Hi there !
Sk multi tag worked fine up to the 4.1 WP version. Since the 4.2.1 update, the widget plugin won’t show the tags, and his admin panel don’t show the usual css layout.
Any update to this nice and very usefull plugins planned ?
Any suggestions to turn it on with this WP version ?
hello skipstorm
can i contact you on PM about sk-multi-tag and a limite of 4tag, because google dont like to much url/tag1+tag2+tag3+tag4+tag5+…
and some sugestions, for a fusion with the MultiTags plugin.
and it will make the best semantic plugin ever publish.
i’m not realy good on php, so i cant do it myself.
thank you so much for your plugin
my website : https://www.jeromepierre.com
in German many words are capitalized so I found that a single selected tag always was shown lower case in widget, while more tags were shown correctly. Looking into code I found that in this case (only) the slug (via $selectedTags) is used instead of retrieving the tags name. I wrote a little fix, but I guess this may be coded cleaner by someone else ??
Replacing line 268 in file “sk_multitag.php” from version 1.0.2:
$delTagName = urldecode($selectedTags);
foreach ( $tags as $key => $tag ) {
if ($delTagName == urldecode($tag->slug)) $delTagName = $tag->name;
$delTagLinks = '<a href="'.get_option('home').'/">'.$delTagName.'</a>';
is there any way to exclude posts from certain categories from being found via this widget?
i.e. if i select a certain tag, I’d like to have the results filtered so I can exclude results from a specific category.
could this be made possible somehow?
]]>Hi, I can’t select multiple tags, I click on one tag and instantly get directed to that tag. I want to be able to select several tags! Anyone else noticing this or perhaps can suggest another tag cloud plug with this function?
]]>First of all.. Thank you!
This multi tag works great!
But i would like to know if this is possible:
If i have 2 blog posts
one with the tags “music”, “1980” and “flower”
And one with “DVD”, “1990” and “Flower”
If i add DVD, afterwords I can only add “1990” and “flower”
I would still like to be able to add “Music” and “1980”
I would like the searchresult to show all posts with the tags added to the search, but not let one tag rule out other tags.
Thank you in advance
]]>Did not work after update.
The second tag directing to the main page
I have this working very well on my site (www.freeemergencytalks.net). However, in my testing, it does not appear to install on WordPress 3.1. I’m thus very reluctant to try to upgrade. Any idea if this plugin is still being worked on?
]]>After upgrading to 3.1 and 1.0.2, the tags don’t filter anymore. I see the cloud, but if I click on a tag, I can’t click on a second tag to filter it further like I used to.
]]>I’m trying to rename the title that is shown in the mouseover for all the tags.
Currently it gives a count with the word “topics” appended to it. I want to replace “topics” with “products”, but I can’t seem to find where that tag value is set.
Can anyone help?