If the sidebar is rendered as list:
there html code isn’t valid because Social Media Followers renders an wrapping div:
<div class="side-socials">
Can you please turn it also to a list, or make it configurable?
]]>So I’m in a keyboard war with someone on a Facebook group who tries to shut me down in their last comment, but when I went to respond I get this error. Is it something they have done? Maybe a code to block me from commemting on my own post? Mind you, I posted a video and this stranger got heated because I disagreed with their view
]]>Hi My counter is not working, in the widget it is asking for a facebook access token. How do i get one?
]]>loving the plugin
but it is showing this error since yesterday
array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/......../wp-content/plugins/social-media-followers-counter/social-counter.php on line 335
what should I do?
thanks in advance
Thanks for this plugin !
Quick question : is there any way to use it on seperate pages, such as using Short Code to include it in some articles with different user names etc ?
]]>twitter and G+ counter are working well.
But facebook counter is not working after one hour.
i have used short-time facebook access token . it works well only one hour.
when i use long-time facebook access token (validety 2 months), then it shows 0 or NaN. exactly from where should i get facebook acces token which will works great? and it shows for long time?
i am going to submit a Theme to themeforest. but could not be able for this issue.
please help me giving solution..
Advanced Thanks.
]]>I know you were interested in getting the shortcode implemented into in future releases (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/shortcode-snippet?replies=2).
Now that I’ve updated the plugin the functions php code doesn’t work (from the link listed above) and going back in versions doesn’t work as you already know the API’s have changed and end up breaking it.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi there,
I like the widget and it was working fine in WP 4.2.2 until friday. After that, it has changed two things:
1.- facebook is asking in the front-end, for a token access while it was not demanded before friday.
2.- Twitter has stopped to count.
Was there any change in the widget?
Thank you
After trying many different Counter-Plugins I found this one and finally everything is working fine, thank you ??
One only thing is actually not workig as desired, the Youtube Counter is not counting.
Is there someting to configure in addition to the User Name and the Channel URL? Maybe on youtube’s side?
The URL of the relevant site: https://www.marcolaterza.com
Thank you very much for your quick response.
Best regards
]]>My website is wwww.latino-star.com
I decided to post your widget on the front page instead on footer for posts/categories.
Now the color of the icon is white and they are no seen on the display. I need to use a color such as: #30e9fa
My Google+ subscribers are 3,067 but the widget is showing a different higher number. What do I need to do to have my subscribers instead.
My google+ pae is: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116599172758089819794/
Thanks in advance for your support.
]]>It can’t retrieve FB fan page number of fans it will display error
]]>Hi there,
I’m using this plugin and it works ok with facebook, but twitter is not displaying followers numbe.
I’ve tried changing the app permisions from read to read and write, and also allowing log in. It doesn’t work in any case.
my site is https://poderyseries.es
]]>Hello! The plugin looks great and I’m really hoping we can get it working on our website.
The Facebook icon isn’t showing up. I followed all the instructions in the previous
threads in this forum but they didn’t work.
The website: https://ucaftercruz.com/upcoming
The plugin should be showing in the sidebar on the homepage at the top.
This is the link I used: https://facebook.com/UCAfterCruz
]]>The following code snippets allow loading that plugin as shortcode:
Theme’s functions.php
// social media counter enable shortcode
add_shortcode('sv_FollowerCounterWidget', 'sv_FollowerCounterWidget');
function sv_FollowerCounterWidget($atts) {
$args = array(
'before_widget' => '<div class="box widget">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="widget-title">',
'after_title' => '</div>',
the_widget('FollowerCounterWidget', $atts, $args);
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
Example 1 – theme’s templatefile:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[sv_FollowerCounterWidget title="" facebook_page_url="" gplus_id="" yt_id="" dribbble_url="" facebook_text="" twitter_text="" gplus_text="" yt_text="" dribbble_text="" twitter_id="" consumer_key="" consumer_secret="" access_token="" access_token_secret=""]'); ?>
Example 2 – post or page content:
[sv_FollowerCounterWidget title="" facebook_page_url="" gplus_id="" yt_id="" dribbble_url="" facebook_text="" twitter_text="" gplus_text="" yt_text="" dribbble_text="" twitter_id="" consumer_key="" consumer_secret="" access_token="" access_token_secret=""]
]]>look for
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
in file social-counter.php
and comment it out. This will let disappear warning
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set
]]>Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /www/wp-content/plugins/social-media-followers-counter/social-counter.php on line 237
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /www/wp-content/plugins/social-media-followers-counter/social-counter.php on line 243
Is it possible to embed a php code instead of a widget to display?
I’m getting this error in the developer debug console and I’m guessing its the problem why its not showing in my sidebar.
Let me know what u think some fixes might be.
wp-content/plugins/social-media-followers-counter/social-counter.php:328 - Undefined variable: gresult
]]>twitter and G+ counter are working well.
But facebook counter is not working.
]]>I just installed your social media counter. FB is working great, but the Twitter counter isn’t working. It links to my Twitter page and I’ve re-entered the API and access codes twice now… can you help?
Website: gingerkadlec.com
BTW, I “think” I’m running 3.8.1… how do I confirm that?
Thank you,
Ginger Kadlec
[Contact details redacted – When requesting support from www.ads-software.com please keep your support on www.ads-software.com]
]]>I’ve WP ver. 3.8 and I tried everything but this plugin is not even showing in the sidebar, leave aside any question about its working.
I’ve your plugin ver. 1.1.0
Please help resolve this issue. Thanks.
does this plugin provide the exact and correct count of followers of Google+ pages? At the moment I do have +130 followers, but ~400 shares. I cannot find a plugin that delivers me those “130” instead of “400”, because most plugins just show up the number of Google+ shares, what′s of course absolutely wrong.
Does this plugin deliver the correct count of Google+ followers?
]]>It generates several PHP notices when I try to use it. I would suggest to turn On WP_DEBUG while developing plugin.
]]>Hello Authors,
Thanks for great plugin. I request you to add more functionality in your plugin. It would be better and more useful if you could use shortcode so that we can use it in page or post. Hope you will include this feature in upcoming version.
]]>Hi there,
I’m trying to use your plugin but seem to be having some issues…
the logos and text aren’t being displayed properly.
If you go to the menubar, under contact and subscribe:
It currently only displays the number of followers, no logos.
Would you be able to tell me how to change it?
Does this plugin also allow for people to click the icon to go to your facebook page or twitter page ?
]]>Hi, How can I resolve this please ?
Error – (#4) Application request limit reached
]]>Immediatly after installing v1.0 I got the following error:
Notice: Undefined variable: control_ops in /var/www/html/littlemissgeek/wp-content/plugins/social-media-followers-counter/social-counter.php on line 21
Any chance of a fix?
]]>Installed this plugin and now looking to change the default set of icons because it doesn’t fit my website/design.
In your FAQ you said that you can change icons with CSS. No idea what this means. Can you help?
Also, I’d like to ask you to add an RSS subscription icon as well.
]]>While inputting my information re: social media usernames, etc., I ran into an issue with Twitter. It asks for Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Toke, Access Token Secret…what are these? Are they required? If so, where do I obtain these?