Hello everyone,
according to Xings documentation the format to share a page via link is https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new?url=[URL_TO_BE_SHARED]
This means the current format of https://www.xing.com/app/startpage?op=home;func_share=1;tab=link;url=[URL_TO_BE_SHARED]
is not working.
Is it possible to create a minor release for that?
Kind regards
]]>How can I add Flipboard to the the share options?
Hi Support,
I am unable to understand why i the plugin is not able to upgrade into the latest version of API. It is giving me the following error message.
“Your app hasn’t made enough calls to the Graph API to show any info, or there are no changes for the methods you selected between v2.2 and v2.8.”
Please assist me
Thank You
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /home/beyondiz/tango.beyondideas.com/wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-toolkit/social_sharing_toolkit.php on line 171
Can you please help me to resolve this error
ader information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/beyondiz/tango.beyondideas.com/wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-toolkit/social_sharing_toolkit.php:171) in /home/beyondiz/tango.beyondideas.com/wp-includes/option.php on line 823
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/beyondiz/tango.beyondideas.com/wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-toolkit/social_sharing_toolkit.php:171) in /home/beyondiz/tango.beyondideas.com/wp-includes/option.php on line 824
I need to fix urgent please help
]]>Hi there,
I don’t know for some reason the like and share counter has been stopped working. It was working perfect before suddenly from last 1 month the plugin stopped counting the like and share on our blog. I tried to resolve this issue but i am unable to understand why it is doing that.
Please assist me
I came to try the plugin after reading I could use it to post to Blogger. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/feed-wordpress-content-blogspot-automatically-35081.html But, it looks like the Blogger/ Blogspot ability has been removed. That was all I wanted from it. I uninstalled the plugin and deleted my account from the site.
]]>For the life of me, I cannot figure out why my image will not display correctly when sharing to Facebook (large and filling the column above the description text versus small and to the left of the text). The image displays correctly when I copy and paste the open graph image url into a browser. What is going on? See post: https://indyhomes.com/transform-your-outdated-home-to-ensure-a-quick-sale-2/
]]>Getting this error / notice after activating the plugin:
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
]]>When I share a blog article on my web site to Pinterest using the PinIt button, the image displays on Pinterest as a thumbnail. Is there a way to change the setting so the full image displays?
We have a website and use your plugin. Since a couple of weeks we switch to SSD hosting with a CDN service and it seems your plugin picks up the CDN url instead of the “normal” site url. Is there a way to fix this?
Kind regards,
]]>How can I turn off icons for category pages? I don’t want to see them on post preview.
]]>Please add icon and option for https://hearthis.at/
]]>When I activate the plugin, all the browsers consider my site insecure(Connection is not secure). When I turn it off my ssl is good again.
Please let me know what is the issue.
]]>It seems you need to escape the quotes in the og:description meta header, or you get a bit of text “dangling” at the beginning of your page.
Edit social_sharing_toolkit.php
line 569 to read:
<meta property="og:description" content="' . esc_attr($excerpt) . '"/>';
(Generally good practice any time you’re dealing with excerpts or blocks of unpredictable text).
]]>After upgrading to latest WP, settings in SST are erased. When I reset they do not stay – just go back to nothing. No check boxes kept, no icons or counters show up on the site – nada. Hope you can fix this asap – Thanks!
I am using this plugin for share my post on socail networks. I need to use
facebook,google+,linkedin,pinterest,twiiter and instagram. But in this plugin instagram is not present currently.
So my first question is that any way to implement instagram sharing on my wordpress posts.
Second question is on twitter sharing when we click on it a share window is open and share post title not post content like facebook share and google+. So please tell me how can share post content on my twitter wall.
Third question is that what is the process to share my post on pinterest. Please describe. Your help is much appreciated.
Here is the URL:-https://dummy.toggletechnology.co.in/wordpress/
]]>There is a Javascript problem on some older version of Chrome.
In my case it does conflict with WooCommerce.
The problem is with the require.js file. I see that you are using an old version fo that file, do you have some way to use a more up to date version.
Since the Javascript is loaded from your site and hosted on your site, we can’t do much testing without rewriting big chunks of the plugin.
]]>Social sharing toolkit is on the list of not compatible (will break your site) plugins when wordpress 4.3 happens on the 18th. Any update plans?
I think I’ve left a message about this before but cannot find it.
I am using Social Sharing Toolkit along with Yoast SEO but I constantly get the message:
The Social Sharing Toolkit plugin(s) might cause issues when used in conjunction with Yoast SEO.
Both Yoast SEO and Social Sharing Toolkit create OpenGraph output, which might make Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.
