Hello , I am using the 4.4.2 version wordpress and it seems that even if I disable the Linkedin tab in the plugin menu, it does not dissapear. The other social network tabs are working fine. has someone the solution for me?
]]>Hi , I am using the latest wordpress and it seems that even if I disable the Linkedin tab in the plugin menu, it does not dissapear. The other social network tabs are working fine.Any suggestions?
]]>I really like this plugin, but how do I get ride of the small tab for “Envato” that appears at the bottom of the screen?
Every time I un-check “plugin developer” at the bottom of the facebook edit page and then hit “save settings” it re-checks the box. I don’t want the developer to appear on my webpage. Sorry!
]]>Hello, I am using wp 3.7.1 with social networks 1.3.11.
This plugin stucked with serious problem. Whenever I do its setting and activate social tabs, after that I am unable to save any settings in wp-admin either it for wordpress own settings or any other plugin settings.
On saving any other plugin/wp settings the page auto redirect to social-networks settings page: https://mysite.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=social-networks , skipping the thing I was saving.
The only way to set and save other settings, is to first deactivate ‘social networks’ plugin, save other settings and then reactivate this plugin.
I tried it on various wp installs both localhost and live domain (php 5.4.3). This is serious issue and must be fixed soon.
Also, another problem when I uncheck ‘Plugin Developer’ checkbox and save, it automatic checked again on refresh. The enabled/disabled radio buttons on youtube tab also not save state. Ofcourse there is some problem with settings/save mechanism of this plugin, which conflicting with wordpress and other plugins.
Please fix these soon.
One more question to ask: Is the plugin compatible with wp-supercache and better-wordpress-minify plugins? These are most used plugins for wp cache and speed optimization. But on using these, I am seeing the twitter, google plus and linkedin slidein tabs not working, no content and total blank. Although facebook and youtube tabs showing contents properly. Please let me know.
The plugin is very good and easy settings in admin but having these serious issues, its unlikely to be used by users, and may mark it broken. I have also posted several other issues with this in support threads, but got no answer by anyone on them.
Hope the author should consider this soon.
Thanks for consideration.
I am using social networks 1.3.11 with wp 3.7.1. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube tabs work fine and display content feed but Google Plus tab not working properly. It always display the content from ‘Sergey Brin’ post and follow button to same.
I changed the google plus page id in the setting from default to public fan page id value, but it not work.
The last part in the url
https://plus.google.com/109813896768294978296/posts/1z4qBQKtacW i.e. 1z4qBQKtacW is weird and of no use. When I set custom id, still the last part appended with this junk word. I have also confirmed this as per in the plugin code ‘front/fblb_gp_slider.php’ line 42.
I tried to remove last word from url but then google tab goes blank with no feed.
As per my knowledge, google plus activity feed now require API Key along with page id, which we can enable get from https://code.google.com/apis/console/#access . I also have one but there is no option in this plugin setting to set it.
Please remove the bug and improve its code to make googleplus feed work.
]]>I am using social networks 1.3.11 with wp 3.7.1. It is a nice plugin but when it set it displays on all pages including home page. It look awkward when it comes over the home page full width image sliders. Many sites today have the big slider responsive and full width, and its not good to hide it with social icons.
Though there could be an option in the plugin to display social tabs when browser scrolled down after the image slider area i.e. the user move to the content part. Can be implemented in plugin by giving a setting to set scrolled height upto which tabs not display/visible.
Similarly few other pages not suitable for these tabs, there must be options to select the pages/posts/other content types on which a admin want to disable its display, and to exclude its functioning.
Please try to implement it in a sooner version release. Also, let me know if some custom code for the meantime I can modify to hide it on selected pages, mainly the homepage.
Can the tabs set as such that they stuck to the browser window bottom all the time (irrespective of browser scroll), and open the tabs content vertically upwards? If not, this will also be a great feature to have bottomline social tabs, somewhat like bottom horizontal social activity toolbar.
]]>It is a nice plugin, please add screenshots, so that users will know how it looks and work.