For those who are struggling to use SmartBlocks plugin in 2023, a good alternative is Widgets Control Content Block. I have tested it working with WordPress 6.2.2 and PHP8.1. do_shortcode was able the execute flawlessly in PHP.
]]>Hello There,
In one of my site smartblock not working after update php version with 8.0
Can you please help me
]]>I love your plugin and use it on almost every site I build for clients, but found an issue that somehow I hadn’t encountered before.
The issue is similar to this prior support thread:
My problem is specifically with All In One Event Calendar. On the “single event” view, if I have a smartblock also on the page the event details are displayed within the smartblock.
Glad you are actively supporting this plugin again! Thanks for your help.
]]>Hello, I am trying to commit updates so your widget will work with WordPress 4.4 and newer. However your current github repo is clearly a development version – why are you not using branches for this?
Anyway, I have set up a new github repo based on the currently released version here on WordPress so I can make improvements. If you are interested in collaborating on this, let me know.
]]>Hi and thx for this great plugin!
I need to make some line breaks in the widget titles and found some solutions how to do that in widgets, because it doesn’t work normally.
For Example this one works on the native widgets but not on the smart blocks:
you can work around that by passing widget_title through a filter :
function custom_widget_title( $title ) {
$title = str_replace( '__br__', '<br/>', $title );
return $title;
add_filter( 'widget_title', 'custom_widget_title' );
Now use __br__ in your widget title instead of
and the code will replace it.
Note: You need to put the code in your theme’s functions.php file.
Any help on that ? ANy Idea ? Any help ?
THX A LOT ! ??
]]>Using WordPress 4.3, I can display smartblocks using the Widget in the sidebar, but whenever I try and embed them inline in a page, nothing happens (the code on the page is “[smartblock slug=XXX]”, where XXX is the name of the smartblock).
Note that I’ve tried changing the code to “[smartblock id=XXX]” (as in the documentation), although I’m not sure how to find out the ID. At any rate, this didn’t seem to make any difference.
The code on the page worked in the past, and it was only after upgrading WordPress to 4.3 that the content is no longer being shown. This leads me to believe that there’s actually nothing wrong with the page’s code and the plugin simply doesn’t work with inline smartblocks in 4.3.
]]>Alright, the WordPress repository marked this plugin as inactive. Inactive doesn’t mean that it’s broken, so I’ve properly tested the plugin today and as expected it still works just fine. So I’ve done a really small fix release, along with new readme and screenshots, so that everyone can find this plugin again.
I’m also going to be ramping up development on this plugin again. I’ve got some new features ready to go, will do a proper refactor of the code (this thing is old!) and I’ll be sure to look after the issues some of you were having and have been reported here on the forums. Sorry if you’ve been waiting for so long, I hope you can still use the plugin.
Also, now would be a great time for feature requests. I’m scoping out version 1.0.0 (the real big stable release ?? ), so if you’d like to see something in the plugin; speak up now!
]]>The include appears as expected on pages, but using the same shortcode in a posts, nothing appears. Do you know how I might debug this?
]]>So I’ve been using this plugin for years and I’m bummed that it looks to be abandoned by the author (Coen where did you go?).
Through the years I have always struggled with conflicts this has when using some event calendars and shopping carts that never was resolved.
I found this plugin as an alternative that is up to date and offers the same functionality without the above mentioned bug.
Just thought I would share.
]]>We are using the Plugin Smart blocks of content in a site with many smart blocks and widgets.
When logging in as an admin into the site altering the content of pages the load time to edit a page (but also the display of widgets)
is extremely long. We believe this is caused bij the number of content smartblocks, which takes very long to be retrieved.
We changed to WordPress 3.9.1 version but that didn’t resolve the slow loading.
We looked at the code (retrieval of all posts one by one) and would like to ask you if there is a more efficient way of retrieving the smartblocks in these pages.
]]>Can it be set up to add the capability to edit the smartblocks as an Author?
]]>This plugin is not compatible with Remove Widget Titles.
Or the other way around.
Widget title started with with ! is stil visible.
one the home page everything is normal. Once i go to a page where eventespresso is displayed in the content we have a problem
if you click here
everything is normal!
if you click here
You will see that everywhere i have a smartblock i get
<div style=”text-align:right;”></div>
automatically that wasn t there before!
can you please help me?
]]>Hi Coen,
I really like your plugin and my company’s site has currently 29 smart blocks ??
I’m using the same title for SWBOC posts as for the widget title to indentify them later via the WP backend.
Much better is some edit post link at the front end.
Check this code I changed in your widget script:
$swbox_content = $post->post_content;
if ( current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID) ) $swbox_content .= ' <a href="'.get_edit_post_link($post->ID).'">Edit</a>';
echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $swbox_content );
Maybe you like to add this modification to the next version ??
]]>I have SmartBlocks installed on a few of the websites we use. I notice that if I enable a feature of other plugins, for example telling YARPP or maybe a Social Sharing Widget to add on its functionality to Posts, that it also appears in all the SmartBlocks.
Is it possible to tell the SmartBlocks to act like a page where those features would not apply?
]]>When I make the HOME page the start page I can no longer see the smart blocks…any idea why?
]]>I followed the installation instructions however I can’t get a smart block to show up where I want it, in the middle of a page.
Add the shortcode [smartblock id=<SWBOC_ID>] in a post or page to show the Smart Block there
What is my SWBOC ID? Is it the post name like for the permalinks?
If not how do I know what to put in for the ID?
]]>Are there plans to add a revision history to Smart Blocks?
]]>Is there a way to display a particular smartblock based on the page/post ID or slug via the page.php template of a page?
Say I make a series of blocks, one for each product on my site. I want to make a template for product display that pulls in the correct smart block depending on which page is currently being displayed in the template.
