With the Post SMTP plugin activated initial server response metric (TTFB) is slow (+6 seconds), with the plugin disabled around 100ms (normal).
We are using the latest version of the plugin 2.9.8
]]>After updating to 1.3.1 version html from all messages (woocommerce emails) is delated. Rollback to 1.2.10 make everything work fine again.
]]>I am getting an error with Contact Form 7;
Object { code: "invalid_json", message: "The response is not a valid JSON response." }
Which prevents the feedback for the form (it doesn’t prevent the form being submitted, simply doesn’t return what’s needed for the response output)
It’s pretty consistent, disable SMTP Mail issue goes away.
Tested with default Theme and minimal plugins.
Wordpress 6.0.2
SMTP Mail 1.2.13
Contact Form 7 5.6.3
After deleting 5 pages of SMTP data no more pages can be deleted. First the data has to be loaded again.
How to resolve this problem?
Your file:
loads in fronted in every single page, and this request is greatly delaying the speed of my site.
I guess this file will gather some information of the visitor for you… need further research which I haven’t done yet, but I’m ok with that really, only if you pack it into the plugin, maybe tell user this is happening in his own site.
SPEED is the life of website, don’t kill every websites which had trusted in you.
I download this plugin to handle the email requests in wp for god sick, who needs these location stuff?
]]>Receive this warning message at the backend of wordpress when updated to 1.1.7.
“Warning: ob_start(): function ‘smtpmail_wp_check_html’ not found or invalid function name in /www/wwwroot/keepmins.com/wp-content/plugins/smtp-mail/includes/functions.php on line 368”
At first there is no warning till I clear all cache, this warning goes every where on wordpress admin.
]]>VPS 1core 1GB
CentOS 7.3 64b
Nginx 1.14
php 7.3.1
Wordpress 5.1
Page loading too slow theses days, debugged for hours then I found:
If “SMTP mail” plugin activated, the “Waiting (TTFB)” will be 2 or 3 seconds, sometimes 10seconds more, still don’t know why.
If deactivate the plugin, according to Chorme’s debug ui, the Waiting (TTFB) time will be reduced to less than 80ms, which is huge improve.
Love this plugin, dont wanna give up.
Any solutions about this issue? Thank you and good job.
I’m writing you from Italy
I’m very newbie of WP and I’ve the same problem as Luigi Amorfini
first of all, I would like to know what’s this problem and why I have it.
Second question, how to solve it? you wrote:
removed function <?php screen_icon() ?>
where is “setting.php” file?
Thank you!
I found your plugin when the SMTP plugin I was using started having problems. I really like the fact that this is a smaller plugin, and the mail started working again as soon as I installed and configured it.
There are two problems though.
1) The test mail/debug doesn’t seem to work. When I send the test mail with or without errors/debug enabled, no mail goes through. (Mail worked fine when I tested my contact form.) When I enable errors/messages There isn’t anything to be found anywhere.
2) this plugin loads scripts on the front end including jquery/jquery/migrate. The only script that loads on the front end of my site otherwise is on the contact page for the form.
Enqueued in head…
<script data-cfasync="false" src='/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js'></script>
<script data-cfasync="false" src='/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js'></script>
Enqueued in footer…
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* <![CDATA[ */
var smtpmail_setting = {"savedata":"0"};
/* ]]> */
<script src='/wp-content/plugins/smtp-mail/media/smtp.js'></script>
I’m not sure why this is needed on the front end. Can I disable this and have the plugin still work?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, i’am luigi from italy old 36 year my hobby computer/Study.
My test plugin with debug mode true: result:
Notice: screen_icon è deprecata dalla versione 3.8.0 senza alcuna alternativa disponibile. in D:\www\\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3842
Notice: get_screen_icon è deprecata dalla versione 3.8.0 senza alcuna alternativa disponibile. in D:\www\\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3842
how to solution problem ? . Thanks.