How to adjust the slides so that the height looks bigger on a mobile going to use a translator thai.english with this website and wants to know if is compatible as well as with woo commerce.thanks mark
]]>Just a post to let everyone know that WP Super Cache breaks the functionality of this plugin. On my site when the pages are cached as static HTML pages the navigation didn’t update correctly from category to category. I thought the plugin just wasn’t working properly. I just found that switching to W3 Total Cache and using memcached restores the original functionality. This may be helpful to those of you using caching plugins.
]]>Hi team,
For categories,tags etc is working fine but for sticky posts it’s not coming
..So please let me know how to make it.
Everything works fine until I open two different category archives in two separate tabs. For example:
1) I browse through ‘Category A’ posts – next/previous buttons work fine.
2) I leave the first tab and open a new one and go to ‘Category B’. This new category is saved in a cookie.
3) I go back to the first tab with already opened post from ‘Category A’, click ‘previous post’ button – after the post is loaded, the buttons don’t work and the next/previous posts IDs are set to ‘-1’, which is understandable, as I’m trying to browse through Category A, while there’s Category B saved in a Cookie.
This plugin has one bug, or if you please, one non logical behavior. If you go to a category page it will store the category in cookies and show only the posts from that category and that’s OK. But if you go to homepage after that, the cookie will still remain there and if you then click on some post from another category it will try to show next/previous links to the posts in the category that was stored in cache and will fail.
There should really be a function that will clean the values stored in cache every time user goes to homepage.
]]>Wouldn’t it be better to alter the next/previous using the {$adjacent}_post_link filter – – instead of requiring users to tweak their template files?
]]>I just can’t get this to work with my custom taxonomies. Still getting a mixture.
<nav class="navigation post-navigation" role="navigation">
<h2 class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Post navigation', 'bruce-hale' ); ?></h2>
<div class="nav-links">
previous_post_smart( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', '%title' );
next_post_smart( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', '%title' );
</div><!-- .nav-links -->
</nav><!-- .navigation -->
I’m using your plugin for customizing post according to category, means when every some one open any post it show only same category post in previous and next link
But I don’t know why it’s not working
$prev_post = previous_post_smart();
$next_post = next_post_smart();
<section class="nextprevposts">
<?php if(is_object($prev_post)){
$prev_post_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($prev_post->ID);
$prev_post_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($prev_post_id, 'single', true);
<a href="<?php echo esc_url(get_permalink( $prev_post->ID )); ?>" class="previous">
<?php if(has_post_thumbnail($prev_post->ID)){ ?>
<div class="background" style="background-image:url('<?php echo esc_url($prev_post_url[0]); ?>');"></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="info">
<span><?php esc_html_e('Previous Listing', ECKO_THEME_ID); ?></span>
<h3><?php echo esc_html($prev_post->post_title); ?></h3>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(!empty($next_post)){
$next_post_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($next_post->ID);
$next_post_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($next_post_id, 'single', true);
<a href="<?php echo esc_url(get_permalink( $next_post->ID )); ?>" class="next">
<?php if(has_post_thumbnail($next_post->ID)){ ?>
<div class="background" style="background-image:url('<?php echo esc_url($next_post_url[0]); ?>');"></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="info">
<span><?php esc_html_e('Next Listing', ECKO_THEME_ID); ?></span>
<h3><?php echo esc_html($next_post->post_title); ?></h3>
<?php } ?>
This plugin is still working for me and I find it very useful, to say the least. I wish it would stay alive for as long as a similar functionality hasn’t been added to the WordPress core. So here’s my (humble) contribution. I’m assuming this is the best place to post it. If not, anyone feel free to move it.
I’ve been checking a new site on debug mode lately, and my local server (WampServer Version 2.5, on PHP 5.5.12) sent me three notices related to Smarter Navigation. Here they are:
Strict standards: Non-static method Smarter_Navigation::read_cookie() should not be called statically in C:\wamp\www\wp-content\plugins\smarter-navigation\main.php on line 30
Strict standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Smarter_Navigation::manage_cookie() should not be called statically in C:\wamp\www\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 496
Strict standards: Non-static method Smarter_Navigation::init() should not be called statically in C:\wamp\www\wp-content\plugins\smarter-navigation\main.php on line 240
Please note that these are notices, not fatal errors, and it won’t stop the plugin from working. I supose that depending on the version of PHP you are currently using, it’s possible that you don’t see them at all. If you do however, it could cause some problems in the future, as well as interfere with some setups. Long story short: it’s not too good.
