I have previously used the plugin to migrate two sites to SiteGround, so am familiar with the process, and am now trying to do a third, but without success.
I have tried twice and each time at the end I get “Migration Completed Except These Files” and on both times it is the complete WooCommerce plugin directory that has not been copied across:
The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
When I look at the Uploads directory on the current site and in the directory the plugin creates (/key/plugins), there is no woocommerce.tar file in the plugins directory.
I should say that after the first failure, I deleted all files on SiteGround under public_html and generated a new Migration Code, but still ended up with the same error. The temporary URL is above and if you look at the current live site – https://www.jacksgallery.co.uk – you will see all the product listings are missing from the menu.
I have manually FTP’d the WooCommerce directory from the current site into SiteGround /plugins but this did not work (I’ve left the directory in situ). I tried to login to the temp site to see if WooCommerce needed activating, but I get a message “ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key”. I also tried via SiteGround and that didn’t work either.
Please help/advise how to solve this problem. It is urgent as the current site’s hosting expires in a week and I need to get the site moved to SiteGround to avoid having to renew.
]]>I’m trying to transfer from WP Engine to Siteground. I’ve updated the wp-config.php
file to have WP_MEMORY_LIMIT
set to 512M
but i”m still getting an exhausted memory limit error. I’ve deleted non-essential plugins, but what’s most curious to me is that the allocated memory is less than the allowed memory.
Is this a plugin bug? Am I doing something wrong?
Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 205103088 bytes) in /nas/content/live/k1academydev/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php on line 396
The Migrator did not copy the mu-plugins folder in wp-content.
]]>i have correctly downloaded and installed the plugin, but when i click on the side-menu voice “SG Migrator” it only shows a white-blank page.
]]>I want to migrate my website from siteground migrator showing a message says ��There are php files already residing on the selected path�� and refuse to generate the migration token again for us. There is no way to migrate the content of the temporary website to our new website as we can��t seem to get a migration token.
]]>Hello all,
I tried to migrate several sites from my DreamHost VPS (even an essentially empty WP installation) yesterday and SIteGround Migrator failed every time.
Does anybody have success with an alternative migration plugin when moving sites to SiteGround that they can suggest?
]]>I have encountered the below error while creating the archive file from WP. Please advise, thanks.
Uncaught ValueError: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(): Argument #1 ($directory) cannot be empty in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php:236 Stack trace: #0 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php(236): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct(”) #1 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php(212): SiteGround_Migrator\Files_Service\Files_Service->archive_dir(‘/wordpress/core…’, ‘/srv/htdocs/wp-…’) #2 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php(138): SiteGround_Migrator\Files_Service\Files_Service->create_encrypted_archive(‘/plugins/akisme…’) #3 [internal function]: SiteGround_Migrator\Files_Service\Files_Service->prepare_archives_for_download() #4 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Background_Process/Background_Process.php(51): call_user_func(Array) #5 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Background_Process/Siteground_WP_Background_Process.php(322): SiteGround_Migrator\Background_Process\Background_Process->task(Array) #6 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Background_Process/Siteground_WP_Background_Process.php(186): SiteGround_Migrator\Background_Process\Siteground_WP_Background_Process->handle() #7 /wordpress/core/6.4.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): SiteGround_Migrator\Background_Process\Siteground_WP_Background_Process->maybe_handle(”) #8 /wordpress/core/6.4.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #9 /wordpress/core/6.4.1/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #10 /wordpress/core/6.4.1/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(188): do_action(‘wp_ajax_wp_back…’) #11 {main} thrown in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Files_Service/Files_Service.php on line 236
]]>Hi, im trying to move a site from a2hosting to siteground and keep getting the below message. Ive checked the token and it is correct. Tried to issue a new one but got the message that i already have one. Also i have removed the security plugin.
Thank you in advance for any guidance!
Failed to complete WordPress installation on the destination server. Destination responded with ‘ERROR: Failed to download WordPress core’. Please retry with another transfer token.
I am attempting to migrate a site from GoDaddy to Siteground. I installed the migration tool but it is stuck. The message says: Transfer started. Creating archives of files��, but the files do not appear to be transferring in over an hour. The wheel spins and nothing happens.
I hit Cancel and tried it again, with the same result.
Can you help with this issue?
]]>I was using migration plugin to move my site to SiteGround, but I do not want to change domain. It says : While generating the transfer token, you have chosen to use a different domain than the one currently used with your WordPress.?
