I had 1.5K likes for google+ just yesterday- which was way to many for a new site. I deleted the plugin and added it back this morning. Then it showed 824 likes. All the other buttons are accurate. What is going on?
Here’s another issue I just discovered.
My RSS feed displaying post titles and excerpts will start all articles in the feed with the following text: ‘Tweet Pin It ‘. (As text, not links).
That looks really weird and I am assuming it is somehow picking up the Social Maven button labels and integrating them into the article.
Here’s an example from my feed (without the pagination):
Tutorial: How to spot a fake memory card (09/11/2011 12:31)
Tutorial: How to spot a fake memory card as featured on Oeding.com
Tweet Pin It Slow memory card? Buffer overruns? Data corruption? Maybe you are dealing with a counterfeit memory card! One of the more popular articles on my blog is covering the required minimum speed of the Compact Flash card for a Canon 7D. Looking at some of the feedback I got on the article over […]
Any ideas on how to fix that?
Thanks in advance
My site: https://oeding.com
I have been using Social Maven for almost a year now, but I still have issues with the ‘Pin it’ button not properly displaying. The ‘Pin it’ button displays as a text link and not an icon. My style is set to horizontal and all buttons are activated. Any way to fix that?
See this example post:
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi Blair,
Firstly awesome plugin. Love the simplicity and the fact it works for custom post types.
Would you please consider wrapping all the social buttons in a div with a class so that developers can add css to their theme to tweak the layout?
Specifically Pinterest and Google+
Something like this would rock:
<?php if(!defined('ABSPATH')) {die('You are not allowed to call this page directly.');} ?>
<strong><div class="g-plusone"></strong>
<g:plusone size="<?php echo esc_html($layout); ?>" annotation="<?php echo esc_html($annotation); ?>" href="<?php echo esc_html($url); ?>"></g:plusone>
<?php if(!defined('ABSPATH')) {die('You are not allowed to call this page directly.');} ?>
<strong><div class="pintrest"></strong>
<a href="//pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<?php echo urlencode(esc_html($url)); ?>&media=<?php echo urlencode(esc_html($media)); ?>&description=<?php echo esc_html($description); ?>" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="<?php echo esc_html($layout); ?>"><?php _e('Pin It', 'social-maven'); ?></a><strong></div><!--./pinterest--></strong>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"></script>
]]>I’m having similar display issues to other users. The links display correctly on the index (where I don’t really want them, but don’t mind), but are broken on a post. I see the word Tweet as a link, followed by the Pin It button, and the rest are hidden despite appearing in the source. I have looked at it in both Chrome and Safari for Mac. You can see at https://mimismom.com/updating/
Also, I noticed posts.js is called in the header, despite the file being empty. Reason for this?
I’d really like to use this simple solution, but at this point it isn’t as simple as it should be. I’d greatly appreciate any help, and let me know if I can provide more information that will help make this work!
]]>Hello all,
I don’t see how in the css file I can modify how the social buttons get aligned. I’ve played around with it to no avail. The buttons align vertically but not horizontally and even using firebug, I am unable to figure out how to change the default alignment. What am I missing? I’d like to explicitly set how the social buttons look to the viewer – is that possible? Which file needs to be modified?
Thank you for your help.
]]>Does Social Maven support short codes outside of the normal WP loop?
]]>Posts that show as a part of a category feed or excerpt view only have the nonfunctional words ‘tweet it’ and ‘pin it’. The button graphics are stripped out.
I want so much to like and keep this plugin, but this presentation in excerpt view isn’t acceptable. If there’s a quick fix that would be great.
]]>I wish I could get rid of the social button in my RSS feed ??
I see no icons anywhere on the site and no possibility to customize anything in the backend!?!?
Whatzzs this than ?!?!
I am on the Genesis Framework.
1) How can I prevent Social Maven to display on my front page? Currently it display before and after my post teaser images which looks really weird. I have restricted it to posts only, but the ability to exclude the front page is rather important.
2) The LinkedIn button displays a small ‘0’ in between the icons even though I am in basic mode. How can I get rid of it?
3) Out of curiosity, all my social counters are at zero (just installed PrettyLink Pro), is that because the plugin looks for shares of my shortened URLs as opposed to the full ones? Becuase the full ones have been shared for sure. That’s no big deal but I just want to make sure that this is the reason why
]]>Installed Social Maven and it seems that the Facebook button doesn’t show up in chrome… works fine in Firefox.