Feb 23, 2021: Does this plugin still work? I have tried quite a few things but
<li>no invoice is created</li>
<li>customer does not get the invoice</li>
<li>WP Admin does get email</li>
Here’s the latest code for Form and email I have tried. I have tried putting the line items in the form preceded by [text*.
Here is the form:
<p>Your Name (required)<br />
[text* sliced_client_name] </p>
<p>Business Name (required)<br />
[text* sliced_client_business] </p>
<p>Your Email (required)<br />
[email* sliced_client_email] </p>
[hidden sliced_quote_or_invoice “invoice”]
[hidden sliced_invoice_send "true"]
<p>[submit "Send"]</p>
Here are email settings.
<p>Your Name (required)<br />
[sliced_client_name] </p>
<p>Your Email (required)<br />
[sliced_client_email] </p>
<p>Website (required)<br />
[sliced_client_website] </p>
<p>Business Name (required)<br />
[sliced_client_business] </p>
<p>Address<br />
[sliced_client_address] </p>
[sliced_line_item_{1}_qty "1"]
[sliced_line_item_{1}_title "Annual Subscription"]
[sliced_line_item_{1}_desc "Asphalt Unlimited, LLC consulting services and access to The Asphalt App"]
[sliced_line_item_{1}_amt "$5000"]
Hi, is there a way to add Date-time picker field for the quote?
]]>We stand behind Sliced Invoices and our Contact Form 7 Integration 100%. If you experience any issues we will be happy to help you via our official website only. **We do NOT monitor this forum for support requests.**
If you need help, a good place to start is our documentation.
If you can’t find the answer there, simply open a support ticket on our website.
P.S. Yes, this is a new policy as of 2020. We are a small team and it’s challenging to keep up with requests on multiple channels and for multiple plugins… that’s why we are streamlining ALL support requests through one place, our official website. This will allow us to keep track of your requests and serve you better. Thank you for understanding.
I setup a contact form 7 with sliced invoice plugin. I have the sliced_client_name tag, but it doesn’t create a new user when a quote is generated.
]]>I don’t know if this is best practices but it worked for me and I’m trying it out. I saw that the usernames created in the WP Users were the full name with capitalization and spaces so I changed it to lowercase and no spaces by changing a line of code in:
// create the user
$userdata = array(
'user_login' => $name,
// create the user
$userdata = array(
'user_login' => strtolower(preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $name )), // was: $name,
I tried the code from the other post that is closed now and it works kind of. But the way it works is I have to have a first name field [sliced_client_fname] and last name field [sliced_client_lname] and filling those two out then combine together and fill out all three fields. However, that’s not what I want. I want to just fill out the full name field and then split it. I found a solution here on stackoverflow. However, I was wondering if someone could throw me a few pointers on how to implement it into the plugin code. Here’s the relevant code (regex):
function split_name($name) {
$parts = array();
while ( strlen( trim($name)) > 0 ) {
$name = trim($name);
$string = preg_replace('#.*\s([\w-]*)$#', '$1', $name);
$parts[] = $string;
$name = trim( preg_replace('#'.$string.'#', '', $name ) );
if (empty($parts)) {
return false;
$parts = array_reverse($parts);
$name = array();
$name['first_name'] = $parts[0];
$name['middle_name'] = (isset($parts[2])) ? $parts[1] : '';
$name['last_name'] = (isset($parts[2])) ? $parts[2] : ( isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '');
return $name;
Hello, I’m having a problem where when looking at the user’s address field either in WordPress > Dashboard > Users or in “Edit Client” in a Quote/Invoice. I notice in the Address field the address appears correctly but has the HTML paragraph tags <p> </p> around them. I am using the CF7 integration to merge these fields. I am also using the Address autocomplete Contact Form 7 plugin to autocomplete the address with Google Places API. All other fields appear normally.
]]>Hi, I am filling the information that will be sent as an e-mail with a specific invoice. I edited this line Dear %client_first_name% as the initial example in the content field for the Invoice section, but every test e-mail I receive does not get the client name, that part is just empty (e.g. Dear,).
What is wrong with the client name or any other information that is supposed to appear in emails?
]]>Hi there,
I’m having issues with using the sliced_quote_or_invoice
tag. Other hidden fields (for line items) work fine, but submitting the form creates a quote rather than an invoice. I’ve pasted the relevant sections of my contact form below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
<label> Current Volume
[select sliced_title id:membership_category class:form-select "Over $950 million" "$500 million – $950 million"] </label>
<aside class="form-summary">
[group summary-950mm]
Dues — $90,000
Votes — 9
[group summary-500mm]
Dues — $50,000
Votes — 5
<h5>Company Information</h5>
[checkbox renewal-or-new use_label_element exclusive "Renewal" "New Member"]
<label> Name of Company*
[text* sliced_client_business] </label>
<label> Address*
[text* address-1] </label>
<label class="half"> City*
[text* city] </label><label class="half"> State*
[text* state] </label>
<label class="half"> ZIP*
[text* zip] </label>
<label> Phone
[tel company-phone] </label>
<label> Email
[email* company-email] </label>
<h5>Billing Contact</h5>
<label> Name*
[text* sliced_client_name] </label>
<label> Phone
[tel billing-phone] </label>
<label> Email*
[email* sliced_client_email] </label>
[hidden sliced_line_item_1_qty "1"]
[hidden sliced_line_item_1_title "Annual Membership Dues"]
[hidden sliced_quote_or_invoice “invoice”]
[submit "Submit" class:button class:button-big]
I am trying to map the line items exactly as they are in the settings of Sliced Invoices.
I noticed in the settings, Qty, Item, Amount, Description, is in that order. Also noted documentation to Gravity forms users that it MUST be in that order.
However, when I check the instructions in Contact 7 documentation (and php file) i notice the order is Qty, Item, Description, Amount. Is that something that could be causing my items not to map dynamically? Please let me know the correct format and a thorough html field example if you please. The explanation on the documentation seems a bit vague. Thanks!
Is it possible to get a contact 7 field for a phone number? i.e. “Sliced_business_phone” ?
]]>Here’s the answer:
Hello, I just need help to see if this plugin is what I’m looking for. I need to do a registration using a cf7 form in which I need to add a paypal button. Once the user fills in and pay, can then visualize automatically his invoice? The personal data filled are then used for the invoice.
I don’t need a quote only the invoice. Thank you!
Hi guys!
The plugin actually not support checkboxes and line items i think. But it’0s possible with some customization please? With Gravity Forms i can do but with Contact From 7 no. Thanks.
When a user submits the form, the name only populates the Nickname field, not the First & Last Name fields. This means when I email the quotes/invoices to them, the email doesn’t populate with the name.
]]>I’m trying to get clone-able list items into a form.
Is this do-able with contact form 7, or am I wasting my time?
example of the sample list items that are cloneable.
– https://slicedinvoices.com/demo/quote-request-gravity-forms/
The biggest issue here for me is; was attempting to save time and effort.
– Your demo made it seem like the functions of the line-items are within YOUR plugin not gravity vs contact form.
– Meaning the functionality for the line-items and ‘updating-post-meta’ for those line items is in both ‘versions’
– But ONLY works if I have gravity forms??
– I have submitted a support ticket through ‘my-account’ with you.