When we enter in a date for a class – say July 25 – and then post the class the date will revert a day backward – to July 24. If we go back into the class details and update it will stick.
I’m not sure if this is a plugin issue or a general WordPress issue.
Any help on where I can look for a resolution would be helpful.
]]>I think I have found it?
line 180 (?) in simpulevents.php reads:
echo “<div class=’date’>” . date( $date_format, strtotime( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘__events_date’, TRUE ) ) ) . “</div>”;
and it should read:
echo “<div class=’date’>” . date( $date_format, strtotime( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), $this->meta_prefix . ‘date_begin’, TRUE ) ) ) . “</div>”;
Or something like that? I’m not quite sure.
]]>I am new to WordPress so this may be a very basic question but it has me stumped.
I would like to show our event’s calendar as a calendar rather than a list of events. Simpul events says that it has this capability. I dragged it into the Main Sidebar and selected the options to show the calendar. I hit save and yet on the webpage, I only see the original “events calender” with the events in a list. What am I missing?
Thank you!
first of all – thank you for this plugin. It works nicely (see it in action @ risobrasil.nl).
However, I wrecked my brain why it would only show 10 events. It turns out, the WP_query you use, used the selected number of posts per page.
You can adjust this at Settings > messages. It shows the default value ’10’. You can just set this to all, but that will mess your site up if you’re working with pagination.
The fix is as follows: in simpulevents.php, in the root folder of the plugin, find this bit:
$args = array('post_type' => 'events',
'post_status' => 'published',
'order_by' => 'meta_value',
'meta_key' => $this->meta_prefix . "date_begin",
'order' => 'ASC',
Just add an extra parameter of the arguments:
'posts_per_page' => -1,
This will override the max 10 posts bit, and gets all the posts (events). The parameter used to be ‘showposts’ btw, but that is deprecated.
Hope this helps somebody, and perhaps it’s good stuff for an update?
]]>is this possible?
]]>I have enabled all Calendar Rollover Settings in the widget, but none of them appear to be working. The events to not link to the calendar dates.
Your widget is great, but for some reason, when placed in the sidebar with event date checked it only shows 01/01/1970 12AM, instead of the actual even date. any suggestions?
]]>the .zip can not be installed. You should do things for the conventional ways