Here are the fixes I figured out to get rid of the warnings. I’m not terribly good with PHP and I can’t guarantee this is best way to go about it. I just hope that’s a reasonably clean way.
function manage_cookie() {
// Default conditions
$clear_condition = false;
$read_condition = is_singular();
$set_condition = !is_404();
if ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_clear', $clear_condition ) )
elseif ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_read', $read_condition ) )
elseif ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_set', $set_condition ) )
public static function manage_cookie() {
// Default conditions
$clear_condition = false;
$read_condition = is_singular();
$set_condition = !is_404();
$var = new self();
if ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_clear', $clear_condition ) )
elseif ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_read', $read_condition ) )
elseif ( apply_filters( 'smarter_nav_set', $set_condition ) )
And then Change:
$var = new Smarter_Navigation();
That’s all folks!
Thank you very much for a useful plugin!
I have a question regarding referrer_link().
when using referrer_link() i get a breadcrumb of taxonomy>>term but the link leads just to the term.
how can i get to display ONLY the term? and drop the tax from the displayed link?
Thank you
My wordpress uses categories and sub-categories, e.g.
Cat 1
– Sub-Cat 1of1
– Sub-Cat 2of1
Cat 2
– Sub-Cat 1of2
– Sub-Cat 2of2
When I add categories to posts, I generally assign a sub-category.
When I am on a single post page, I want to use smarter navigation in two ways:
1) Have posts navigate only through posts from the referring category, including all sub-categories – works fine.
2) Have a list of all posts in the referring category in the side bar – only partially working.
In order to achieve (2) I have entered the code below in a PHP Code Widget. For some reason it only works if the referring category is a sub-category, not a category.
$referrer_cat = get_referrer_category();
$referrer_cat_id = ( is_object( $referrer_cat ) ) ? $referrer_cat->term_id : false;
$recentPosts = new WP_Query();
<?php while ($recentPosts->have_posts()) : $recentPosts->the_post(); ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!
I installed the plugin on my website which version is WordPress 4.0 and I see the pagination on post details with a mix the categories.
If you go on my website and go to Menu – Didattica – Corso Base you can see the post on the category “Corso Base” if you choose the second “Capitolo 2” you can see that the next post has reference to another category “Notizie”.
Can you tell me if I have to do something installing it?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I turn on debug mode just curious if anyone has fixed these?
Strict Standards: Non-static method Smarter_Navigation::init() should not be called statically in /Users/fredmadrid/Sites/vol/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/smarter-navigation/main.php on line 240
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Smarter_Navigation::manage_cookie() should not be called statically in /Users/fredmadrid/Sites/vol/public_html/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 505
Strict Standards: Non-static method Smarter_Navigation::read_cookie() should not be called statically in /Users/fredmadrid/Sites/vol/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/smarter-navigation/main.php on line 30
]]>WordPress 3.9.1
Smarter Navigation 1.3.2
Homepage is a custom template with a WP_Query getting the 20 most recent posts.
Here is the sequence of things, in order:
1. On a fresh visit to the site (no session, no cookies)
2. Visit homepage
3. Click on any blog post
4. Smarter Navigation works as expected, not locked into a category as homepage is category agnostic.
5. Visit a category archive page
6. Visit a category post via that page
7. Smarter Navigation works as expected, locked into the category I came in from
8. Visit homepage again
9. Click any post
10. Smarter Navigation works as expected, not locked into a category, UNTIL I hit a post that was in the category I visited the archive of…
So, what seems to be happening is that when you come back to the homepage after visiting a category archive, the session cookies don’t get set to the homepage, rather they stay set to the previous category archive page.
What happens then is, when you get to a post that is in that category, the previous next functionality switches from category agnostic to being locked into that category.
Seems like a bug, but it also could be due to using WP_Query instead of the standard loop? Hoping the developer has a quick fix for this.
Thanks for a great plugin, seems to work very well other than this one little hiccup.
