The iframe of the embedded document has a strange size, with black space above and under the document. On some views the doc is also stretched to fill the iframe.
How can I fix this and adapt the iframe to the content?
I have 2 pages use the shortcode of the same 3d slider, and have Arrow and Pagination turned on.
One of the pages was built by Elementor and the other was built by Fusion Builder.
The problem lies in the page built by Elementor. The Arrow and Pagination of the 3d slider are disabled, and only the mouse drag is left.
Elementor’s page is
The page built by Fusion Builder is
Hope to get help.
The plugin doesn’t work no more with WordPress 5.0. What to do? Thanks Stephan
]]>access to Font at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
I am getting this error
i have a few important questions about the plugin SlideShare.
Does the plugin store any personal data in the wordpress data or others?
Does the plugin send any data to third party servers?
Does the plugin use cookies?
Does the plugin use google webfonts?
The reason is the EU GDPR and whether the plugin is compliant with it.
Thank you!
]]>I have installed the plugin on my WordPress site
I have my slideshare setup as private and I have my link URL:
I tried putting the URL on my site and it just shows the URL on the page:
We use Visual Composer on the site. I switched to the classic editor to put this url on its own line.
Thank you for your help!
]]>Are you able to help me resolve problems I have now on my site: I can no longer see my slideshare pics —- here is an example:
you will notice an error message saying the file cannot be displayed
many thanks for your time, I am very appreciative
Hi Yoast Team,
Are there any known issues that this plugin can cause with PHP7.0 and also WordPress 4.4.1?
Kind regards,
]]>How to make embeds responsive?
]]>After installing the extension, embedding the slideshow works fine whether I use a single-line URL to the slideshow (option 1 of the plugin) or using the WordPress shortcode (option 2 of the plugin). It also works for the iframe embedding.
The issue I have is solely with the full-screen button. This button works fine if I use the URL on its own line, and when I use the iframe code generated by the share button. But when I use the WordPress shortcode generated by this share button, the full-screen button does not function. I get no javascript errors in the console, I see no errors occurring anywhere on the page.
Does anyone else notice this problem? Is there a bug here?
Slideshare also support other aspect ratios then 4:3, but embedded slides are always this ratio.
Is there a way to set another ratio or a manual height?
I am trying to embed this presentation:
Onto this webpage:
And I am getting the error in the title.
]]>Doesn’t work
]]>Error message is:
“Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘SlideShare_Admin’ does not have a method ‘options_init’ in /homepages/23/d207238298/htdocs/zwilnik/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470”
]]>After Activating Plugin getting below error
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘SlideShare_Admin’ does not have a method ‘options_init’ in /home/content/89/11096189/html/bigmove/0/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470
I received this error at the admin dashboard after updating to the latest version. I am running WordPress 3.9.1.
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SlideShare_Admin' does not have a method 'options_init' in /webpath/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470
After upgrading to version 1.9, when I click the “Update SlideShare Settings” button, I get the following error message:
ERROR: options page not found.
Changes in plugin settings are not saved.
Any idea?
]]>Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘SlideShare_Admin’ does not have a method ‘options_init’ in /home/medic52/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470
I think it may be caused by the update to JetPack, but I cannot be sure.
]]>Hello, I update to the last version and show
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘SlideShare_Admin’ does not have a method ‘options_init’ in /home/miwebsite/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470
thanks for support
]]>Hello, the plugin es abadoned? thanks
]]>I like SlideShare plugin and I use it but before, without the plugin, with the simple embedded function, there were 2 link appearing down to the slide:
1) to the slide page on SlideShare
2) to the author page on SlideShare
this provided 2 outbound links, at my advice, good for SEO.
Yoast, could you please add to the SlideShare plugin the option link on/off?
Thank you
]]>Selecting the size in slideshare seems to not change the shortcode for wordpress and the width remains that same. How to resolve or work around?
]]>On WordPress 3.5, I made a post that contained both a link to a slideshare presentation on its own line, and the [slideshare …] shortcode.
Without this plugin enabled, the “own line” link to slideshare perfectly embedded, and I saw the “[slideshare …]” text on the screen – which is, of course, expected behavior.
WITH this plugin enabled, the shortcode continues to be turned into an embed, however, the native slideshare embedding is broken, and there is no output at all, other than these notices:
Notice: Undefined variable: new_html in /data/apache/lamp/dev4-ces-lamp/docs/wp-content/plugins/slideshare/slideshare.php on line 179
Notice: Undefined index: w in /data/apache/lamp/dev4-ces-lamp/docs/wp-content/plugins/slideshare/slideshare.php on line 136
My suggested fix would be something like this inside v2.0 of your plugin:
If wp_version >= 3.5, replace [slideshare …] code with normal text links to the slideshare, and let WP handle the rest
if wp_version < 3.5, keep on keepin’ on (like before)
]]>i’m new to WP. This plugin has not been updated in a year? will it work with 3.4.2? don’t want to mess up my site, since new to WP. thanx.
The slide share is not appearing in the right sense in IE versions specially IE9. It shows error on the page & asks to refresh the page…needed help
Thanks in advance
]]>Hello installed worked immediately in Firefox but not in I.E. 9.0.8.
anyone else experienced the same?
I get the following error since upgrading to 1.8:
Warning: file_get_contents(http:) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /wp-includes/class-feed.php on line 97
The plugin still works but client is worried. How can I fix the error?
]]>I use the Slideshare plugin a lot on my blog to embed presentations.
I have just upgraded both my blog to 3.1.2 and the plugin to 1.8 and as a result the embed code/line no longer works.
For example see
I have reinstalled the 3.1.2 update.
I have also deleted and reinstalled the Slideshare plugin.
]]>There is an issue in the dashboard widget of the ‘Latest news from Yoast’. The functionality to remove it doesn’t work.
There will be a solution?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi there,
When activated, the SlideShare plugin seems to break my WP dashboard, the QuickPress, Recent Drafts and the rest of the functionality in the right hand column disappears. It also interferes with the Tiny MCE by removing the visual editor option.
I have tried running it with all other plugins switched off so I don’t think it is a plugin compatibility issue. Has anyone else had any trouble?
It was doing this in WordPress 3.0 too.