Recommended solution
We recommend you deactivate Social Sharing Toolkit and have another look at your Yoast SEO configuration using the button above.
I do have issues when pasting my post URL’s into facebook – it drives me crazy! Has this issue been addressed or how can i resolve this without having to remove either plugin?
]]>I am very new at this – am an NPO and trying to link my GivenGain plug in to my WordPress Site – please help
]]>I am not a very “smart” WP user (yet); but certainly learning as I go.
Last few months, I noticed at the bottom of my website pages, there is some random text appearing (but without any buttons to click). It took me awhile to figure out which widget was causing the issue, though I’m pretty certain it’s this Social Share.
I have since deactivated the widget–not resolved. I’ve now deleted the widget entirely, but there is still this text appearing at bottom of the page (next to “Subscribe” button and above the “print” button).
Here is a screenshot of how it appears:
Can someone, anyone, please help me out?! How do I get this removed?
First of all, thank you very much on developing this plugin, it’s the only one I’ve come across so far that has pretty much every social network.
Here are my issues and questions:
1)It’s said in the description that you offer VKontacte, but I don’t see an option to have its button displayed like the rest, even though this social network is in that list that’s displayed when the user clicks the Share and then More buttons. Any way to have VKontacte’s button there like the rest?
2)Is there a way to fully align the counters and display all of them with the exact same size? If you access the page below, you’ll see that Pinterest’s counter is far smaller than the others, and also that the bottom line of Twitter’s counter is slightly lower than the bottom line of Facebook’s counter.
3)Sometimes that “Share” button that’s displayed by last doesn’t show the other social networks when passing the mouse over it, in a way that users have to click on it and get redirected to another page displaying those social networks. It seems to be happening randomly though. Any way to fix this?
Thanks. ??
]]>I came to the forum to ask a question, but realized, I still have an open question from 3 weeks ago.
That prompted me to look at the current list of questions, where I see more than 50+ unanswered threads for this plugin. Would it be safe to say development of this plugin has been abandoned and I need to look for another solution?
]]>Hi there, just a heads up to let you know that you have inadvertently left your hidden .git directory in the plugin’s own directory.
This was quite an annoying thing to have to figure out after I was committing my git repo and the presence of your own .git directory was casuing errors.
Cheers though, quite happy with the plugin in general.
]]>How to retrieve my pin counts on Pinterest? I transfer my website to a new WordPress and use the export/import. After I impport all the content and post and I lost all my pin counts. Is there any way I can get them back? Where do they save all the pin counts?
]]>I’m having an issue with this plugin throwing JS errors. I get the following in the console:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘top’ of undefined”
whenever I scroll the page up or down.
Here’s a page on the site having the issue:
Any ideas how to fix this issue?
]]>Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://mysite.com/contact-us/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ‘https://lh6.ggpht.com/lZtB1sKxWkxrZ1-kDJmQrngFUspnRVaqhPK3P_r4kbzF1yhQ0OWTyAkNkJeo1NihU_SUvRhCmy0i1ELulQ8=s10’. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
info_3:1 Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://www.linksalpha.com/social/info_3?v=2&link=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2Fcontact-us%2F&referer=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2F’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘https://ads.pro-market.net/ads/scripts/site-129767.js’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
info_3:1 Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://www.linksalpha.com/social/info_3?v=2&link=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2Fcontact-us%2F&referer=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2F’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ‘https://tags.crwdcntrl.net/c/1885/cc.js’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
info_3:24 Uncaught ReferenceError: LOTCC is not defined
How can I fix the above issues ?
When I disable this Plugin the mixed contents are gone but when enabled it’s again the same.. Help !
]]>Hey guys,
I saw that this closed topic already said that this was fixed, but there are still mixed content warnings coming from https://platform.linkedin.com/in.js?ver=4.1.1
If you change the declaration to //platform.linkedin.com/in.js?ver=4.1.1 or https://platform.linkedin.com/in.js?ver=4.1.1 in the code this should fix the problem.
If we keep getting these errors for much longer, we’ll need to seek out another plugin that supports HTTPS fully. Not a threat, just being honest with you ??
]]>When you click the Facebook share, it grabs a thumbnail from the most ‘recent’ image on the page. How can I specify which image is used every time?
]]>For example:
“Stray end tag a”
<div class=”mr_social_sharing_top”><img src=”https://www.xxx.pl/wp-content/plugins/social-sharing-toolkit/images/icons_medium/twitter.png” class=”nopin” alt=”Twitter” title=”Twitter”/><span class=”mr_medium_icon”>Twitter</span></div>target=”_blank”>
double hyperlink end tag