When entering my business’s google plus ID, it doesn’t work. I can’t show the website because it’s still “coming soon”. But my company’s google plus page is: https://plus.google.com/+DigitalEffexPensacola/posts . Can you let me know what information I should be putting in? I tried +DigitalEffexPensacola but it didn’t work.
I just found this plugin, but I can’t get it to work at all? Just a spinning icon, no widget. I try with all and Google + only, but no luck.
]]>I was just wondering if you plan on allowing for this widget to work for each blog author, so it could be used on the author page.
]]>In my website (https://www.thefirecamp.com/) I’m trying to have youtube tab working. It just says “FI Invalid request”.
Here is the channel which I would like to add: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLrQupG28wocBPE4iqOFpWQ/
Second question: Is it possible to get some of the tabs open ready on load? or could it be possible to change tabs order?
Third question: Could it be possible to add Instagram tab also?
]]>Any update planned?
The widget worked well up until a few weeks ago. Now when a tab opens instead of seeing tweets or recent posts, is just shows ‘Tweets by @yournamegoeshere’. Facebooks, Google+, LinkedIn all seem broken too.
]]>I’m aware this has already been posted, but considering it was posted over a month ago and with no replies, I thought I’ll create a new post.
The youtube button does not work. It refuses to like the URL which causes the display (on the website) to throw an error.
Does anyone else have a solution to this or know what URL it needs for youtube?
I really need this youtube link to work, but I might have to abandon ship if the dev is longer working on this plugin.
It seems the Youtube RSS tab is not working. I try with many channels adresses and it doesn′t work.
Thanks for your atencion.
Best regards.
Love this widget! I have three quick questions:
1) How can I change the color of the text?
1) My Facebook widget initially opened, but the width was half the size of twitter. So I followed your steps and unchecked and checked the query boxes. Now it says that it is the wrong name!
Here is the error message: The href
parameter must reference a valid Facebook page, but “https://www.facebook.com/djchiefera” is not a valid Facebook page.
2) My twitter box does not always close
Thanks a ton!
]]>All the the feeds show on drop-down except Pinterest. It just gives a link to my pinterest page. Please help me resolve this.
]]>Hey there,
Can this plugin support 2x LinkedIn accounts on the same site?
]]>I am developing a site and I loved your widget, well, I still do, but it only shows in my contact us page. Nowhere else. It just attempts to load but the loading process never really ends
this is the live site: https://www.thriftyelegancepa.com
Thanks for your help
]]>Hello, thanks for the great-looking plugin. I’m enjoying using it so far but have a few suggestions.
– BUG –
* Whichever social network I add last will remain open / maximized, even without clicking on it. I tested this by deleting the last one on my list (Pinterest), but the one that became last on my list (YouTube) remained open once I refreshed the page, so the error is not confined to that one network.
* Can’t get Google+ to work for my G+ page. I tried each of these options, and none worked: {[the 21 digits of the main part of my Google+ URL]}, {0/[21 digits]}, {0[21 digits]}, {u/0/[21 digits]}
* It would be very helpful if there were a way to click on the social network title after opening its feed to close the feed again.
* When either Twitter or Facebook is open, it takes up a lot of vertical space in the sidebar. Could we reduce the size?
* LinkedIn Company badge does not seem compatible with having a left sidebar. Any way to use this without moving my sidebar?
Thanks again. Take care.
]]>Feeds for Facebook are showing up, but not for Twitter or YouTube. I’ve checked the settings and they’re correct. Any suggestions?
]]>how do i get the linked in badge to work – i don’t have a company id, just a sole business person with linked in page. thanks