]]>I am trying to make work Smarter Navigation’s get_referrer_category() with a custom taxonomy that I have created. The custom taxonomy I’ve included into functions.php is the following:
add_action( 'init', 'create_colors_nonhierarchical_taxonomy', 0 );
function create_colors_nonhierarchical_taxonomy() {
$labels = array(
'name' => _x( 'Colors', 'taxonomy general name' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Color', 'taxonomy singular name' ),
'search_items' => __( 'Search Colors' ),
'popular_items' => __( 'Popular Colors' ),
'all_items' => __( 'All Colors' ),
'parent_item' => null,
'parent_item_colon' => null,
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Color' ),
'update_item' => __( 'Update Color' ),
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Color' ),
'new_item_name' => __( 'New Color Name' ),
'separate_items_with_commas' => __( 'Separate colors with commas' ),
'add_or_remove_items' => __( 'Add or remove colors' ),
'choose_from_most_used' => __( 'Choose from the most used colors' ),
'menu_name' => __( 'Colors' ),
'hierarchical' => false,
'labels' => $labels,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_admin_column' => true,
'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
'query_var' => true,
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'color' ),
Now, as I need to highlight not only the category, but also the tag and the custom taxonomy that the user came from, I’ve changed the following block of code inside this plugin file:
// Retrieve the category, based on the referrer URL. Useful if you have posts with multiple categories
function get_referrer_category() {
global $posts;
if ( ! $referrer_url = get_referrer_url( false ) )
return false;
foreach ( get_the_category( $posts[0]->ID ) as $cat ) {
$cat_link = get_category_link( $cat->term_id );
if ( false !== strpos( $referrer_url, $cat_link ) )
return $cat;
foreach ( get_the_tags( $posts[0]->ID ) as $tag ) {
$tag_link = get_tag_link( $tag->term_id );
if ( false !== strpos( $referrer_url, $tag_link ) )
return $tag;
foreach ( get_the_terms( $posts[0]->ID, 'color' ) as $term ) {
$term_link = get_term_link( $term->term_id );
if ( false !== strpos( $referrer_url, $term_link ) )
return $term;
return false;
and I’ve added these lines to content-single.php:
if ( $cat = get_referrer_category() )
echo '<span>Exploring // <a href="' . get_category_link( $cat->term_id ) . '">' . $cat->slug . '</a>';
Category and tags work fine, but I still can’t display custom taxonomies. I am not good at all with PHP and I am quite sure I am missing something. Help is greatly appreciated ??
]]>Smarter navigation solves the problem i have been having with navigation of single.php pages with links generated from the jQuery Isotope filter. However i cannot get it to work with WP super cache or W3 Total cache. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you for Smarter Navigation. It’s been incredibly helpful.
I’m getting an unexpected return from get_referrer_category() on a single page. It’s returning the page url slug (eg. all-about-grant-podcasts) where I was expecting the referring category (“Clinical Trial Planning”). The referrer_link() is returning the correct link.
A couple things worth mentioning – the referrer is a custom taxonomy and I’m using the Roots theme. If you have any suggestions or pointers how to get the referrer custom taxonomy name, I’d really appreciate it.
When there is no category referral, the prev / next nav just disappears. Is this the standard or expected functionality?
Is it possible to add a conditional statement to replace next_post_smart() with next_post_link() when there is no category referral upon entry to the single.php?
I would like the user to be able to still navigate to the next post, even if they did not land on the single.php from a category / archive page.
]]>For some reason, <?php referrer_link(); ?> is now outputting the title of the website instead of the referral category name. It was working before, not sure why it is no longer working. Please advise!
the plugin seems to only work when the user is logged in. Thought it may have been a conflict with “WP Super Cache” plugin, so it has been deactivated but the problem still persist.
Have implemented the plugin following this post.
<?php else : ?>
<div class="projectNav clearfix">
<div class="next <?php if(!get_next_post()){ echo 'inactive'; }?>">
<?php next_post_smart('%link', 'next'); ?> <!-- changed from ...post_link, using Smarter Navigation -->
<div class="previous <?php if(!get_previous_post()){ echo 'inactive'; }?>">
<?php previous_post_smart('%link', 'previous'); ?> <!-- changed from ...post_link, -->
</div> <!-- end navigation -->
<?php endif; ?>
$q = new WP_Query;
$q->parse_query( Smarter_Navigation::$data['query'] );
if( $q->is_category() ) { ?>
<?php referrer_link(); ?>
<?php } elseif( $q->is_tag() ) { ?>
<?php referrer_link(); ?>
<!-- note skill was changed to capability. uncertain if above is working but below must be -->
<?php } else { ?>
<?php referrer_link(); ?>
<?php } ?>
When logged out, posts keep/remember their previous clicked tag and keeps it, instead of updating to new tag when end user clicks on a different tag to begin browsing selected tag.