It is impossible to chat with anybody on the hosting site to get quick help, I was not given a chance, just tutorials instead. Can you please help me with this, what should I do now to make it right? My site is on Cloudflare.
]]>Hi– it’s the 2nd day I’ve been trying to do the migration… but after several hours of waiting each time, there’s no progress visible, and the Migrator process is stuck at ��Transfer started. Creating archives of files����. Please advise how to get the migration started. Thank you.
]]>I’m attempting to migrate a WP site on different hosting to a subdomain on siteground. This means the domain will change.
When the migrator is running, I get a notification about the site domain changing (which is what we want), and ‘While generating the transfer token, you have chosen to use a different domain than the one currently used with your WordPress. To accommodate this change we will transfer a copy of your current database settings and replace the domain information in the migrated database. Your live website will not be affected.’
I click continue and get a success notification that the transfer has started, then it goes straight back to the same screen. Do I have to press continue for every URL, or is this a glitch?
SiteGround Migrator
Critical Transfer Error
I am trying to transfer a website on to a temporary domain on my siteground account so I may do work on it. However each time I try to migrate it, it just gets stuck on “Transfer request has been sent to SiteGround server.” Please help
I am trying to migrate my WP website from Godaddy to SiteGround. I initiate the transfer but it just sticks at “Transfer started. Creating archives of files��” with the progress bar at 0. The website then just goes very slow/does not respond and I have to restart the PHP in Cpanel to make it work again.
Please help
]]>When trying to activate this plugin on PHP 7.2, I’m getting the following fatal error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function SiteGround_Migrator\Helper\str_starts_with() in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/core/Helper/Helper.php:166
The function it references (str_starts_with()) wasn’t introduced until PHP 8. Yet the plugin’s required PHP version actually says +5.6
PHP’s docs on this function: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.str-starts-with.php
]]>Hello all, I’m trying to migrate a small website from a shared server on Web4Web.it to SG, but nothing happens after I click the migrate button and the log is not even created.
I’m going to contact the Web4Web helpdesk, but in the meantime is anyone here using their hosting and has managed to make the SG Migrator work?
Thank you!
]]>Migration completed but the temperary URL leads to a blank page with the error, “Invalid user action”.
]]>I have domain registered at SG, and when I use the plugin to migrate website to SG, … and it fails, the domain NS records have been updated automatically to point to SG.
Several issues here;
1) The plugin does not seem to work when source is IONOS (crappy hosting)
[14-Sep-2022 19:38:56 UTC] INFO: Transfer started. Creating archives of files...
[14-Sep-2022 19:38:56 UTC] INFO: Updating transfer id.
[14-Sep-2022 19:38:56 UTC] INFO: Updating transfer psk.
[14-Sep-2022 19:38:56 UTC] INFO: Can not connect to SiteGround Migrator plugin at https://<redacted>.com/
– There is absolutely no detail, what went wrong – so, it’s impossible to troubleshoot, what the plugin tried to do before crashing.
– Yes, we did update directory/file rights recursively to (d)755 and (f)644
– Is there a way to enable VERBOSE logs to see, what is it trying to do, and failing?
– Why is the log file showing http? not https? Is it really trying to use non-secure socket to connect to the origin host?
– The log file is not helpful.
2) When the plugin fails to do the job, the NS records in SG domainlist are still updated, so the origin website stops working, and migration is not done to new host either!
– Clearly the NS records should be updated ONLY, when the migration is successful.
3) If you have anything like outlook/microsoft/google as email provider for the domain, you MUST make those DNS Zone edits BEFORE you migrate the website.
– If you did not, the NS records updated automatically, and everything stops working, including emails for the domain!
4) Yes, we love the plugin, when it works.
After a migration with SG Migrator I can see some size differences in the database and files:
-The NEW site database is 23Mb while the original site database is only 16Mb.
In PHPMyAdmin I can see that tables with bigger differences are these 3:
_options: has changed from 599 rows and 4.2Mb to 644 rows and 6.3Mb (+2.1Mb)
_postmeta: has changed from 11,439 rows and 5,8Mb to 11,440 rows and 9,5Mb (+4Mb!).
_posts: has changed from 837 rows and 1,6Mb to the same 837 rows but 2,5Mb (+1Mb).
Why? How Can I solve it?
