One of our customers experienced issues with this plugin whenever the [category_id=]-marker is placed directly at the beginning of the content.
We have tracked this down to an invalid usage of strpos(): strpos() will return zero (“0”) if the marker is directly at the beginning of the content, which evaluates to false if compared as equal to a boolean. Comparing as identical will solve the problem.
Please see <> for reference.
]]>Is this still safe?
I installed the plugin and it shows the articles on the static sites as I want. Now I want to add the post thumbnail of each article on the static site where all articles of one categorie are shown.
Where do I have to insert which code?
]]>I am not able to get this to work with 4.2.4. It is showing all of my posts, regardless of category. See it here:
My page only has this in it: [category_id=3]
]]>I have the most recent version running on this website page:
wordpress Version 4.2.2
Is there a way to paginate so that a default number of recent postings are shown and a pagination is generated for the remaining postings?
Right now the only way I can get all postings from one category to show is to do input the [category_id=X][category_posts=XXXX]
If I do not stipulate a number for the posts the plugin only shows 6 postings. We would like to have all postings for that one category show and paginate if possible. Is this something that I can accomplish using your plugin and using short codes? Thank you for any help.
I’ve managed to get the plugin linked to a page now that it is linked my posts are no longer summarized in that page and the line breaks are now gone in that page as well. Could you help me out, perhaps a screenshot of what you mean. I’m bad at coding, really sorry. Thank you!
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare init() (previously declared in …\wp-content\plugins\single-categories\single_categories.php:27) in …\wp-includes\rss.php on line 681
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0020 166288 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 2.6191 28658312 wp_dashboard( ) ..\index.php:126
3 2.6191 28658608 do_meta_boxes( ) ..\dashboard.php:182
4 2.7862 29174608 call_user_func:{…\wp-admin\includes\template.php:1044} ( ) ..\template.php:1044
5 2.7862 29174680 wpmarketing_feed->widget( ) ..\template.php:1044
I hope it can help you. Otherwise, Great Job
I would like to show a featured image of every post.
Any idea how to do this with your plugin?
Greetings from the Netherlands.
]]>I have two pages I wish to show different categories in blog posts – one for “minutes” and one for “events” (this is for a club).
On the page I have tried inserting both the category name or category id – and the resulting page still shows all posts regardless of category.
Please help!
]]>Can this plugin be used to add categories to custom page/post types that otherwise don’t have them?
]]>Hi – thank you for this plugin!
Is there a way to turn OFF the meta – Date, Author, “No Comment” ??
Please see this page
Thank you.
Just activated Single Catetories today, and tried it in both my WP theme and Twenty-Fourteen. And in both places it does not work. It only displays the shortcode.
What’s happening?
]]>I can’t get to the documentation as the link just loads a blank page. Please fix as I do not know how to use this plugin.
]]>Translations do not work at all, because their work is based on WPLANG option, which is deprecated in WordPress 4 ([29630]).
Can you fix it? Thanx.
]]>The plugin shows the posts, but removes line breaks.
Is there a setting to leave the formatting intact?
eigentlich macht das Plugin genau dies was ich ben?tige.
Nur “eigentlich”, weil es gut w?re, wenn man wie gewohnt nur die ersten Zeilen des Artikels angezeigt bekommen würde.
So wie es bei WordPress üblich ist mit einem Link zum weiterlesen.
Aktuell werden, wenn ich eine Kategorie auf der Seiten eigebunden habe, die Artikel dieser Kategorie komplett angezeigt.
Dadurch wird die Seite sehr lang und unübersichtlich.
Ist dies generell so, oder nur bei mir?
Danke im Voraus für die Unterstützung!
Viele Grü?e
Hi, I use qTranslate for a Dutch/English wordpress site. when I enter the short code [category_id=8] to show this category on a page it shows all posts with double title/content. is there a way to show just the post in the chosen language? thanx in advance
]]>I have about 20 post assigned to a category and was wondering if you could modify the plugin so I could 4 pages with 4 posts and page navigation.
]]>Hallo Florian (Finbey),
habe gerade dein Plugin getestet. Wirklich klasse… Nun habe ich allerdings noch 2 Fragen hinsichtlich der m?glichen Anpassung des Designs. Vielleicht kannst du mir ja einen sinnvollen Tipp dazu geben.
1. Derzeit wird der komplette Artikel auf der jeweiligen Seite angezeigt. Gibt es eine M?glichkeit, nur einen Auszug des Artikels inkl. “weiterlesen”-Variante anzeigen zu lassen (mit bspw. 200 characters)? In welcher Datei k?nnen eventuelle Anpassungen vorgenommen werden? Ansonsten wird die Seite ja unendlich lang.
2. Ist es m?glich dabei ein Image anzeigen zu lassen?
Mit netten Grü?en, Step
das Plugin klappt an sich super, und es tut was es tun soll.
Nur wenn ich auf die Beitr?ge klicke, werde ich zur Login-Seite weitergeleitet und es wird angezeigt: “vom Eigentümer als privat gekennzeichnet”
Ich kann aber definitiv ausschlie?en, dass die Beitr?ge privat sind. Denn über die Suchfunktion wird mir der Beitrag dann angezeigt.
Das Plugin habe ich nicht ge?ndert. Wie kann ich dieses Problem beheben?
Vielen Dank schon mal
]]>Love the plugin
However currently when you assign a category to a page it displays the entire post. Is there a way to display the excerpt of the article much like on the a home page using this plug in?
]]>Hi & thanks for the plugin.
I got only posts without titles… it’s not good…
Can you help me out??
]]>Is there a way to increase the number of posts that appear on a page using the Single Categories plugin? Thanks!
I would like to ask if it is possible to make border for each post.
I know it is possible for a “standard” post by adding this code:
1 .post{
2 border:2px solid;
3 margin:0 0 40px;
4 padding:15px;
5 text-align:justify;
6 }
But where to put this code into file “single_categories.php”?
Thank you for any advice.
]]>I’d like to be able to limit the number of posts the shortcode displays on a page, as well as not show the post author and date. Is there a way to do this within the shortcode?
]]>Your plug-in is awesome. I would just like to ask something..
How can I include the preview thumbnail image and only an excerpt of the post.
Plus how can I assign a line break(just to emphasize its a different post) on each posts?
Thank you very much!
]]>Add the String [category_id=x] to the page you want to show your post of a category (x is the category-id you want to display. For example: [category_id=3]).
So I just started with Wp and this description isnt so clear for me. Where exactly should I add [category_id=x] ?