NOTE: Thought is was WP Super Cache so it had been deactivated but the plugin acts the same with and without the super cache plugin activated.
]]>I’m trying to return the URL only without the link e.g. <a href""></a>
I only want to return the URL of the next or previous post. I’m using this plugin in a photoblog and intend to make the main image the prev/next link instead of having text has the link. I’ve tinkered around with various ways of acheiving this like using this:
<?php previous_post_smart( '%link' , the_post_thumbnail( 'photoblog'));
playing with this has resulted in lots of syntax errors or the image being displayed but without a link. I assumed grabbing only the URL would make this task easier.
Any ideas?
]]>This is the website: if you click on an artwork (custom post type & taxonomies) from the main page, there is no Previous / Next navigation buttons, but if you navigate here after clicking on a category, the Prev/Next buttons show up and work as they should (navigating within that category).
Why are they disappearing? is this the expected functionality? Is there any way around this?
Having issues getting navigation working with a “filterable portfolio”.
Theme being used is: Filtered.
The plugin works when a custom tag (“skill”) is selected from within viewing a specific post (“project”). But the plugin navigation does not work when the “skill” is selected from the home page or portfolio page.
Have noticed that on the home page or portfolio page where all the tags (“skills”) are shown – hovering over the link displays #. But when viewing a specific post (single project) – hovering over the word within the tag cloud actually displays a link (i.e.
I have also referenced this thread:
Does anyone have any insight on how this plugin could work in both instances?
Thank you!
Would have provided a link to site but the plugin seems to only work when logged into wordpress – which is another issue.
]]>How do I use this in the Twenty Thirteen Theme?
The single.php file does not have previous_post_link() or next_post_link() in it. How do I do this?
Searching for quite some time for something that works.
How do I get this to display?
My single page is called content.php. Where and what code do I insert and do I need to insert anything in my Theme functions? It would be nice to display thumbnails alongside titles. I looking to insert previous and next links (post tiles and thumbnails).
Any help greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
]]>Almost exactly what I need…
Any way to loop back to the first post when you reach the last?
The plugin, Next Post Plus does this, but doesn’t have the referrer like yours does. Can we have a marriage? ??
]]>I’m trying to do something similar to this thread but I’m not having any luck.
I tried stripping this down to the essentials, and I discovered that when I echo get_adjacent_id_smart(true) or get_adjacent_id_smart(false), I always get -1. See example:
<p><?php previous_post_smart();?> | <?php next_post_smart();?></p>
<?php $prev_post_id = get_adjacent_id_smart( true ); echo $prev_post_id; ?>
Using the default previous/next_post_smart links works just fine, but the get_adjacent_id_smart always just returns -1 .
I’m using this on a custom post type.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>I putted this code in my loop-single, where the previous/next-links are set:
<?php referrer_link(); ?>
Nothing happens?!
Is this the way to link back to the category-page with the results for this category?
My site is platFormart
Excluding categories by the settings in the ‘hardcoded’ way of this plugin is not the solution that I’m seeking for:
Smarter Navigation offers this possibility, but it can not be customized like the other.
The 2 plugins fused to one, that would be great!
The interest of this fusion would be, that a second navigation structure would be possible by categories, each by each and by a clear and readable structure on the frontend …
Hope, this suggestion of an artist may help …
I have a theme based on Automattic’s toolbox and using wordpress 3.6 and Simple Navigation doesn’t seem to be working.
They place their post navigation code in their functions.php and I have changed
<?php previous_post_link( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '←', 'Previous post link', 'toolbox' ) . '</span> Previous Drawing' ); ?>
<?php next_post_link( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', 'Next Drawing <span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '→', 'Next post link', 'toolbox' ) . '</span>' ); ?>
<?php previous_post_smart( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '←', 'Previous post link', 'toolbox' ) . '</span> Previous Drawing' ); ?>
<?php next_post_smart( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', 'Next Drawing <span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '→', 'Next post link', 'toolbox' ) . '</span>' ); ?>
[Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]
But the previous and next links still won’t stay within the category.
I have tried it with permalinks set to %postname% and %category%/%postname%
Any ideas?
Thank you.