content_align’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 153
Warning: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_after_myoption – assumed ‘ga_strikable_after_myoption’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/madmax/public/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 161
]]>Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_before_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_before_myoption' in C:\xampp\htdocs\site01\wp-content\plugins\simplest-adsense-ads-manager\simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 228 Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_mid_para_value - assumed 'ga_strikable_mid_para_value' in C:\xampp\htdocs\site01\wp-content\plugins\simplest-adsense-ads-manager\simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 178 Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_mid_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_mid_myoption' in C:\xampp\htdocs\site01\wp-content\plugins\simplest-adsense-ads-manager\simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 183 Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_after_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_after_myoption' in C:\xampp\htdocs\site01\wp-content\plugins\simplest-adsense-ads-manager\simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 257
NOT WORKING…. got a lot of Notice, thanks
]]>compatible with WP Fastest Cache? thanks
]]>I’m having a compatibility issue, so in my attempts to troubleshoot it, I removed the Google Adsense Ads Manager plugin, but the ads remain. How do I remove the ads?
]]>it’s saying to report it to the github but it’s seem to have been deleted or else.
so i’ll report it here.
[17-Apr-2017 13:44:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_before_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_before_myoption' in /home/madmax/public_html/neufsvies/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 232
Hello dear
I like me know its possible show different adverts in mobile device
This is because I am using advert with 950 pixeles width and show bad on mobiles
Thanks for support
]]>Hello dear
Thanks for the plugin.
I like me know it is possible hide in some pages or posts, because I not need put adverts in some parts on my website
Its not possible show alternative Google Adsense adverts in mobile devices? Google say the adverts are “intelligent” for this, but really fail a lot of times
Thanks for support
]]>Howdy –
Good to see you on the Simplest Google Adsense Ads Manager support forums. Please read this and follow these guidelines before opening a new thread:
If it’s a bug, please report it on Github, but make sure you download the latest version from Github first and check if your problem still exists with that version.