-I made .zip of the original installation files BEFORE migrating and was about 112Mb but after the migration that original installation .zip it��s 190Mb (the new site is correct at about 112Mb). I can suppose that the SG Migrator has created some extra files inside the original installation. Are they temporary files that will be deleted automatically (when?). Or Do I need to do it manually? Because I need to migrate that website again to a different destination,… but I want to migrate the original 112Mb and not the 190Mb,…
If the migration is to a different URL, will the plugin change ALL the old URLs in the database, on ALL tables, for the new URL? For example ��olddomain.com/es�� to ��newdomain.com/fr��? Or only the site_url and home from the options table?
Will I need to use the Site Tools �C WordPress �C “Search and replace”, after migration?
]]>Basically, I have a successful transfer apparently. However, I’d like to check the transferred site before I switch domain name. I have the temp URL but it redirects to my current primary domain. Have tried clearing my cache and cookies. How do I access the temp domain?
Can I use “Siteground MIGRATOR” to clone a website from my GrowBig plan from temporarydomain.com/subfolder, to my GoGeek plan to newdomain.com/subfolder and to newdomain.com/subfolder2 and newdomain.com/subfolder3?
And from a subfolder to another subfolder inside the same GrowBig plan? Like from domain.com/subfolder1 to domain.com/subfolder2?
(When I say “subfolder” I mean there is a WordPress installation on that subfolder).
]]>I’m still running foul of this issue:
Uncaught PharException: tar-based phar "/var/sites/.../public_html/wp-content/uploads/1658399033-c0725bce8d62224bf05986cfd2f5ee9079358760/plugins/woocommerce.tar" cannot be created, filename "packages/woocommerce-blocks/build/product-button--product-category-list--product-image--product-price--product-rating--product-sale-b--e17c7c01.js" is too long for tar file format in /var/sites/.../public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/includes/class-siteground-migrator-files-service.php:207
Any update? Or has the issue been reintroduced?
]]>I have bought a new hosting plan and domain name within site ground and wish to move my existing site to this new domain. However, after the transfer, it has created a temporary site and asks me to do something with name servers. I do not understand this point as both domains are registered with site ground so no DNS change is required?
]]>Working on a migration of my old website in the root directory and moving to a subdomain. The migrator went 2.5 hours without moving off this one spot. I think it stalled. I generated the token, added to the plugin and then initiated the migration. The database is quite large. Can the plugin handle a 3gb database?
I might need SG support to help. Is the database too big or is there other things I can try? Thanks in advance! – Michael
]]>I’m suddenly getting this error when I try to use this plugin to migrate a starter site I’ve been using for over a year:
Critical Transfer Error
Uncaught PharException: tar-based phar "/home/customer/www/starter.inksplashdesigns.net/public_html/wp-content/uploads/1622743306-717cfc3f7e14a8f416af9c5a2bb343b095584701/plugins/elementor-pro.tar" cannot be created, filename "assets/js/notes/vendors-node_modules_babel_runtime-corejs2_core-js_map_js-node_modules_babel_runtime-corejs2_-bba5c5.js" is too long for tar file format in /home/customer/www/starter.inksplashdesigns.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/includes/class-siteground-migrator-files-service.php:205 Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/starter.inksplashdesigns.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/includes/class-siteground-migrator-files-service.php(205): PharData->buildFromDirectory('/home/customer/...') #1 /home/customer/www/starter.inksplashdesigns.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/includes/class-siteground-migrator-files-service.php(146): Siteground_Migrator_Files_Service->create_encrypted_archive('/plugins/elemen...') #2 /home/customer in /home/customer/www/starter.inksplashdesigns.net/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteground-migrator/includes/class-siteground-migrator-files-service.php on line 205
The only solution I can find when I Google for help is to remove the plugin, but I need that plugin & all settings to stay in place for the migration, so that’s not an option. I don’t have control over that insanely long directory name that gets created (1622743306-717cfc3f7e14a8f416af9c5a2bb343b095584701) Is there something I can change my Siteground hosting account to allow for that long filename structure?
]]>I am adding an additional domain to siteground but can I wait until after I use this plugin to successfully migrate the site from the old hosting company and then point the domain names to the new server?
]]>Hey, I had this problem with the last 2 websites I migrated, didn’t have this issue around a month and a half ago.
I do all the process correctly but the TEMPORAL URL that is supposed to be OK looks like this:
The default WP page.
I dont know why this happens TBH, tried almost everything but couldn’t find solution…
]]>I am having an issue with the migrator plugin where it gets stuck creating archives and doesn’t do anything else. I already checked the siteground-migrator.log file and there are no error messages there, just the same creating archive text. I doubled checked that all my files have the proper permissions and I wiped my .htaccess file clean just in case but it’s still stuck like that. Are there any other possible causes for this?