Hoping someone can help with this, have a site using SitePush with live & dev
trying to move dev to a new server, but nothing works on new server, not moving
live yet, is it possible to move only the dev bit?
]]>I have been adding Custom DB table groups via the SitePush options page.
First try, I added them on my test site so I could pull specific plug-in tables. from the live site. That worked but the Custom DB table groups disappeared afterwards. I deduced that the settings had been over-ridden.
Next I tried adding them on my live site and pushing the entire DB to the test site, whereupon the new Custom DB table groups appeared and have stayed on both sites. So… don’t add Custom DB table groups and pull.
I think it desirable that changes made on the options on either site be reflected in the other site. I cannot see any case for keeping them different and there is room for confusion.
thanks for the great plugin!
]]>For a long time I have been using SitePush on a site and its test site. It works great and I really hope this plugin keeps going.
I have recently set up another pair of sites and installed SitePush. On this pair, when I push/pull the whole database to the test site (i.e. including the WP options), navigation to the test site front page lands me on the live site front page. It seems that the Settings > General URLs are un-fixed and get replaced with those of the live site. Editing them to what they should be, does the trick.
Now here is a curiosity… on my old site (running same version of SitePush) the URL fields are correct, greyed out and not editable. So there is no problem but why is it different on that site and why is this not taken care of in the new site?
]]>I have added my config files to the server, entered in all of the settings and hit “Save”, and…..nothing. I can’t figure out how to actually test to see if the push/pull is working. When I click “SitePush” under Dashboard I just get the settings page again. I have seen in the screenshots I should be seeing the screen to push/pull, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to see that screen.
]]>We’ve noticed that Sitepush (which we would like to use to push from our dev –> QA –> productions sites) is blocked on our dashboard of WP for all 3 of these duplicate sites (current version). It successfully installs but is not viewable on the dashboard.
We have tested on installing on new / fresh instances of WP & it displays fine … Has anyone else noticed this problem or know of a way to fix this / why it would be blocked? Other plug ins or the theme?
Thank you
]]>I have been using SitePush for a few days now and it is brilliant – thank you.
Having pushed my live site to my backup site, the first thing I needed to do was go through all the user accounts and change the email addresses to one of mine so that I will not trigger emails to the users from the test site. Having done that, I am having to avoid updating the Users & user metadata and this is getting out of sync.
It would be nice if it was possible to force email addresses in the test site to be set to some chosen one.
]]>I have over 40 sites using Sitepush but I seem to be having some troubles with setting it up on one of my sites that has the Dashboard running in HTTPS.
When I try to pull I get this error “One or more files failed to copy correctly. Please make sure that the destination files and directories have the correct file permissions.”
The file permissions are correct so I’m guessing it has something to do with the SSL I have in place.
Is there a way around this without removing the SSL?
]]>I am configuring SitePush for the first time. My live site is getting the error message from SitePush: DB config file present, but it cannot be read.
Please can SKS suggest what might be wrong.
My putative test site can be visited OK, so the WP install seems OK.
In the following, <…> are strings that have been replaced in this post to protect my site. Both my live site and the putative test site are located in folders in /home/<mydomain>/public_html
I have created a folder /home/<mydomain>/sitepush which contains the site config and dbs config .php files (and a folder for site push backups).
The site config.php file is being read OK but the db config file is not – it appears. The files are in the same folder and both have permissions 644. Perhaps it can read it but there is something wrong with the content?
My config.php file is as follows (not sure what wp_dir & wp_content-dir need to be set to?):
[ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]
<?php die('Forbidden'); ?> -*- conf -*-
wp_dir = /wp
wp_content_dir = /wp/wp-content
cache = no
caches[] = /caches/timthumb
caches[] = /caches/something_else
label = Live Site
domains[] = <myURL>
web_path = /home/<mydomain>/public_html/<site>
db = live
live = yes
label = Dev Site
domains[] = test.<myURL>
web_path = /home/<mydomain>/public_html/test-<site>
db = dev
live = no
and my dbs config .php file is thus:
<blockquote>; <?php die('Forbidden'); ?> -*- conf -*-
; Do not remove the above line, it is all that prevents this file from being downloaded.
prefix = oo_
name = <live_db_name>
user = <live_db_user_name>
pw = <password>
name =<test_db_name>
user = <test_db_user_name>
pw = <password>
Any help will be much appreciated.