So the “power tools” page (either by its slug “power-tools” or its ID) will call the smartblock I have designated for power tools. Possible?
]]>First of all I must congratulate you on an excellent plugin.
I was just wondering if you could add a hook/filter that would allow a developer to add extra items to the “supports” array when initialising the custom post type. Basically I often use smartblocks programmatically and like to occasionally assign a featured image, custom fields or an excerpt to them. I normally add these in using another plugin (Custom Field Suite) but it would be nice to just have the option to get the smartblocks to support some other native features.
Not a major thing for many people I assume but would be nice for me!
To explain: I would just change line 37 in includes/class-swboc-common.php to:
//line 37
'supports' => apply_filters('smartblock_supports',array('title', 'editor')),
Then we can hook in and add extra supported items.
Thank you
I am using the ‘linen’ theme which doesn’t seem to come with shortcodes, so do I need to install something in order to make this smart block widget work with smart codes?
My goal is to drop a smart block widget into a page content area.
]]>Hi Coen,
Thanks for the Great plugin! I am finding it very useful. The only thing I found lacking was the short code requiring the ID, which is hard to find. Blow is an example of how I extended your plugin to also except the SmartBlock’s slug or ID.
Example [smartblock slug=slugname]
Example [smartblock id=postnumber]
Hope this helps, and thanks again.
edit to smart-wysiwyg-blocks-of-content/includes/class-swboc-front.php
function swboc_shortcode( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array (
'id' => '',
'slug' => '',
), $atts ) );
$content = "";
global $post;
$temp = $post;
if ( $id != "" || $slug != "" ) {
if($slug != ""){
'name' => $slug,
'post_type' => 'smartblock',
'post_status' => 'publish'
} else {
$args = array (
'post__in' => array ( $id ),
'post_type' => 'smartblock',
} // end if slug
$swboc_posts = get_posts( $args );
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'prepend_attachment' );
foreach ( $swboc_posts as $post ) {
$content .= apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'prepend_attachment' );
$post = $temp;
return $content;
]]>First of all, let me just say that I love this plugin! Thank you so much ??
Just a quick note about using the widget in the sidebar. A client has the Pin It, AddThis, and YAARP plugins installed, which all add something to each post (ie: a Pin button, sharing buttons, and a list of related posts).
When the widget is placed in the sidebar, those 3 things also show up with it, since the widgets are treated as posts. I was able to remove the Pin It button, as well as the AddThis buttons by hiding them in the stylesheet, but as for the YAARP related posts, I can’t seem to figure it out.
Anyone else run into this, or know how I can also hide the YAARP list?
Here’s the client’s site:
I am a great fan of smart blocks, especially for letting non-techies edit parts of the sidebars and widgets.
I just installed, per request, the new(?) facebook plugin and I have to jump through hoops to let the ‘likes’ etc NOT display on (all) Smart Blocks. The plugin has a feature to disable for pages, for plugins, or to do it per ‘post’. However, this panel is not shown on the Smart Blocks page, so there is no way to control it.
As your Smart Blocks is an (very good) addendum to the CMS categories (post, links, pages,..), I thought of starting at you first. ??
I currently fixed it by making sure a ‘display:none’ style is added to the appropriate fb-styles on my facebars.
Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>First of all: I love this widget.
Recently I installed the shareaholic “sexy bookmarks” plugin as well. As a result all “Smart WYSIWYG Blocks Of Content” have bookmarks underneath them. I just needed it on the pages or posts not in the widgets.
On every page (editor mode) you have the possibility to “Disable SexyBookmarks Buttons on this page”. This option is not present in the “Smart WYSIWYG Blocks Of Content” pages.
Might there be a possibility to add options to the “Smart WYSIWYG Blocks Of Content” which are also appear in regular pages?
I would like to know if it’s possible to add some PHP code directly in a Smartblock ?
In my case, I would like to include the last post of a certain category, with the query_posts
Best regards,
I need your help for a problem with this plugin..
I’m developping plugins and I have problems to include styles/scripts with Smart Blocks..
In the Smartblock content, I include a shortcode ([carrousel] for example), that called external JS / CSS files. They work in a simple page but not inside a Smart Block..
To includes styles, I’m using that way :
add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'vp_annuaire_css' );
function vp_annuaire_css() {
if ( !is_admin() ) {
global $posts;
if ( $posts != NULL ) {
foreach( $posts as $post ) {
if ( strstr( $post->post_content, '[carrousel' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'annuaire_css', plugins_url( 'css/annuaire.css', __FILE__ ) );
The problem is that the global variable $posts doesn’t contain Smart Blocks posts..
EDIT: I’m using the 0.6 version.
Best regards,
]]>I created a custom role.. I am trying to remove items from the admin menu that should not be seen by this role. I have everything i need gone except this one. How can i achieve this? Thank you!
thank you for the plugin, I love it.
Currently I want to use it for several languages. Both backend and frontend. You used the translation function __() but my translation plugin told me there would be no textdomain. So I tried to add it but there is no functionality, although I created a .mo file and placed it in the correct paths.
Is there a way to provide the multilingual support?
Thank you in advance
]]>Thank you for this great plugin. For me this is one of the most useful plugins ever.
I made just two minor tweaks. First one is to remove code for before and after title when title is not set.
if ($swboc_title !== '') {
echo $before_title.$swboc_title.$after_title;
second, change in “function form( $instance )” to prevent Notices in Debug mode
function form( $instance ) {
$swboc_id = isset( $instance['swboc_id'] ) ? esc_attr($instance['swboc_id']) : '';
$swboc_title = isset( $instance['title'] ) ? esc_attr($instance['title']) : '';
Thanks man!