]]>So, I have:
– A local wp install on my PC
– A staging site on a subdomain
– My live site
And I want to push from local > staging > live
Can I use this plugin to go from local to staging as well as from staging to live?
]]>I will provide a quick explanation. Please let me know if you can provide any further feedback what I may be doing wrong.
Current Setup:
We have two web servers – For example, (staging/test server) and (production – live)
Example Push & Error:
[1] Pushing database tables from dev to live: –tables wp_commentmeta wp_comments
[2] Database source: dev (dev_website) on
[2] Database dest: live (live_website) on
[3] RUN: /usr/bin/mysqldump –opt –verbose –host= -u root -p’*****’ dev_website –tables wp_commentmeta wp_comments | /usr/bin/mysql -D live_website -u root –host= -p’*****’
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (111)
Step to Resolve:
The only main change we made was to the firewall settings on the production server. Perhaps this is not setup correctly, we have a port to the database 3301 that is open. Do you have any feedback on this?
I’ve been experimenting with this plugin lately, so far it’s awesome!
However, I noticed some issues with certain characters having encoding issues while pushing content to a production site. For now I made a quick fix in class-sitepush-core.php:
Change Line 59:
private $dump_options = “–opt –verbose”;
private $dump_options = “–opt –verbose –default-character-set=utf8”;
So far that seems to be fixing all the issues I noticed. I’m running a bi-lingual site, but I seemed to be having issues with certain long dashes and quotes etc. (Might be because of pasted user content from Word or something, not sure.)
Posting this here in case it’s helpful for anyone else, or if there’s a configurable option somewhere that I missed for UTF8 support.
]]>This installation used to be working. It goes between dev, test, and www.
I CAN get to the Sitepush Options page.
Path not valid – rsync not found.
Path not valid – mysql not found.
Path not valid – mysqldump not found.
…But I confirmed with my web hosting the the path is correct, and another client hosting with the same company, using Sitepush, uses the same paths.
I turned on DEBUG.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
SitePush version: 0.4.2
SitePush options: not OK
WordPress version: 4.1.3
WordPress multisite: No
Site: accountnamehere
PHP version: 5.4.29
PHP safe mode: off
Server user: accountnamehere
Server groups: uid=500(accountnamehere) gid=501(accountnamehere) groups=501(accountnamehere)
Server: Linux host.accountnamehere.com 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 12 00:41:43 UTC 2014 x86_64
SitePush dir: /home/accountnamehere/public_html/dev/wp/wp-content/plugins/sitepush
WordPress abspath: /home/accountnamehere/public_html/dev/wp/
sites_conf: 0644 ???(500) ???(501) (readable/parseable)
dbs_conf: 0644 ???(500) ???(501) (readable/parseable)
wp-config: 0755 ???(500) ???(501)
SitePush config for this site follows:
It appears I have everything set up correctly but I am unable to make this work properly.
Changes made on “live” do nothing. Changes made on “dev” appear on both the live and dev sites.
Changes on live site do appear in the live DB when I view it in PHPmyadmin, but the live site loads the data from dev site db no matter what.
I have confirmed that each install has a wp-config.php file with the different DB, DB user, siteURL and HomeURL defined.
I have tested by turning off w3TC, uninstalling sitepush on dev site and no matter what I can not get this to behave.
More details below.
Both are saved on server with following structure:
cache = no
label = Live Site
domains[]= marketingconsulting.co
domains[] = riverineinc.com
web_path = /home/asterisk/public_html
db = live
live = yes
cache = yes
caches[] = /caches/timthumb
caches[] = /home/asterisk/public_html/wp-content/cache/object
caches[] = /home/asterisk/public_html/wp-content/cache/db
caches[] = /home/asterisk/public_html/wp-content/cache/tmp
caches[] = /home/asterisk/public_html/wp-content/cache/page_enhanced
caches[] = /home/asterisk/public_html/wp-content/cache/config
label = Dev Site
domain = dev.marketingconsulting.co
web_path = /home/asterisk/public_html/dev
db = development
live = no
cache = no
prefix = something_
name = something_wordpress
user = something_arowls
pw = ###########
name = something_dev
user = something_dev
pw = ###########
I’ve been looking all over the place for documentation on this, but how would you go about using the sitepush hooks added in version 0.4.2 to create a logging system?
I would like to be able to run a script once a push is complete that will record the date and time of the push.
]]>I got an error when I tried this and couldn’t get it to work. Most of the time, I have access to DNS and can create a subdomain for the staging site, but with some of our clients we don’t have that access. In this case, I’ve used example.com/staging
as the staging site URL, but this means the domain is the same as the live site.
Is there a way to accomplish this? I cheated and used www.example.com
for the staging domain since the live site uses example.com
First off, great plug-in! We’ve been able to manage our development and production versions of the site fairly well with SitePush. Thank you for a great plug-in. My question involves pushing only specific changes from site to site–specifically with regards to widgets. Can you please tell me which option when pushing from development to production is used to just push widget changes? Is it possible to just push widget changes/updates without having to push anything else? Thanks!
]]>Can anyone help?
Whenever I do a push or pull I get three errors that say “one or more files failed to copy correctly. Please make sure that the destination files and directories have the correct file permissions.”
All permissions to the files are set to 0755
]]>Is the latest version of SitePush compatible with WordPress 4.0 and, if not, when might a 4.0-compatible version be out?
]]>I wounder if it is possible to use the plugin to develope a new theme for a site that is live and than change the theme on live site when it oi ready on the development version?
]]>I’ve been trying to set up Sitepush and cannot get post the first page! I’ve tried to configure the site but no matter what I do, I always start on https://sitename.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sitepush_options, I edit the options and when I press the “Save Changes” button, it redirect to https://sitename.com/wp-admin/options.php which does not exist and returns a 404 error.
Am I missing something here?
When you say the following in the instrcutions:
“SitePush is currently well tested on:
– Linux
– MacOS X (MAMP)”
do you mean servers or home computers? As long as the server is Linux, there should be no problems, right?
The “Server Setup” section is referenced in the installation instructions, but it doesn’t exist on that page. I was pulling my hair out trying to find it, then stumbled upon it in the Other Notes section. Maybe you could save others the frustration by indicating it lives in that section?
]]>Sometimes the page takes a long time to respond when I push the database from one site to another.
What happens if I quit my browser, close that browser window, or navigate away from that page?
Does the push continue, stop in the middle, abort…?
]]>When you push the media uploads, does it push ALL of them, or just ones that have changed?
How does it move the files?
I have a LOT of PDFs and images that take up a gigabyte or more of space.
I’ve got a problem setting Sitepush up.
I get a warning, when saving the options:
Warning: Currently configured WordPress uploads directory (/homepages/37/d428665981/htdocs/bs/wp-content/uploads) is different from the configured uploads directory in your sites config file (/homepages/37/d428665981/htdocs/bs//wp-content/uploads)
I suspect, it’s the double slash, that makes the problem. But WP_Home and WP_Siteurl are set, correctly:
define('WP_SITEURL', 'https://www.bs-fdl.de/bs');
define('WP_HOME', 'https://www.bs-fdl.de');
The site config is set like this:
wp_dir = /
wp_content_dir = /wp-content
cache = no
caches[] = /caches/timthumb
caches[] = /caches/something_else
label = Live Site
domains[] = bs-fdl.de
domains[] = bs-fdl.de
web_path = /homepages/37/d428665981/htdocs/bs
db = live
live = yes
label = Staging Site
domain = staging.bs-fdl.de
web_path = /homepages/37/d428665981/htdocs/staging
db = staging
live = no
Any idea?
]]>I want to set up a large plugin, e.g. Events Manager, on a test site and Push it to a live site. The plugin has a lot of settings and may take a couple of weeks to set up and test before pushing it. How can I push the settings without destroying the content on the live site?
]]>In reading through the documents I suspect this is not possible, but I thought I’d check in just in case. Is it possible to push only specific pages/posts to a site?
I’m creating the classic staging/live set up. I will have several people making changes on the staging site, and then having one or two admins be controlling what gets pushed to the live site and when. I can’t garuntee that everything will want to be pushed at the same time. Maybe page A is done and ready to go live, but page B still needs another day or two before it is ready to go. Is there a way to just push page A and leave B alone for the time being? Thanks!
]]>WP Multisite compatible?
I was curious if you plan on adding functionality for the plugin to work in WP Multisites. I just tried it and it didn’t work.
I added the code to the wp-config.php file, but it didn’t work.
Please let me know.
Looks like exactly what I’m looking for.
I see the plugin says compatible up to 3.6.1. Would it work with 3.8.1?
Any planned updates?
Thanks in advanced!